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VIP Member
I could be mad saying this but i believe the cc post was someone connected to b perfect. There was too many specific things you would only know if
You knew about the ibiza trip! Staff sharing rooms, the makeup getting promoted by others, her trying to be liked etc. have a re-read and i sounds plausible
Better get on the blower then doll get them grassed right in 🤣
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Haha Sam, penny dropped that you’ve been made a fool of by Vav with her passive aggressive quotes. Just wait till she gets on live and starts calling you a creep for following her to Ibiza, you walked into her trap you utter clown 🤡 wouldn’t listen to us tattlers giving you a heads up and thought you were smart as feck making tts about tattlers when all we do is have a wee chat and call people like Vav out on their bullshit
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My man certainly doesn’t find Vavron attractive and neither do any of his mates. I shouldn’t say this but one of his mates said “She’s the fat bird you shag and don’t tell anyone you’ve done it” She needs a shit ton of make up to look bonnie because she’s not a natural beauty. And, no man within a 1000 mile radius will touch her because she’s so poisonous! So what exactly is there to be jealous of.
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This reminds me of the time Mad Nana posted a picture of her and Rylan on Facebook implying they were engaged. The whole lot of them are sad bastards.
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Imagine yer maw pumping any guy that shows her the slightest bit of attention. Embarrassing! Wee rylan had to just slide in her dms and say I like yer packed lunch videos and next thing she's got her lunch box oot for him the fkn rid neck
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Wee Toots

VIP Member
Watching that video of autism mom has made me mad. Autism or not you do not let your children hit you. My son went through a phase of trying to hit me when he was frustrated when he was 2. And he was told a firm no every time. He was non verbal but he understood it was wrong because I told him. Its your job as a parent to teach your children that's wrong. She's holding his hands by his side reasoning with him. Absolutely no way. Tell him he's out of order.

I can't stand people who use autism as an excuse it makes my blood boil.
A boy attended a support group for kids with autism along with my daughter years ago. He used to thump his Mum on the arm with his fist and she wouldn't say anything. I actually said to him one night don't hit your Mum. He got to 18 and would smash up his room regularly and absolutely batter his Mum & sister. That could've all been nipped in the bud.
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VIP Member
I think you’re pretty spot on.
And for that reason doing what she’s doing on tik tok day in and day out is completely ruining her mentally.
I really would like to find something about her where she shows that she is a decent person. It’s actually quite hard. Because she’s so nasty. She doesn’t have it in her to cope with being on social media.
And she probably is a good mum, but she is still using at least one kid to exploit for monetary gain.

She's not a bad mum, but she (in my opinion) doesn't put the needs of the children first. Yes, they don't want for anything, but she is doing untold damage by having them on social media; her son cannot consent so his basic rights are being violated. Her daughter CAN consent and while on the face of it Vav respects her by keeping her off the apps, she disrespects her by acting in the manner in which she does online. The clap backs, the dancing etc. For any teenager seeing your mum do that online, it's bound to be cringe for her and she is bound to get pelters, in some form, from people at school.

And that's not even taking into consideration the mental health issues her being online does to herself. You have to be a strong person to be in the public eye, and unfortunately I don't believe Vav is. She doesn't have a great support system. Yes she has Mad Pam and Nana, but she doesn't have any friends off the app. Noone she can call up for a coffee or a drink or a rant. That is isolating. It has to be.

For years she has wanted notoriety and she HAS got it but not in the way she wants. She's not liked in the city, regardless of her claims of a small circle. Her socialising comes with brand trips and having to socialise with kids nearly half her age while claiming to be living her best life? No, I'm sorry that's not flying for me.

Having to fly some lad from tiktok over to Ibiza for her because she doesn't have any other options here? That's not normal and no amount of her trying to spin it will convince me otherwise. Its not impulsive, its borderline creepy and pathetic.

All of this, and teaming it with the fact she's not a nice person. You can see the chip on her shoulder, the anger in her face, the sadness behind her eyes.

I think she thinks she's doing well, but when you peel back the curtain and really think about it? Is that success?
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I don’t think I’ve ever came across anything so fkn tragic in my life. Mad, mental Cherine is now big Vavs bestie 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she finally has a friend to stick up for her online 🤣🤣🤣


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This whole pr trip is really embarrassing and really scrapping the barrel with the scheme rats on TikTok who all use filter to the max. Surely this will do damage to their brand than sell more products? It’s giving your granny in Benidorm vibes
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It’s the big beeffyyyyyyyy arms
Thread suggestion
Sad Sam nowhere to be seen, big Vav has a new bestie, mad bad Cherine.

any more thread suggestions?
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I just had a look on her page and seen she put that “I’m on SNL and you’re not” but with I’m in Ibiza and you’re not. Why is she being such a cow to all her followers. She needs to remember without the people who follow her she wouldn’t be anywhere. That shows her personality.
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VIP Member
Just heard on the radio, the Taylor swift concert set off earthquake alarms 😂 wonder if it was just beefys stomping 😂
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Right now Vav is furiously searching TikTok for a "trend" she can passively aggressively post about him.

Pied by a short arse you shipped out to Beefa, there's no a sound for that babe 🤣
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I swear, every single time that wee Brendans face pops up I instinctively cover my drink.
He gives me creeps.
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