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I can't quite decide if the fact the woman can't even run a bath without fucking up is genuinely tragic or quite endering.
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Was she? Spill the tea!

As for H, I wish he would shut up that he’s gay. We know, we all knew back in the 90s. It’s not a big deal. What’s he going to do if one of his sons is straight??
I wish I had more tea to spill🤣 all she told me was that she was quite a bitch and that she thought she was better than everyone else, one of *those* girls.

I also went to the same school (many years later) and my music teacher would always bang on about her and how he taught her/gave her vocal lessons and he had a little Clare Steps doll on his desk too🥴
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I get that, I’m similar. I’ve lost count of how many times I went to see Steps as a kid.
They kinda ruined themselves for me when Lee, Faye and H were rude to my sisters and I. Well Faye ignored us completely but the boys were nothing like their stage persona. They do say Don’t meet your heros! I was really disappointed.
I have saw them twice as an adult, once at their reunion tour and the party on the dance floor tour. I don’t remember their reunion tour much except that if they were singing live H was having an off night. Their party in the dance floor tour was nostalgic but nostalgia will only get you so far, Steps were always known for their bright costumes and dance routines and I know they aren’t 22 anymore and certain songs embarrass them like 5678 but sometimes I got the impression in that tour they didn’t want to be there. I have saw a lot of footage from this tour and I haven’t been impressed, the costumes are bizarre, the staging is so so basic and in some songs they look so uncomfortable. Is their families travelling with them? Perhaps that’s why they don’t look so unhappy If they aren’t. I think Faye not being there isn’t helping.
I've never met them, by the sounds of it that isn't a bad thing, I've always had that nervousness of meeting anyone an having your illusion of them completly destroyed, I know not everyone is who they are in your own head but I've heard so many horror story's of certain celebs so I try not to go out my way to meet anyone although I know they all aren't like that

I kindi do like they have kept the matching outfit/colour as it was always their thing but I do think they could certainly design them better, I've seen some an it does them no justice, they know its a much more maturer audience they have now since we have grown up so they could keep the colour thing they have an design them better

Does anyone else feel sorry for Lisa's daughter? She's been named Star-Lilly. Poor wee girl
Some celebs need to have their kids named for them, so many stupid names out there, poor kids
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I thought so too! I live "up the road" from H, and as a massive Steps fan, I have managed to avoid meeting him so far - my worry being he'd be really nasty!

What I loved about the doc was that Lisa genuinely is not best vocally but could tell she was the fight and driving force! I changed my opinion of her then.

Faye and Lee seem so lovely. Claire just makes me laugh whinging about dancing all the time. Seems a tad smug but her vocals are still fire.

I remember watching it and sure they said they'd not spoken in years yet they'd all been to Faye's wedding I think or Claire's? It made me think was it all bullshit to give them a bit of "cool factor"?
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H and Lisa really took the ‘queen of huns’ joke a ran with it huh? Lee also looks a bit pissed off with H constantly referring to him as a DILF.
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They were one of Pete Waterman’s creations, yes he of the early Pop Idol show fame at the turn of the century. He was the first harsh but fair judge in the line up before being replaced in that niche by that Simon Fuller lackey / wannabe Simon Cowell.

I think Steps got the songs Waterman’s other act, Kylie Minogue, passed on.

Also, like all the other pop group acts of the nineties, they walked away with very little while Waterman and other executives made millions.
Simon Cowell was actually Mr Nice originally on those shows.

Pete was Mr Nasty.

Then Pete left and Simon adopted that character.

Lisa and Geri are shining examples of how little talent, average talent and a hell of a lot of ambition can get you a long way.

They're both batshit mental.
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I read elsewhere that one of the highlights of the show they did last night was Lisa attempting to do Faye's part in Neon Blue, just giving up and shouting "SING IT LEEDS!!!"
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He also took absolutely no responsibility in the documentary and everything was directed at Claire.
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Not me crushing on H as a kid not realising he’d be more interested in my dad than me hahahah!
Me crushing on Lee is the same thing.

I might be prepared to let him do anything to me, but first of all he would need to start swinging H's way.

I always fancy the straight guys, it's shit. 😂😂
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I'm just watching The Reunion show for the first time. It's good tv, they're all real characters. I'm glad Faye is so nice, she was my favourite back in the day - with her hippie blonde hair, I thought she was so gorgeous.

