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I've been off the thread for a couple of days but ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?! She's crying on tiktok about DV and being a victim and homeless and what two days ago said on tiktok "the council suggest I move back in but social said no" and not even 48 hours later she's seeing him for tea, bubble baths and a quick shag?
She makes a mockery of dv, homelessness and being a single mother.
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Surely her discord fans can see her true colours starting to appear, I get they’re young but surely the fact she left Jasper at her sisters and went out on the piss THEN went a chilled round Sams for a cuppa opens your eyes a little bit 😂
says new member, nice try Charlie womp womp womp
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Wow shocking to read this,I have a son and the stuff she's saying is concerning especially for a boy his age,generally concernin especially as she let's random people around her son all the time who she's just met
Come to think of it,I've never seen her do anything kid related it's always get ready in a strange outfit to go meet my friends,could of took public transport like normal people to get him to school I'm sure people donated enough money
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Anyone can find this, her discord is her place to share things about her son this is outright vile that’s why.
Anyone can find her discord, are you serious?! She has no right to share intimate details about her son with strangers on the internet.
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just caught up with the Charlie discord, fyi none of us know eachother and no one can tell us off we’re grown adults - so I’ll do what I like cheers 🤪
Leader 😭 please that discord is quite literally a human centipede with Charlie at the front.
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LOOOOOOOL charlie bet you wish you had kept your big mouth shut now girlypop ! Never seen someone fuck it for themselves this much, and I'm on the eden harvz thread (like you mon35!) 🤣🤣
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The fact she has the opportunity to save some money by the nature of having breakfast free/included and she misses it why? She has no work or excuses to miss it - And pisses money down the drain on crap, unbelievably sooo immature, this girl will never learn.
The fact she has her PayPal up for people to send her money but she can't be bothered getting up for free food...another good parenting choice 👏
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I feel like she’s proper mentally unwell like, how can you get kicked out and be in such a vulnerable state and the first thought is to share it on tiktok, and then on top of that do a “hey guys here’s a day in the life :):)” sorta video of her going around town when she’s literally homeless?? And then do a posey video in the laundrette like do her followers not see how CRAZY that is?? There’s more important things to do, surely you wouldn’t be thinking to even post rn and focus on your traumatised kid and getting your life sorted like
I thought that too!! “Day 2 of being homeless with my son” what… this isn’t a playlist event mate…
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It’s not stalking. She put on her video what town she is staying in.

The hotel chain is one of the top 3 in the UK - anyone who has ever stayed in that chain (like me) would recognise it as I did? For example, if someone showed you a hotel room with purple bedding and decor you’d recognise that as Premier Inn (it’s not premier inn just an example).

I haven’t gone looking into her location she’s literally broadcasted it and yes it’s a safety issue but if I can recognise it then most people can?
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Those discord posts really cross a line. Share what you want about yourself but sharing really intimate stuff about your child and just casually throwing that in around talking about sexual stuff is just unbelievably grim. I went onto tiktok earlier and she was on live talking about the situation with her son sleeping in the same room. There's just no concept of boundaries at all.
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She's live on tiktok and yapping away again
Last week “I have no family to help me at all, I’m so alone, PayPal in bio” today: “jasper is with my sister for the weekend because I’m in a bedsit and haven’t been gifted my 80 bed home yet”
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She says she makes money from TT, she’s been getting donations, she makes money from OF, she got a care leaver grant & she works… she is in a more financially privileged position than alot of people full stop! The council will take through it all anyway, she’s delusional if she thinks she’s just entitled to a council house in the area of her choosing almost immediately lol. I think some of us here have been through similar situations and wouldn’t be shitting money on McDonald’s and fannying around when you literally need to find a home…!?
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So last week when she had free meals, she was out eating McDonald’s Costa etc and then this week she’s moaning that she has no cooking facilities make it make sense🫣
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She’s now wiped the whole discord chat. Scared of more stuff coming out, Charlie?

The thing is, toileting issues, that’s not even Charlie’s right to share on the internet with strangers?
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The fact she’s complaining that there’s no storage, be grateful you have a roof over your head you entitled bitch
Jasper getting exciting saying it’s a house? Then she HAD to correct him going “it’s actually a flat mate” says it all…let your child be excited that they have a home no need to correct him!
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