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Force tear, force tear, look extra sad ANNNNNNNNDDD end scene 🎬

that has to be up there with the worst acting I have ever seen in my life.
what is with the hand under the nose and air grabbing. Get a grip

no one sets up there phone to time themselves crying. Your an absolute weirdo Steph and using your kid for views and comments is disgusting
Absolutely fucking pathetic! I'm not saying having a child with additional needs isn't hard, my friend barely gets a wink of sleep with her kids she sounds so drained at times and yet she never fkn moans the way vav does. She's got emotional when speaking about her kids with additional needs more from worrying about them but she is last on the list in her priorities she's a bloody amazing mum never would she set up her phone sit down and then go right action turn on the tears! I bet she wasn't even crying before setting the phone up! Then ye have that useless lump aimee who went to the doctor with a stye in her eye both of them need to stop craving likes and attention on social media sad pathetic cows
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Chatty Member
I hope it's something that happens here! Scottish schools are all about children's rights and really making them aware of their rights from even nursery age now so it's possible that it could be introduced here 🤞
I really hope so too! The UK government has been discussing it since 2022 so surely it would be UK wide, if not then the devolved governments should make it a priority to introduce it.
It’s exploitation.
Sooner it happens here the better. Lily doesn’t want to be in her videos and she respects that as she can vocally tell her but poor Max can’t & she exploits that child at every turn without any concern for his welfare. She is a shite mother.
She’s a typical narcissist mother, she see’s her kids as how they can serve her, and not how can she serve them.
I’m gonna sound like a total cunt and I’m honestly past caring but the majority of people exploiting their weans on that platform are SEN Mums. They’re all showing their kids journeys or posting about them and telling the entire world their medical history. Usually with an abundance of identifiable information like schools, full names and date of birth.
My oldest has Tourette’s and OCD, he’s nearly a teenager and for the last few years we’ve had HILARIOUS tic outbursts from him. But I don’t post them on SM because I don’t want that being his legacy. It’s his story when he wants to tell it, not mine to get some likes and a cheap laugh
Wish there was a clap 👏 reaction, because this is spot on.
Can’t believe I’m saying this like it’s something to be proud of when it should be normal.
But well done for thinking of your kid, not only now but his future too, I bet you are a great mum.
I'm a SEN mum and I totally agree with this. I despise this whole "it's for awareness". It's not it's for clicks and views. My son is a teen but complex need so could never consent so I don't post him on social media at all and me sharing his journey would be awareness fur to the nature of his rare condition. But it's his journey not mine to share .
You are a great mum too ♥
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Is buttery an Aberdeen thing? I've not got a clue what it means in relation to clothing 🤣 we all know big staf is like butter, spreads easily but wtf is she talking about
Her saying there's still plenty of space in them fuck off vav no there isn't! They are due bursting at the seams
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Whens she gonna get that belfast is in norther. Ireland?? Wasnt shr at the fucking peace wall giving it all the pish of the day a few weeks ago. She keeps saying shes going to ireland. Shes so fucking annoying
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I didn’t realise poor Cammy was quite as young when he died. His poor mother having that to deal with as well as the horror of Big Vag.
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What happened to charity money?
what happened to the flip chart ?
what happened to the diet/exercise?
What happened to the magic green juice?
what happened to max magical pills?
what happened to you’re side coming out?
Beeferz, you’re full of it
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I was looking for a fake tan because I'm going away soon, looked on tik tok shop saw fanny after fanny of 'content creators' selling their asked my teenage daughter and she said St Moritz cheap and good mum 🤣🤣good old amazon, not giving any of them mutants my money.
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That video from this morning where she is trying to act like she cares about the Irish boy appeared on my fyp. She looks so much like a rodent and this with the filters on max. She’s disgraceful trying to get clout off that situation.
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She just cannae help herself, 'oh in ma Steve McFaddens and Max in his Hunter wellies'. All about the designer stuff and namedropping pish, for fucks sake the wee guy looked like he was in his element for once, not cooped up with his iPad running about screaming. Who fucking cares what brands anyone's wearing, wait and see, she'll be holding out for a brand partnership with Hunter.
She’s so circa 2011. Hunters were in fashion so long ago. No one brags about having a pair of Hunter wellies now 😊
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I lost count of how many times she said "these are far too big for me" it's fucking damaging to women who could be sitting watching going well I wear a large and if it's too big on her how bloody big am I
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So the videos about max getting into a Sen school are posted just before she’s on punting yet more make up. Sad woe is me posts are her manipulating her followers into buying shit. I have got absolutely not one bit of sympathy for her and I am a Sen parent.

I don’t usually share much about my daughters issues but I had one of the worst mornings in a good while and I was ready to just walk out my door in my pjs and not look back but instead I took myself upstairs for 5 minutes till I was ready to deal with her meltdown. Her brother sat with her whilst I took those 5 minutes before getting himself to school. My daughter has demand avoidance and aswell as everything else that comes with being on the spectrum and it’s hard every day but one thing I refuse to do is come on social media and tell the world my daughters business as it’s personal. Big vav should maybe think of doing the same but she can’t as she’s a huge(in every aspect of the word)narcissist that needs admiration and attention and poor max is the one she uses for it
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“Take social media out of it” thats a great idea. You can start & stop plastering him all over it & give that boy some privacy you selfish cow.
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There’s not a single frame of Max in that video where he’s not got his iPad. It’s really fucking sad
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This won’t be up long.
I don’t understand how it was only yesterday she started speaking about the school and it’s went from 0-100 and now she can’t eat or sleep and has massive life changing decisions to make 🙄


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Greame Sutherland on his back up made a video asking how parents get time for themselves & obv big beefy the only co-parent single maw in the village has to pipe up 🥱 Manchester this week then Belfast. Was London & Belfast the previous week. Absolute fud! And Max only gets in your bed when your latest bit of cock has came to its senses & fucked off!
Wonder if it's for a meat and greet (sorry, I haven't stopped pishing myself laughing at her meet portioning) 🤣 🤣 🤣
Omg speak about flashing the cash and bragging about it within a few months of your husband dying, must have been a nice wee payday for her. She is disgusting. Also happy pictures at Cammy’s grave with balloons then posting all over social media, she’s such a bloody thoughtless self centred attention seeker and her family should know better how does the think Cammy mum must have felt!!
Clearly always loved to splash the cash and brag about it, must of been her big payday after Cammy died, she really is a rotten human being and hasn’t changed one bit. She needs to crawl back under the rock she came from!! Also the half naked pics of her and some guy and his six pack about 2/3 months after her husband passed wtf is that about!!

Sorry ive repeated myself but it makes me so mad, I’ve a son round the age Cammy would have been and the thought of some minky money grabbing family standing all happy happy round a grave makes me so bloody sad 😔
that's Beefy all over, all about the one-upmanship, showing off, look what I've got and you haven't. Materialistic to the core. Buys her that brief, fleeting happiness but in reality she's sad and alone in her big rented gaff full of Steve McFaddens and fake Louis Vuitton handbags when all she really craves is a man. She can preach all the single mum boss-bitch body positivity pish she likes, she reeks of desperation.
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