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My sisters catering company did the tours many times. I’ll ask her for any goss. I know Claire was nice and her kids are lovely.
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I always get confused with this!
Was it Lisa's brother who married Michelle from Liberty X🤔
Yeah! In Totally Scott Lee he proposes to her as if he's been dragged kicking and screaming to do so to be honest. Don't think their marriage lasted long and Michelle has since remarried 😂
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It is nice to see them back. Am I the only one that can’t look at them the same after the reunion documentary? H in particular came across as such ah ass.
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Lee said in the original reunion he that he threatened to deck H. Not a fan of violence but I can see why he would make you feel that way.
The fact he dated the band’s manager and didn’t tell anyone for years whilst the girls noticed H getting more vocals must have bugged them because it does look like favouritism.
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Either Claire or Lisa had the other on block at one point which people could tell by the way it looked with their names in Instagram tagging.
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The empty threats to the public that if this song flops she won’t release another and the public still not caring was just, everything!
the whole thing is brilliant. The whole I’m willing to work that’s why I’m doing clubs and not arenas 😂 comedy gold.
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Chatty Member
What a joke! Not EVERYTHING has to be about sex and your sexuality, get over it! Oh and there are gay ppl in dubai, some that are obviously gay, they just dont go on about it every second of the day. Jeezzz h really needs to get over himself, dubai prob realised how sh*t they are and cancelled them 🤣 also lisa lives in dubai, so h throwing a strop could potentially put her livelihood and family life over tehre in jepoady, selfish idiot. Also wouldbt that be hypocritical of lisa 🤔
The way that he openly comes on to Lee gives me the ick. He may well be joking, but I think it is disrespectful to Lee. Leave him alone!
I remember at the end of the reunion episodes and they were around the table, and Faye said to H, “I used to really hate you but I actually quite like you now”. 😂
Its trendy to be a narccist now so probably y she likes him
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I don’t think that some members like each other particularly. Faye and Claire seem close, in fairness Faye seems to be the only one who probably gets along with everyone. Think Lee is okay with Claire, Faye and Lisa but I get the vibe he finds H too much. If Lee made any of the comments H does towards him in regards to one of the girls he’d be cancelled. I still very much get the sense that Lisa and Claire don’t really get on, there’s a sort of awkward politeness between them. I totally agree the programme was forced hostility in many parts but it seemed pretty clear there was a real resentment towards Claire from Lisa particularly and it still seems to be Lisa that makes little comments about the split. I think it’s very much like a family, you love people because they’re family but there’s people you are far closer to than others.
Yeah I would agree with this. Lisa and Faye seem to get on. They admit they were the ones going out all the time partying, Claire didn’t want to. H also apparently sometimes preferred to stay at the hotel. You can see there’s resentment about vocals. Particularly from Lisa and Lee. Faye admitted she didn’t like it when H was getting pushed forward for verses and she was losing out. Which is understandable particularly as she just found out H was sleeping with their manager. It doesn’t look good. Not to mention H had Claire bound to secrecy about that. It doesn’t make for a good atmosphere.

I think it was H or Lee that said the girls weren‘t happy as early as one for sorrow when they found out Claire was singing everything. I kind of get the impression Claire was of the “Screw you, I’m singing so I’m alright Jack“ mentality.

I imagine Lee finds H if anything even more full on now he’s become so pro trans rights and seems to like wearing skirts and almost more make up than the girls. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but H looks like the type to wear something not because he wants to but more so because he can get attention.
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Loved Steps back in the day watching the reunion really made me kind of hate them all 😂😩 Lee with his "omg I'm more than just a pretty face", Lisa with her "I'll never trust anyone or anything again", H seems to not really care about anything other than going back to his cottage, and Claire with her constant moaning. Faye seemed to be the only positive energy once she got past needing an apology.
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I went to see them in Leeds last week, it was hilarious how bad Lisa's singing is, like not a little bit off tune but really, really noticeably bad at singing! Made me feel much better about my efforts in the shower.
H did a pretty good job of making it all about him as much as he could, people were there for a Steps gig, not a gay pride rally.
Claire looked thoroughly bored throughout and like she didn't want to be there.
Lee... i'm not sure why he's there?! Seems a nice chap but even with Faye absent he barely does anything!
The crowd loved the classics and it was a great atmosphere when they were being played, but it was almost cringe inducing how disinterested 99% of those in attendance seemed at their new stuff. People like them for a reason and they should stick with that and be thankful for it rather than trying to reinvent themselves.
Their new music is actually really good but I think most people go to their shows to hear the old stuff.
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Chatty Member
Yeah he just needs to go over there, sing his songs (or let Claire do most of the singing), take the money and leave. You don't need to be dancing about in the streets with a rainbow flag while you're over there. I'm sure him and Lisa have had some right awkward conversations about it all. I bet Lee was fucking seething at missing out on the huge payday too.
Given that his whole personality now seems to be LGBT+ I doubt he could go over and not want to make a statement. I’m all for ‘you do you’ philosophy in life but he wants to be talked about. Hence the corset and necklace last weekend. He spoke about one of his kids wearing dresses and that felt intrusive, the kid was only 5 at the time and well fair enough if aged 14/15 he still wants to but you tend to model parents behaviour as a child.
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Faye just really wants an apology for how Claire and h left, which was 1 hour before they went on stage at Manchester, final show of the gold tour. Claire said she was leaving and gave them a letter, h then said yeah me too and gave them a letter. So created huge divide between fare Lisa and Lee as a few months later h and Claire went on as a due.

Faye really stresses how the 3 of them were dropped instantly and woke up unemployed. H apologises quite quickly when they re meet on the reunion, seems sincere and says he regrets how they left. Claire not so much! Says she had to and doesn't say sorry. Faye keeps pushing but doesn't get one ( up to episode 3 angway) I think eventually Claire does say sorry but I haven't got there yet. Very awkward to watch but entertaining
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