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The only excuse she can use now is that she hasn't won.

We'll see how she does with JJ, I hope she shows a different side to her personality and has the patience to work around his physical limitations.
Well she'll look like a d**k with that excuse as 8 other current pros havent won the main show either. :ROFLMAO:

Yes fingers crossed she will have to be less pushy than normal as her contestant does have a disability so we'll have to see what happens.


VIP Member
Karen & Max seems interesting, could see that one working. I guess he could be her best dancer yet?

Gorka really deserves a partner like Maisie, he's been overlooked compared to the other younger male pros. Would love if this was true.
Yeah Karen definitely deserves a contestant who has a real shot at the final after a long while.

Gorka deserves a good contestant after the benching last year and leaving early with katie the year before.

I'm putting my final couples guesses below. I'm putting it in a spoiler as some are based on my previous post about some pros/contestant following only each other.

This could be subject to change if anything leaks before saturday.

Maisie & Gorka
Caroline & Anton
Clara & Alijaz
Jacqui & Johannes
Ranvir & Giovanni
Nicola & Katya

Max & Karen
JJ & Amy
Jason & Luba
Jamie & Dianne
HRVY & Janette
Bill & Oti


VIP Member
EDIT - Just noticed that both Pasquale & Kai are tall. Interesting decision to have them as AJ and Kevin's replacements (both short). I wonder if this spells trouble for one of the other tall guys. Not so sure that Aljaž brings much to the table these days and then there's Graziano who didn't do well with Vick and is now on the bench for the 2nd time.
I would say that while Kai is more of the front runner choice for a new pro boy next year as he is British and has experience from DWTS I doubt Pasquale is. It's like you said both of them are both tall boys and the show already has fairly tall boys in Johannes, Graziano and Aljaž; there is no signs of the show getting rid of them. I think for a 2nd choice they will go with someone different either from Burn the floor or from the competition world. Just because Pasquale has been in a celeb/pro routine and the group numbers this year doesn't mean he is automatically a shoe in for an actual pro slot. Every year they always hire extra dancers for pro routines; some dancers have been doing that for a quite a number of years and have never been given a pro slot. I think Pasquale would have been handy to hire this year as an extra dancer as he is in the UK and he has already done it before. By this time next year for the 2021 series of strictly with covid (hopefully) died down then the options for other dancers will be far more wide open. Who knows maybe they might hire Pasquale or not.

The next countdown:

The pro's and celebs will probably be a bit quieter on social media as everyone is getting partnered up this week.


Chatty Member
I can tell you when I saw the tour when Alexander was in I was in an area and the people booed her. She was also at the bottom on the score board plus she didn't lift up the trophy on tour from what was said. I don't like Alexander way fussy for me.
I know in Blackpool with a rumour said that Gemma had a little fight with Gorka over something but thats just a paper rumour. Gorka didn't see Gemma go on dates till after the show ended. Their were getting to know eachother. Of Alexander thinks that Gorka didn't pull his weight cause he was thinking of Gemma then thats bs. Gorka worled so hard and you can see he was having problems with her. Just cause she won x factor she thought she can win SCD. Plus the reason Gorka didn't dance last year is he was a new dad and wanted to spend enough time with his new family. Gorka said he just do pro dancing and he didn't want step in for Neil who by the way asked for Kevin as Neil knew Gorka wanted to spend time at home. Plus it's not the first time pros have stepped in for other pros Brandon stepped in twice one year with in weeks of one pro hurting himself and anotjer one coming down ill. Kevin was asked. He actually didn't want to as.he would at stick but their needed someone for Alex. Who was mich better with Kevin than Neil.
Soz rant over.

Chilli pepper 19

VIP Member
There's been a couple of articles in the papers. One saying her texted her after the cin special and another saying they had amazing chemistry when they met. I'm probably being harsh and it's the paper's stirring things up but they're already pissing me off and the show hasn't started.

Any more gossip on partners?


VIP Member
It's a wait and see because in his case his symptoms could get worse and he could have infected other contestants and crew.

