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Show the message then! No doubt its lies or its some fake account when she has said its a woman saying this stuff. If someone has said that then it's disgusting but I'm sceptical
Fucking weirdo! She doesn't mind the faceless accounts when they are up her arse!
I would feel so awkward at people saying they love my child even if they don’t know him
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I would be devastated if my daughter was online saying she grew up with nothing. Mad Pam and Diane the Mink do nothing but defend her, but she throws shade at them constantly.
That wee rat face is really bitter she didn’t have a big house to grow up in isn’t she? That must be why she bullied girls in school, she was so jealous of them. Not much has changed it would appear.


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Can you actually imagine setting up the phone camera then having to position yourself in the most awkward position away from the sink so you can capture yourself crying, these people need serious help at this point
Also telling thousands of people your 4 year old is violent is pretty fecking love. Yes it must be hard I can only but imagine but putting it out there for all to see and talk about it absolutely disgusting she needs to wisen up and get off the app cause her behaviour is pathetic. No surprise this has came about when she’s struggling for content. Also maybe if she put him to nursery and kept him in his routine the poor wee thing may not be feeling that way however at this point I take anything she claims with a massive pinch of salt
Must be a big product launch coming soon, it’s the same old pattern
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I know it’s not what I’m meant to take from her SEN video but her eyes are really far down her face.

Follow me for more intelligent and thought provoking observations…
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Force tear, force tear, look extra sad ANNNNNNNNDDD end scene 🎬

that has to be up there with the worst acting I have ever seen in my life.
what is with the hand under the nose and air grabbing. Get a grip

no one sets up there phone to time themselves crying. Your an absolute weirdo Steph and using your kid for views and comments is disgusting


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say it like it is

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Pitty post is up !!

lassie is deranged!

comparing her self to a fu*king soldier then on saying oh don’t let your dislike towards me effect max !! WHAT

no one has said anything about Max , it’s his mother that’s the complete selfish lying cow ! Least he has a great daddy
Did she apologise I must of missed that 🙄🙄🙄

go research what a soldier actually does you absolute ball hanger !
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Does anyone else remember when she managed to stretch the fu out of this dress 😂 The model DEFINITELY wore it better! Vav managed to give the dress cellulite which was an achievement in itself 😂
How the fk has she managed to give a dress cellulite and lipoedema
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She just cannae help herself, 'oh in ma Steve McFaddens and Max in his Hunter wellies'. All about the designer stuff and namedropping pish, for fucks sake the wee guy looked like he was in his element for once, not cooped up with his iPad running about screaming. Who fucking cares what brands anyone's wearing, wait and see, she'll be holding out for a brand partnership with Hunter.
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Her post last night she can’t fake her reality. She’s created this reality by holding Max back and now she can’t handle it.

If she’d have put in as much effort into parenting Max as she does chunky dunkin, lying, promoting the best thing ever and stupid fucking dancing then she wouldn’t be feeling this way. I have no sympathy for her, because you have to make extra effort with a sen child and she makes as little effort as possible..

She should be ashamed but she’s gonna use this for content, people telling her how she’s done her best when really what she needs is someone to tell her to be a parent that Max deserves, put down the phone and get in the real world
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I honestly can’t stand how TikTok has made some ppl well known & then these ppl try & show off what amazing lives they have, dancing about & miming to songs like they are in a music vid, & trying to show what good mums they are & normal ppl congratulate them. Ppl not on TikTok are doing the same thing without fake validation. It’s just cringey as fck to watch. They actually believe they are important.
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As an autism mum of a now 10 year , trust me when I say . The lack of effort and ground will come back and bite her in the arse

For a kid like max it's impreative, to lay the the stepping stones for his future now
She's delusional and thinks a ASN placement will some how fix Max's issues . She's in for a rude awakening
That’s absolute truth. My son is nearing 14 & I’ve never held him back. He’s had a pretty normal childhood (extra support in places but generally treated like his friends) I know this doesnt work for every neurodivergent child but time and effort is needed more than ever.

I’m proud of my boy, we recently had parents evening - none of the teachers referred to his autism because they see my boy first. He’s in mainstream school (considered sen school, but wanted to give mainstream a chance & im glad I did) he’s already being predicted 7/8/9s in GCSEs as he’s already above the average in most of his subjects & I like to think that’s because he’s never been held back, treated as his peers & because I made the right decisions for him.

Staf will always hold back max because it keeps her DLA high, it allows her exploitation of him to continue & for now it gives her content. When he’s bigger and stronger (and I hope one day verbal) she won’t know what’s hit her, years of frustration are already showing times that by 10 in a few years!
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I see commander cunt Vavron has been making up stories and crying for views again 🙄
I wish poor little max would smack her one right in her fat face.

I am SEN mum technically but I fkn hate that “label” and I don’t bloody use it.
my daughters are my daughters and I’m their mum, just a woman trying to provide what’s best for my family whilst battling my own shit, and that’s all there is to it.

it’s fkn hard having a child with autism and sensory processing disorder and another child with depression who has tried to take her own life at age 11.
But you suck it up and get the fuck on with it.
It's life and you live with the hand your dealt and as much as I’d love a break, I wouldn’t change it for anything.
I am my daughters biggest cheerleader, defender and protector, I don’t need to make a fkn TikTok account to prove it unlike that stupid twat.
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Why do they think it's because of her looks ? I've never been jealous of anyone If I see a woman (stranger or not)and her hair looks good or her make up is on point ,i'll tell her I've often asked ladies where they got their bags or clothes from as they look really good .

Her and her huns are so shallow
Jealous of looking like a space raider with the body of a quarterback?

No thanks 😂


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Anyone else seen that France has passed a bill stopping parents from using their child’s image without written consent from the child, and if separated from the other parent, consent from them too. It’s to stop parent influencers exploiting their children online.
The UK government has been monitoring the situation closely so hopefully the bill will be passed there too.

Here’s a link to the article

The black widow will be utterly fucked. I hope there’s both fines in the thousands and jail time. Cause there is no way Max would be able to legally consent.
I hope it's something that happens here! Scottish schools are all about children's rights and really making them aware of their rights from even nursery age now so it's possible that it could be introduced here 🤞
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There’s no way she’s a size 12! No shade with being bigger, I’ve put on weight myself lately and I’m now about a 14-16. I don’t pretend to be a smaller size. She’s so damaging.
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