Clare and H were cheeky fuckers to pretend that they couldn't remember whether their split from Steps was pre-planned, when the others were saying they'd spoken to people who had already written songs for them.

I'm not sure what to make of Clare: in the first episode I thought she was hilariously grumpy and bitchy. Later on, when she talked about how the other girls always went out partying without her, I felt a bit sorry for her. She's obviously just made of very different stuff from the others. Like she's a great singer, but the life of pop star wasn't for her. She seems easily tired and overwhelmed and needs a lot of down time. It's hard watching how upset she is when learning dance routines. She gets upset even at the prospect of going into the dance studio. I thought she might have had some body dysmorphia still from the old days, when she was saying she felt like an elephant and didn't look remotely like she did ten years ago - I spent the whole show thinking how beautiful she was.

As a kid, I instinctively didn't like Lisa. I just thought her smile was smug and she seemed more artificial than the rest of them. I love watching her in the show, but I wouldn't turn my back on her, there's something wrong in there! H seems like he might just possibly have his heart in the right place, but is still very self-centred and you just want to tell him to shut up sometimes.

Oh the misogyny in the Ren
...I meant to say, in the Reunion show when he talked about finding the right "oven" for his kids!
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Just reading back over some of these posts (how did I not know this was here?!) and I’ve got a few observations.
I’ve been a huge Steps fan for years and I’ve met them a few times.
Faye is lovely. I’m from the North East and I know people who know her and they all say the same, she’s really lovely and genuine.

Lisa is lovely too, or she comes across as lovely. When I met them at the signing I went to, I was moving slowly as I was stiff and sore from sitting in my wheelchair for ages waiting for them. Lisa seemed genuinely concerned and apologetic that I had been kept waiting for them.

I’ve never liked Claire, I think she’s a bit full of herself. I seem to recall her husband is from somewhere near where I live and my hubby knows of him. Says he’s an utter tit. They make a good pair then 😂

Lee. Oh blimey where do I start there.
I’ve been hopelessly in love with Lee from the start. The general consensus was that Lee was only ever in the group because of what he looked like; he was never allowed to sing on anything. The ironic thing is that he has a good voice- but he was the ‘eye candy’ for the girls and gay men. He always denied that this was a problem but from those in the know he had a massive chip on his shoulder about it.
When I first met them, I took along something for him to sign. I was living in Liverpool when I got into them and I went to the Everton shop and bought that season’s shirt and had his name put on the back as he’s a big Everton fan. I cherished that shirt, mainly as it was the only thing I managed to save from my abusive ex. Lee was really chuffed to see the shirt and was really sweet when I told him the full story as he signed it (because a 2001 Everton top is a bit of a random thing to have signed 😂)
I wore it when I went to see him in panto in St Helen’s a few years later and he was really funny with me. He kept the signature wasn’t his as he didn’t remember signing my shirt and he would have remembered. I showed him the photo I had of him signing the shirt and let him look properly at the shirt and he just went ‘oh yeah. That is me’ No apology for being arsey or anything. When I met him at the signing in Leicester he could barely bring himself to say hello which I was really disappointed at- he’s obviously my favourite but it was just like he couldn’t be bothered. I was literally first through so I dread to think what he was like with those further back!

I’ve met H a few times and he’s mostly been fine, but he was really arsey when Lee was signing my shirt. It seems he doesn’t like others being the centre of attention. When I met them in Leicester I was wearing a t-shirt with rainbow sequins on it spelling out ‘love’ and he absolutely loved it. He was really lovely then, I don’t know if I’ve been blocked by him though- I haven’t looked 😂Edit- I haven’t 😂
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Lisa Scott-Lee is absolutely iconic and would sell her (amazing) grandma to continue to be famous and perform (I’m truly shocked she never ended up on I’m a celeb or CBB).

Lee, although gorgeous, has always looked like he HATED being in the band. It’s all about the £££.
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I just saw STEPS thread and did a little clap …

Please say clips of Lisa MTV show have been popping up on here - when I saw the thread, I immediately thought of that show.
It was soo bad, it was good.
The whole getting into the Top 10 or was it No 1.
If it hasn’t popped up go on YouTube, if it has - sorry just wanted to say 👋
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I swear to god I must’ve watched TSL all the way through about 5 or 6 times. It is absolutely fantastic. But yes, all episodes are on YouTube.
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