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Not drinking because she’s on a major health kick yet just mentioned going for a Chinese or Italian 🤦‍♀️ some health kick that
Thought she said she never drank anyway? Lies, lies, lies.
Whatsthestory is definitely her or Mad Pam or Diane the Mink. The things they used to say when they first appeared was too obvious. They’ve tried to change their narrative now but they were a full on fan and hated everyone on here especially me. 🤣🤣 As CLA would say. Affected darling.
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So someone is faking being whatsthestory on cafe. That is NOT me and i have no affiliation to that profile. DISGUSTINNN tbh and they are not even funny. Im genuinely thinking is it big nose nana mac tbh
That’s not a nice thing to say about your grandma Diane the mink 😂
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No one had mentioned that the tink has not washed her hair in over 5 days and in between she has been the gym god knows how many times. Absolutely disgusting! Those extensions will be nasty.
To be fair... how many times has she actually been to the gym? All I've seen was her prancing like a bell end in the car park.
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Well i see ive been name dropped a few times already on cafe! That chat is taking off wowowow! Think it will just snowball like the sun article. Will it end the dominance of this chat? Like when apple iphone killed nokia? Some truly shocking comments already. I see someone has contacted the charity commission?
How’s London?
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👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 as a sen parent I totally agree with this. Too many Sen parents out there that think their kids should always have priority over other kids without even thinking that those other kids could be struggling too but nobody would know cos their parents don’t broadcast it everywhere they go
Exactly this! Sick and tired of people using their child’s disability to their advantage. My sons got an appt in a month for an ongoing issue, have I rang the hospital to demand it’s bought forward cos he’s autistic you know? No, I’ve explained to my son (he’s almost 14) this is when your appt is, you’ll be missing the morning from school & explained what’s what. He’s now got time to process all of this so he feels prepared.

Now I know it’s different and more difficult with a younger non verbal child to prepare them, however giving this preferential treatment is no good for when they’re older and probably expected to wait! She’s only rang the hospital to get him done first so she’s not hanging around the hospital all day, not because Max will be distressed & looking at that video yesterday he looked happy enough esp having his dad there.

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Shes on live talking to danielle about how shes going on coparenting holiday for max bday
She’s said this so many times. Can guarantee if wee Rylan was still hanging out her fat arse there would be no co parenting holiday at all. I’m sorry, they’ve been split up for years now. She’s so desperate to spend any time with Petr. He papped her out his house but she’s still desperate to go on holiday with him and play happy families. #pinchme
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Right that’s it she is one VILE, SELF ABSORBED, MONEY GRABBING, CHILD EXPLOITER I have ever had the misfortune of knowing in my life.

Absolutely vile specimen and yes specimen is correct who leaves nothing private. Her boy had a fairly straight forward procedure done today and she makes it out like he’s had some sort of life threatening surgery done. Leave the camera off where your kids are concerned Vav. Not everything has to be videoed or live streamed. Doing it for those that are like “family” who have supported you then here’s a wee thought…. Set up a private group chat of all those “family members” and send the pics via that and not for all the world to see. You are just disgusting and pathetic 🤬
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Fucking shut up with the "it's the adhd" I've been at the hairdressers and went right fk it just chop it and I don't have adhd we have all made impulsive decisions does not mean its adhd 🙄 you couldn't even get meds for it from your gp cause its a private diagnosis. You fkn googled adhd symptoms and played up on them dee dee
There is nothing impulsive about this. You wouldn’t be able to just walk into a hairdresser in London and be like “yeah cut and colour my hair” she’s had that booked. Why does this bint need to lie so much 🙄
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Photo of Max in her instastory recovering from the anaesthetic. Obviously taken by Petr but why post that.. Poor child has no privacy!

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her saying that she’s won because she’s went back to the gym…… do you know who the real winners are Steph??? Everyone who has commented on your size. They’ve got to you and you’ve went back to the gym. So they win not you.
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Omg!!!!! Her insta post!!! Iam mortified for her!
It’s internal woman’s day and I would love to post all my friends but I can’t, so this one is for yous….then goes on to post…A PICTURE OF HER FUCKING SELF!!! Iam howling
She can’t because she doesn’t have any 🤣🤣🤣🤣 mortified for the big mink. I don’t know what’s more embarrassing, the fact she has zero friends or the fact she pretends she does.
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Fuck off 😂 no pals big stuff to post. Even if this was true then it shows how much of a shit mother you are that you continue to exploit Max all the time & make him fair game for the “trolls” but you refuse to show any pictures/videos of your pals to “protect them”. No protection for your child, shameful as usual silly boot!


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She couldn’t manage her way in a brightly lit tunnel let alone manage a person. You need empathy and intelligence to be a manager none of which you posess big Vav. Also, your employees would spend half their day correcting spelling and grammar mistakes on any emails you send then you illiterate beg!

That friend was to do with Cammy and let me tell you she was a bloody good friend to Vav. Also, remember why you fell out Vav. And it wasn’t because you were wholesome and honest now was it. #blackwidowofAberdeen #halfastoryVav
The BM had enough of her shit! Vav lied to a friend saying Cs transplant didn't work then pammy stuck Vav in saying eh yeah it did. Vav was complaining saying this wasn't the life she signed up for and how she was just a carer to C. Nana macaroni also has sons she doesn't speak to to she's not allowed. The sons and their wives cannot fkn stand the 3 witches! These friends are sure vav spent 15 grand which was raised in Cs name! Vav also flew to England for a DNA and still put the wrong name on birth certificate and pammy knew!! Vav got in touch with Brendan and told him he's actually her dad but it's another guys name on the birth certificate brendan still went ahead and paid maintenance for lily. The BM is one million percent the woman vav will ever be! She's a vile scum bag and no wonder the BM told her to fk off!
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Anything for a bit of attention ! She is dangerous when it comes to max !! I feel so sorry for him growing up like this ! She always wants him not well !! And why this needs a tagline and her in an ice bath I have no idea !!! Such a fukn narc !!
Shame on Petr not stepping in on her behaviour towards his child
It’s literally the child going for the MRI but it’s all about her and how she feels ffs.
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That’s some sheer size of growler. Wee Rylans wee boaby must have been lost trying to navigate that. Wouldn’t have touched the sides.
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