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Chatty Member
Definitely. Some of them are simply never going to accept it. They actually have nothing on some of the craziest real person shippers out there. I remember reading somewhere that some Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles shippers were so convinced of Louis Tomlinson's baby not being real that one stalker tweeted she was going to prove it was a doll by tipping it out of its pram. I'm not sure if they still believe it, but I remember a bunch of Sherlock/Benedict Cumberbatch fans also thought his wife/baby weren't 'real' when he first got engaged.

And then there's a small group of Sam Hueghan/Caitriona Balfe shippers, who think that they're secretly married with three secret children, despite her actually being married with one child to a guy she was engaged to before Outlander even started.

Rose/Gio shippers are barely even on board the crazy train in the grand scheme of things! 😂
Oh my gosh you’ve just reminded me of the Cumberbatch weirdos! I’ll have to find them on Tumblr when I get my laptop back if they’re still there. They were insane!
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Where was Gio this year, anyone know?

Jowita/Rose/swanky hotel with private jet??

I see the DM have been peddling the story that Hamza is heartbroken. 🤭 :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Ooh pap pics. I can't believe Jowita is allowing him to go out looking like a poo wrapped in a toilet roll (tm Elleyunsun jr.)

So it looks like there is some truth to the rumours! Good luck to them. Giovanni isn't my fave but he seems decent enough.
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VIP Member
hamza seems very shy and the whole fame thing is new to him so i can understand why he didn’t want multiple interviews after winning. he was probably quite happy to go straight home and jowita the same. there was plenty of hype after they won but it was a month ago now so of course it’s going to have died down a bit.
Normally the winners give interviews on This Morning/BBC Breakfast and the like as well as doing press interviews the week after they win but there was none of that. I don't put that down to Hamza being shy, he danced in front of millions of people every Saturday night, and I'm sure giving 'the winners' interview isn't too much of a hardship. I can't see them turning down press especially as they did an interview tonight but then again other contestants are doing interviews now as well like Will and Tyler so it's hardly now their 'winners interview' now.

I'm putting it down to it being more of a lacklustre season (the viewing figures showed that) plus maybe him not being the most outstanding finalist on the night.
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For contestants we would like to see in the future, I would like to second the suggestion for one of the main three from Line of Duty. Maybe one of the lads from the Inbetweeners too.

I reckon there will be a politician either next year or the year after too (GE dependent)- I can imagine there being a tally of “Will Liz Truss last longer in strictly than as PM?” kinda thing in some newspapers.
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VIP Member
The fact that someone would travel internationally to watch a reality tv dancer in a local theatre is rather pitiable 😟
I’m sure she mentioned that she’s going to see Rose too in her play (lucky Rose 😬) and I think last year she watched the open dress rehearsal and a couple of other nights of his tour too all in about the space of a week. She needs help!
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VIP Member
Hamza was talking to Kaye on her radio show this morning, and she asked him about him disappearing after the final. He said he went home to recharge his batteries and go off grid and have some quiet time, so it sounds like it was his choice not to do any press after the final.
He's also doing the Salsa and American Smooth Foxtrot on tour, so that's his showdance I'm guessing? His showdance jacket was on the clothes rail on the tour's stories, and this is a good opportunity for him to do his showdance without any mistakes.
Wasn’t his american smooth the one at blackpool, new york new york?
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VIP Member
Good to see Vito back. Vito and Hamza together just love them both.

I think Gio may very well keep his relationship with Jowita off his social media, just get the odd pap story of a dinner date maybe.
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Good on Nikita for doing the segment about the Ukraine. A here comes the boys with Nikita, Vito and Carlos, that might have been a successful tour.

Thought Gio in that GB news interview when Rose was first mentioned he looked a bit exasperated about being asked - understandable, both just want to move on. He just wants sell tour tickets now - although he’s doing better than I thought - looks like most are almost sold out. Poor Kai and Nadiya - unless there is a last minute surge, can’t see theirs being that successful and saying they will show unseen footage on their romance really isnt a selling point.

Have to admire Gio and his PR, he is a paid advertiser for so many products that he pops up everywhere and gets the plug in. Soon he won't need to tour just do endless plugs! I am no Gio superfan or anything like that but he seems to have captured the art of gathering a huge amount of followers and his tour shows are a sell out. Am intrigued as to how he does it so successfully.

It has taken Gio 8 years in the UK to get that amount of support and so must have that certain something to attract audiences. In comparison Kai and Nadia seem to be running before they can walk, when nobody, apart from the groupies, are interested in their few month 'love story', :sick: as for putting it in their show with footage, :eek: please 'spare' us all that schmaltz.
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Chatty Member
It isn't the same as saying that Kai definitely shouldn't have a partner.

I just think that Kai could have been more positive about AJ. She has always been positive about him since the show. Honestly, I don't think that the sun shines out of AJ's arse. Since I was a fan of their partnership, I have noticed the difference in their attutiudes to each other publicly.
But he maybe doesn’t like her? So why would he be?
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Minnie isn't a modern name and was very popular in the 1880s. It means 'of the mind, or intellect.' There are quite a few Professor Minnie ... or Dr Minnie ... around if you take a look. I like Kevin as a dancer but he was also a high flyer academically so we might well see Dr/Prof Minnie Clifton/Dooley at some stage. And why not?
I think it was more common for some of those who'd done Children in Need specials to do the main show not long after? Like Maisie and Susanna Reid.

Saying that, it does feel like they've been using the Christmas special as a bit of an audition process (seeing as they're not doing the CiN one) - I wouldn't be surprised to see Jay Blades from last year do the main show, or Alexandra and Rickie from this year (pls not Rosie Ramsey)
Am I getting confused. Was it the children in need one Helen did?

I think I’ve got it the wrong way round. Melvin and Aston who got booted off early doors they both went on to do the Christmas special didn’t they?


VIP Member
So rehearsals officially start on Monday? I wonder what’s happening tomorrow then, maybe just the pros getting together and sorting out final details etc?


VIP Member
I don't really see the point in keeping Cameron. He's too short and young for a lot of celebs, his dancing isn't great compared to other pros and he's shown little personality in any ITT segment. Is there something they see that I don't?
He’s not in either of the tours this year either, which isn’t great for building a profile