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I have second hand embarrassment over the fact she thinks that the housing association/council saw her tiktoks and have given her temp accommodation😭😭😭 pull the other one please Charlie.

I used to work for a Local Authority, I know for a fact that that is not how these things work😭😭😭 you've got 80k followers as well it's hardly like she's some bigshot who's online career is flourishing loool
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And this is why people who are genuinely going through DV don’t speak up cos ya got skanks like this that make a fucking joke out of it! What an absolute joke!
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I’m actually so concerned for her child, why is she disclosing all this information about him like ?? Why the fuck would you share about your toddler having boners on a discord or for that matter, with anyone???? I can’t even believe what I’ve read, social seriously need to investigate her because as a mother myself this is off the chain weird.
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Lol I have a mother that neglected me and I deffo remember what I went through at 5 which then manifested into borderline personality disorder in my early 20's
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Since she loves running her mouth about other people's business, Sam is literally going through a bereavement and she's hosting parties every week with people she just met. It would throw a grieving person over the edge.

There was a genuine reason as to why ss wanted to do a s47 assessment in the first place.
She’s outed you as chatting total shit btw.
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Googling a hotel a person is staying boarders on stalking for sure, like snark in her videos, personality etc but going out your way to Google where she’s staying if weird why is it consuming your life so much you need to Google where she’s staying 😬😬 that’s very much stalker behaviour and why people fucking hate tattle
Mate she put the information out, if you was so worried about DV or your abuser knowing where you are you wouldn’t post it
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Not her making a video about this tattle thread a few days ago and she has an account herself 😭😭 the fact she’s talking to children speaks volumes 🤮
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The more that comes out about her, the more sinister it’s becoming.
I gotta say, I find it peady that she’s sexualises clowns and kids cartoon characters for OF
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She has done things wrong over the years but I think jasper is a well loved and well looked after little boy
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Crazy how she had to quickly pack a bag at 1am because she was being "evicted" and managed the essentials like make up, jewellery and her fancy clothing but couldn't get the real essentials like her period products or some of jasper's toys or his school uniform 🤔. Genuinely wonder if she gets a place and financial help to sort it what it'll go on
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Silent reader, I did feel for her at first but after coming here ( thanks for telling everyone you have a thread ) and seeing everything I’ve seen a whole different side of it all. And what really got my back up is that she is slating the accommodation she has been given. Fucking joke tbh, she should be grateful that she’s got anything seeing as they may see the situation as “intentionally homeless” as she wasn’t on the tenancy etc.. I’m at risk of my landlord selling my house, we’ve had an agent come and value it and we’re in limbo until we receive a section 21. I have 2 children under 5 and the council will not re band me until we have been evicted. So she really should count herself lucky. There is people a lot worse off, ( not myself we’re lucky atm ) she needs to learn how to make the best out of the situation and also get that boy to school, he needs it! Now more than ever
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Maybe it’s just me, but I cannot imagine going out & getting pissed up whilst my Son & I didn’t have anywhere to live. The stress would consume me and I would be more worried about being there for my child instead of palming him off on someone so you can go out on the piss.

Just me?
I lost my job in March, I'd worked there for nearly 7 years. It was very sudden and I went into full panic mode. I have a 4 year old and a part mortgage, my entire life was at risk. I couldn't sleep with worry let alone go out on the drink or even think about leaving my child. I was so lucky and got another job within 2 weeks, because I put my heart and soul into making sure our stability was safe. How she happily dumped her child and went out drinking in the midst of all this is truly beyond me!! I was being sick, couldn't eat, and I genuinely have no family back up as they all work full time too/no space for us there. How is she even a real person at this point?
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Shuffled here after seeing her tattle rant lol…
Sounds like her and the kid have had a shit deal and the ex sounds so abusive. However the kid is the priority and how much longer will it be ok for him to be exposed to a chaotic and unstable lifestyle.
Also she received money from followers in the hotel, every toiletry she bought herself was branded and then they went out for lunch despite their food being paid for at the hotel and the police paid out of their wages (allegedly). Can’t come at her for buying the child a onesie and toys tho obviously, he certainly deserves that.
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Sorry but I definitely reckon she's out this weekend. Jasper at her sisters, fuck load of cash from her snivelling followers? Yeah asif she's gonna sit in that bedsit on her own all weekend. Well done lads you've funded a bender!
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Right I'm off to bed night night my little tattlers ❤💋
And discord can suck my ass
Right I'm off to bed night night my little tattlers ❤💋
And discord can suck my ass
Ophelia or what ever your name is, take this as a lesson to be wary of where you post your photos, I won't use it again on tattle but also screw you for being a whiney hoe because you're a young adult when we're almost exactly the same age.
What you post on the Internet / discord can be seen for a long time and it's not nice when people you don't know get to see it. Now do you understand why I object to jasper's personal and private issues being shared there.
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I'm so shocked reading this... I used to be mutuals with her back when I had a reasonable sized tiktok account. I am the same age a single mam and have a 6 year old son. I've also ways liked her and almost admired her at points. But oh my God... How Dare she share things so graphic and personal about her child on discord to HUNDREDS of strangers. It's at best hugely inappropriate and without a doubt not a safe thing to do. I have no sympathy now. She plays the victim every single time in every single situation. Your job as a mother is to Protect your child not endanger them by showing where you're "hiding" online, not blasting your whole life and subsequently their life and trauma to 100,000s of strangers on tiktok and definitely not by making no effort to protect them from social media at all. She is vile.
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I’m a little bit pissed that she’s cried DV when it suits her and has now taken it back because she doesn’t need the excuse anymore. I’m saying this as someone who has experienced DV, and I’d never ever go back or be anywhere near him. I’m still absolutely terrified of him finding me online/running into him in person and I managed to get away over 6 years ago.
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