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Maybe it’s just me, but I cannot imagine going out & getting pissed up whilst my Son & I didn’t have anywhere to live. The stress would consume me and I would be more worried about being there for my child instead of palming him off on someone so you can go out on the piss.

Just me?
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New thread title idea

Strawberry Hayes / Charlie Hayes #2 Her Pronouns are Paypal/Scrounger
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There is no excuse for throwing your child out of the house at 1am. I don't care what his grief is with Charlie, he has raised that boy and Jasper calls him dad, and he has kicked him out of his home with no certainty of what is happening next. He's not going to be able to go to school, his mum is not going to be able to work.

Hate Charlie all you want, but no-one should be supporting what Sam has done to an innocent 6-year-old.
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No one mentioned sending services to the spoonie. There is no need to have a stress induced seizure out of fear of missing out on a kebab.
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Why is it posting your entire life on tiktok and discord makes you super cool (and apparently means you have a lot of sex) but posting on tattle makes you a middle aged sexless woman with no life? Don’t they see the irony? Like I’m not saying I’m some super cool bird but I literally post on this site when I’m bored at work. It’s not my life. But a lot of these TikTok famous people literally can’t go a day without posting their lives for all to see it seems.
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Not safe for her to live at Sam’s but perfectly ok to go round for bubble baths, cups of tea, has the spare key so she can sit there today and wait for post, turn up whenever she wants to collect her items etc 🤡 didn’t she need police escort to get her stuff a few days ago?

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No charlie. We're not making out he batters you. YOU labelled your self as "fleeing DV". You don't get to pick and chose when it's safe to play house! Most women don't go back to their verbal/physical/mental/financial abusers house for a bubble bath!! At this point we all know that you've split up with him but you're an idiot who left yourself nothing to fall back on with your 6 year old son, so now making it the council's problem and leeching money for your nights out.
By the way, I'm sure Jasper would have loved a cuppa, a bubble bath and a stable home but all I'm hearing is ME ME ME ME
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yes I feel for her but this has happened so many times now, like at least 3 times shes said this same story then shes back there...
Shockingly that’s how dv is the average person will return 7 times before actually leaving. It’s a situation that unless you’ve lived it you really can’t understand. This take aggravates me so much. They got back together last time because he got sober as he promised to and he relapsed she has said all this, she seems incredibly empathetic so probably excused a lot due to his problems with alcoholism. She also has stated she had a rocky start she’s truly navigating being a parent, partner and young adult all alone with 0 guidance🙄
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I do understand but I also understand that is not anyone else’s information to share to the fucking internet, how are you not realising that Casper or whatever the fuck he’s called is just as bad no actually fucking worse because he’s shared these about a child he doesn’t have any fucking rights to. You are all fucking vile.
Would you bring the same energy if it was a father commenting publically on his daughter’s genitalia? His daughter’s toilet issues? A father saying he lets his daughter play with his private parts?

Would your response be the same?
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Well, if housing saw her TT and that is getting her moved - when other people don’t have a platform as big - then that is fucking disgusting.
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Two things -

1- ‘Sam literally kicked the door down’ was actually just a broken panel in a rotten old door. Whether he kicked it or not is to be seen, but he hardly kicked the door down.

2- ‘People are trolling me on tattle for breastfeeding my kid, middle aged women are the WORST.’
was actually ‘I talk about kid really inappropriately for shock value and now it’s been screenshotted (because, internet) and people (whose age, gender and sex lives i know nothing about) are rightfully raising concerns because broadcasting my kids genitalia issues and toilet problems to complete strangers as a ‘joke’ (?) is all kinds of fucked up so I’m hoping if I get in there first with my poor me narrative people will see me as my favourite cosplay, the victim.’
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I hate to say it but reading those screenshots then looking at the stuff she sent Sam… she is coming across as the abuser
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She thinks she’s not what poor looks like because she wears whacky clothes. But she’s definitely what poor behaves like. Begging for money off strangers and then spending it on alcohol is exactly what the homeless people do in my town centre
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Honestly thankyou for stating this! I was in a DV relationship with my sons dad and it took me 4 times before i was ready to leave ❤
I know this is not a rave thread, but the misinformation surrounding dv relationships from people who have not experienced them grinds me, also the victim blaming as if it is now her fault her ex is abusing her is a crazy take
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I feel like she’s proper mentally unwell like, how can you get kicked out and be in such a vulnerable state and the first thought is to share it on tiktok, and then on top of that do a “hey guys here’s a day in the life :):)” sorta video of her going around town when she’s literally homeless?? And then do a posey video in the laundrette like do her followers not see how CRAZY that is?? There’s more important things to do, surely you wouldn’t be thinking to even post rn and focus on your traumatised kid and getting your life sorted like, it’s so black mirror vibes just putting tiktok first in such a horrible situation
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this is really disturbing so please don’t look if you are easily triggered. I felt physically sick after reading this all and seeing what she is posting online onto a group with hundreds of members. 100 of them being under 18. Sharing intimate details about her child’s life to strangers. This is fucked up. There’s more but I had to get off it.
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yes I feel for her but this has happened so many times now, like at least 3 times shes said this same story then shes back there...
Unless you are prepared to walk away with absolutely nothing and cut every single tie including friends and family - no one will ever understand how hard it is.

