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sam will 100% be moving in, probably was a ploy to get a council house

What a waste of £1800 for the hotel that was and police escort

She shouldn’t have falsely told social services she had to leave due to DV. They won’t allow Jasper to live in the same house as him. Imagine proudly not giving a fuck about your child.
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You couldn't waterboard the stuff she's said about her son out of me if it came to my own child. Disgusting. I've always felt that at least she's a good mum if also a bit of a drama queen. Good mums would use that donated money to get their kid to school.
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Those 34 pages were an absolute wild ride, I’ve read so many discord screenshots the last 10 pages I have substantial brain rot. Someone send that ambulance my way instead 💀

There’s something so funny about someone having a dead thread that was initially nice comments to complaining about it online and it immediately exposing horrible shit about you:ROFLMAO:
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I do understand but I also understand that is not anyone else’s information to share to the fucking internet, how are you not realising that Casper or whatever the fuck he’s called is just as bad no actually fucking worse because he’s shared these about a child he doesn’t have any fucking rights to. You are all fucking vile.


Tbh you have strong opinions with child exploitation on other threads that I agree with but you constantly disagree with anyone’s opinion here about Jasper. Charlie is no different to these other ‘influencers’, I’d actually say it’s worse because it’s not normal talking about your child like that to people you don’t know. Just an fyi, not a stalker, I just clicked your profile because I recognised your comments from Shannon’s thread 👀
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She’s now wiped the whole discord chat. Scared of more stuff coming out, Charlie?
Honestly don’t come for Tattle because we always have the receipts. Should’ve just stuck to her silly little outfits. Not pimping herself and her kid out online
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She’s made a video saying ‘it makes me so sad because he’s jaspers dad and he’s done this’ girl he’s not jasper’s dad, he’s your ex
23 fucking tiktoks since she announced she was “kicked out” (it was his house) - girl get on fkin Rightmove and Zoopla 😭
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She didn’t want him drunk in his own home so locked him out, whilst she was staying in there rent free - she was also drunk. He called the police and was advised to try get into his property so attempted to kick the door down. Police arrived and said one of them had to go and as she’s legally not a tenant there she was removed. They paid for her hotel as it was the middle of the night and she had Jasper with her. It was only after that, when her minions were commenting on her video, that she claimed DV. She claimed he was emotionally abusive, but she wasn’t bothered enough to get her and Jasper out of there at any point due to this. She didn’t choose to leave and safeguard her child, she was removed from the house because she has no legal right to be there. If DV is the case, why is she still texting Sam repeatedly and goading him? She has no ties to him, other than her stuff in his property, which she has had an opportunity to get.
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What is she going on about? I feel like I’ve missed something but who’s said anything about sending services to Princess Fiona? Or is she just pissed she ain’t getting a kebab 😭
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I've been active in other threads on here but never thought to look for one for Charlie as I actually liked her from the few videos I saw. She's really shot herself in the foot by telling people about this thread because wow, my eyes have been truly opened!
I think she knows this as well, and the quietness is an attempt of getting people to worry/gain sympathy, she will be back soon with a sob story about her accommodation.

I was never an active follower and had never seen her post her son, I had no idea how much she was exploiting him and sharing inappropriate things about him online. That poor boy.
Same I’m active member but on here but when she mentioned tattle I ran here so fast my apps had an asthma attack. I knew her son had long hair from one video but we have children the same age. Never have I spoke about my son’s penis on social media nor would i. I breastfed all my children & it makes me cringe when she said “sucking tit” like Charlie you are sexualising the most normal thing in the world. I feel bad for jasper having his life turn upside down but that boy needs help from her. No normal mum would discuss there child’s privacy on any public platform unless that’s just me. I’m very private with my children like I wouldn’t use there photos on public domain cause you don’t know who has bad intentions. As a mother i can not fathom what she wrote on discord.

Sorry if that makes no sense I’ve just come off an 12 hour night shift.
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Does she not realise talking about her child’s genitals on a discord server is disgusting? Like before that I felt bad for her situation but after seeing all those messages I feel disgusted. Her poor son.
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Chatty Member
I do understand but I also understand that is not anyone else’s information to share to the fucking internet, how are you not realising that Casper or whatever the fuck he’s called is just as bad no actually fucking worse because he’s shared these about a child he doesn’t have any fucking rights to. You are all fucking vile.
Charlie shouldn't have any rights to him she's the one who's posted it originally. Fuck sake if your own mother won't protect you what hope have you got eh
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I do understand but I also understand that is not anyone else’s information to share to the fucking internet, how are you not realising that Casper or whatever the fuck he’s called is just as bad no actually fucking worse because he’s shared these about a child he doesn’t have any fucking rights to. You are all fucking vile.
No, you don’t, clearly. SHE HAS SHARED THAT INFORMATION AND IT IS ALREADY ON THE INTERNET!! FOREVER!! I found her discord in 2 clicks. Google strawberryhayes, her OnlyFans comes up and then a news article with her and her son’s location (exact town and city) and him in his school uniform. A predatory nonce could find the kid in no time at all. Took me all of 5 mins to find that. You are the vile one defending her
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Shockingly that’s how dv is the average person will return 7 times before actually leaving. It’s a situation that unless you’ve lived it you really can’t understand. This take aggravates me so much. They got back together last time because he got sober as he promised to and he relapsed she has said all this, she seems incredibly empathetic so probably excused a lot due to his problems with alcoholism. She also has stated she had a rocky start she’s truly navigating being a parent, partner and young adult all alone with 0 guidance🙄
Honestly thankyou for stating this! I was in a DV relationship with my sons dad and it took me 4 times before i was ready to leave ❤
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I don’t think she’s smashing stereotypes just because she has an eccentric dress sense.

Quite the opposite, she’s a care-leaver who leads a chaotic, unstable lifestyle, despite having a child, she goes around antagonising people and is into sex work 🤷🏻‍♀️
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the local social services have been emailed with appropriate and relevant evidence of a child that is being exposed and exploited.
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Her excuse will be she hasn’t got Jasper because she can’t bathe or feed him. But she literally can. Maybe not in the ways she used to but there is no reason she can’t.

She might not want to take the advice given here but it’s good advice in regards to providing Jasper with hot meals. What is she going to do on Monday when the council say like it or lump it? Leave him at her sisters? While she has a social worker? She’s basically saying she can’t provide him the basic care he needs if she does that.

This would of been the perfect opportunity to make it a ‘little adventure’ gone and got some cosy bedding, some fairy lights, loads of snacks that don’t require cooking or refrigeration, made a little den with blankets and had a little movie night. You have to make the best of a bad situation.
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