On the positive side because he is young and because the news just broke today that he tested positive and he more than likely got the news on Monday which means there's enough time for him to isolate.

Too bad for the female pro that was due to get him in case he has to pull out.


VIP Member
I think some of the Digital spy lot have short term memories when it comes to the actual facts. :sneaky:

He also may be like a Kelvin, good looking to get the ladies at home swooning and if he can get those hips moving then he's on to a sure thing but that can also be trouble because I don't think people would want a clone of last years winner winning it again. At least when Jay, Ore and Joe won it one after the other they were all different from each other.
Most of the Strictly lot on Digital Spy are crazy. Thank goodness I no longer have an account there.

Harry Judd & Louis Smith won back to back and they were kinda similar. At the moment, I see Max as the most likely winner. I just think that Maisie & HRVY won't get the votes. Jury out on Jamie & Jason, they could go either way.

Maybe if Caroline is good, she could win? It would be interesting to see someone older win for a change. Difficult to predict except that I'm very confident that Jacqui Smith is 1st out and I see JJ Chalmers & Ranvir Singh as the 2nd and 3rd out in whatever order.


Chatty Member
Essentially somebody who’s got very extensive dance background. Despite the “but it’s not ballroom experience” chat anybody with dance experience will 9/10 be levels above a novice. This is why Ashley Roberts got so much stick in 2018 because she had so much more dance knowledge and experience than Stacey.
Ashley was a professional dancer, so I think that’s why she got more stick than the usual ringers. Like even compared to that year like Faye had a lot of dance knowledge but didn’t get as much stick as Ashley.
Did very much enjoy both of them though, especially Ashley but definitely not going to win, more for entertainment purposes.


Chatty Member
Probably a mutual decision between Nadiya & the BBC - she probably didn't want to be away from her family for the full duration of the season and the BBC were short of tall celebs and I doubt that Nadiya was front of the queue to get a partner as she was kinda anonymous despite getting a celeb each of the past 3 series she's done.

Neil has denied that story and it's probably fake but there is something off with them as a couple. Really odd stuff - no idea why a pro on a show like Strictly would allow those sorts of pics on social media. That combined with his dreadful behaviour on his old IG account makes me glad that he's been benched and hopefully it will lead to him not being back at all for 2021 - I have no time for people like that.

Another one who I think may be benched is Amy - there was an Insta story from Karim of him and Amy having a face time chat and it looked like she was wearing a cast. Hope she's OK but if she's picked up an injury, maybe a good idea for her to sit this one out?:

If any of the younger dancers get pushed to the side for Anton, I'll not be happy. Even in the usual 15 celeb series, I still feel that he's wasting a spot that could go to a young, fresh, up and coming pro. There are no doubt some out there and by keeping certain pros on past their sell by date, I can't help but wonder what we're missing out on with new pros who got rejected so that the likes of Anton can stay for the umpteenth time and do his usual schtick. At least Pasha & Kevin both had the dignity to realise that their time was up and left with a bit of class.
It does annoy me that Anton gets picked over the younger dancers but I do understand why, with him being popular with the old nans, he’s never gonna not be given a partner.


VIP Member
Thankfully the BBC will have prepared for a situation like this. By the sounds of it, they seem to have a very COVID secure show this year, they've taken plenty of precautions so I wouldn't worry.

Ultimately they had to continue the show with some adjustments - otherwise there would be little for the BBC to show during fall and lots of people would be missing out financially (the pros in particular really need the paycheck this year after many cancelled tours).


VIP Member
Gorka’s choreo for Alexandra was fantastic. I wonder if her complaint about him (aside from Gemma) was that she was unhappy to have a newer pro who had only ever competed in one series before for a total of 3 weeks.

I bet that she thought she would have won with a high profile, experienced pro like Pasha or Kevin and was angry that the show gave her a newbie who was yet to develop a fanbase.
She was never going to win no matter who she had as a pro partner. The fact that she had experience and also the fact that the press were out to get her from day one ruined her chances from the very start sadly.


VIP Member
I actually loved Alexandra and Gorka. His choreo was great and she's the only ringer I've ever routed for. The only disappointing routine was their samba.