It took me 15 years. I was R'd, beaten, branded infront of my kids too. I had no support, I'd been cut off from everyone I knew and loved by his abhorrent behaviour. I had nowhere to go. He has so many affairs over the years and still I couldn't escape until one day he decided that he wanted to move his new girl friend in and threw us out in just the clothes we stood in. To this day I still think I would have been there if this hadn't happened. I had lost myself, my dignity and my identity.

Please don't think that because someone goes back it's because they want it. A lot of the time it's because that's all they know.

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I found it interesting that she said she reads here - there’s literally five pages (now six) … about her.
Over three years? Not a lot really. Her then directing people here explicitly just as a drama begins - I think that explains her character well.

From an actual grown up perspective - she clearly has been traumatised as a child by one, or both of her parents - and now avoids boredom at all costs (and safety) for a constant stream of drama - it makes her feel alive, needed, wanted, adored. She dresses the way she does (which I do love, very Vivienne Westwood inspired) simply for the shock factor = attention.

I don’t follow her, but she pops up occasionally, in the time Iv seen her there’s been school mums judging her, TikTok creator drama, loud trans debates that don’t involve her, politics, two or three violent attacks on her (for no reason!) and two breakups. As mentioned, I don’t even follow her and Iv seen all this.

Imagine being in a relationship with someone like that, phone constantly attached to them, every stray thought plastered on the internet for thousands to watch and dissect?

Then imagine having a mother like that, dramas that dont just spill out online, they will spill into the ‘everyday’ too. She films herself crying her eyes out devastated, then will post herself drunk at a party a few hours later… she’s loudly cussing someone out or being cancelled and then she’s cooking dinner. When Iv looked at her page there is often posts throughout the day. These have all been edited, picked and posted - if she’s working too, her free time is that - TikTok. How exhausting!

Jasper will look forward to her playing ‘good mum’ for the camera as no doubt it’s the only time he feels she actually ‘sees’ him. But kids aren’t stupid, and he is clearly quite switched on. He will see it’s an act, as five minutes later she’s back on her phone , editing, filming, desperately reading comments. But those five glorious minutes of her interacting with him will be worth it for attention from mummy. Neglected children crave love, and will accept it in any form. Neglected adults are much the same.

In his birthday video it was someone else filming him opening his presents whilst she lay despondent on the sofa. I found that a very telling glimpse into jaspers life.

Social services are well aware of malicious callers, my sister has had them herself - however - like Charlie, my sister inserts herself into drama, has terrible mood swings from elated to deep desperation too, and her kids have front row seats to it all. My sister is well in her thirties but acts like an immature 18 year old, often friends with people much younger than her as they are the only ones who ‘get’ her, aka the only ones who thrive on ‘tea’ ‘cancelling’ bitchiness and gossip 24/7.

Charlie may keep him clean and fed, as far as we know, but like my sister - social services aren’t just looking for starving dirty kids. You can neglect a child’s emotional well-being by staying with a partner who is volatile, by encouraging people to find and attack you at your home (your child’s place of safety) by plastering ‘the drama’ all over the Internet and with addiction (phones, social media etc are addictive, it’s not just drugs!)

By telling TikTok all of her dramas and struggles, Jasper hears them too - if she has no one looking after him (or quite possibly, ANYONE looking after him - also a huge red flag for safeguarding)
She doesn’t seem to take this into account, let’s not forget when editing a TikTok - which she does daily, sometimes hourly updates! She is listening and rewatching those videos over and over and over…. Kids listen, many adults forget that.

anyway, the long and short of it is, Charlie is entirely responsible for her situation, yea, that includes gettin kicked out her home with a child in tow. You might not want to hear that, if you have been a victim of DV or whatever else - but red flags are there, choices are there and by staying - you have to take some responsibility to what happens to you.

And YOUR kid.

Sam might have physically booted them out, which is harsh, although let’s not forget we don’t know his side now do we?
but Charlie is the one who has made her kid homeless, by not providing a safe home for him.

If she wanted to set herself up securely, she’s clearly had the funds and opportunities to do so, but she has chosen not to, and like all drama loving narcissistic trauma loving ‘victims is now homeless, and soon will be jobless too.
But hey, at least she’ll have lots of people cooing and offering her help …. Aka, lots more views, lots more attention.

I hope this shocks her into realising that being a mother is more than just having a baby, being an adult is more than just turning 18+ and being responsible unfortunately, feels boring and is hard - a lot of the time.
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Yeah… I believe that as much as I believe Charlie is a good mum and Kia can’t digest a kebab 😂
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The thing is as well, if anyone dared to comment anything like you've just been made homeless why are you out, she's do a shit rambling video using her big words about "the preconceived idea of poverty and homelessness meaning i cant have fun", or something along those lines. She thinks she's so clever. Literally a master manipulator
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It's Friday tomorrow so good luck at the council love,will be waiting to see what happens next. I'm sitting in my council flat that took me 8 years to get,while I had to be in temporary accommodation in different parts of the country ,my kids being at 4 different schools,I have no family no baby father that helps,just me on my own with 2 kids but they still went to school. I had to throw loads of my stuff away when we moved from 1 part England to the next because I couldn't afford a removal van,getting on trains for 2 hours to our next accommodation with 2 suitcases full with my kids stuff but I only had the clothes on my back. I took a council flat 1 hour away from my original hometown because it was that or nothing,we've only been here a few months but we are making it our home and restarting our life again.
From the age of 21 to now I'm 29 I never had a stable home,just thought I will let you know what life is like waiting for social housing in the South East.
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