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VIP Member
I dabble in this thread but stoppppp. The greenhouse. I'm all for DIY but wtf is she thinking loooool. I just can't. Lights in a greenhouse, an egg chair in a greenhouse. Next thing you know she'll invite her bestie over and they'll be sipping matcha tea from the greenhouse 😅😅😅😅JUST STOP.
We had a light in our greenhouse tbf I assume so the previous residents could do a bit of late night potting. Hers is so impractical. Be bloody boiling to sit it's you know, a greenhouse, but hardly anything in it for practising her new found green fingers as you're meant to do in there
So much for a safety of your 2 years old child and dog.. put them next to broken window which she covered up with chair and plant 🪴.. but hold on this is Stacey who doesn’t give a toss about safety of her own child!!!
Poor Rose in’s dirty dress 🤪🤪
That is so dangerous
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
Like seriously it’s no quicker so what’s the point?
Air fryers are a real bug bear of mine, over hyped things. I have one 🫣😂
Thank you for this post! I was given an airfryer by a friend and I am pretty underwhelmed with it, to be honest. Maybe I need to buy a cookbook and educate myself with some different recipes to try.
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VIP Member
Is that their “perfect poolside haven” on her stories with the micro cement?! Or someone else’s?? 😮
I think it’s someone else’s but now I’m having flashbacks to her talking about micro cement in the old jacuzzi room they were decorating but never showed again…. Wouldn’t be surprised if the two things are connected and we get a micocement company ad soon.

what was the “Work” thing she was at with sticker sister?I could see YMU written on the cards. Was it an agency love fest?
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Of course it is a personal thing. I'm saying that most can't take a month or more off work when a parent dies.
It's a luxury to be able to do so.
Workplaces don't give indeterminate time off for bereavement.
My colleague lost her husband and was only off for a handful of weeks before murmurings were going on in the back office of them expecting her back.

Back to soloman swash, do we know when to expect belle and rose to be launched?
Whats the likely hood that it'll be sold in home bargains?
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VIP Member
Doors close at 16.30 so she better get a move on. Presumably as she’s giving out an award she needs to be there earlier for a quick run through of where she goes and when
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That photo has reminded me in her story yesterday Stacey was actually wearing a wedding ring. It’s not been shaped to fit around her engagement ring so it looked awkward and it was quite a thick band compared to the engagement ring, but I’ve never really noticed her wearing one before
Which engagement ring? The huge one that she sports all of the time and claims it's a fake or the real one Joe gave her and then she updated but hasn't been seen since the "fake" one showed up?

The huge emerald cut diamond ring is a brand new ring she's treated herself to and claims its fake to be relatable.
Maybe her wedding ring is coming to abbot and lyon soon
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Wow 3 acres? That's twice the size of hinchs. I reckon you are right - this is the start of Stacey getting more livestock
I think most of that is trees though? Her garden doesn't be lots of grass/lawn areas
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Helen Lee

Well-known member
Dirty Dave at airport with the fam must be taking the boy away for his birthday. He done the dirty on Stacey there all right
Maybe they aren't all going but he certainly is the old codger
I think he would be taking him to Scotland to see his dad.
So Belle has no shoes on and very summer clothes in an air conditioned shopping center. Does Rex have a phone??


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Wasn't the Scottish one hired? Gifted but hired, it sounded that way when Joe was cleaning it and he said the window was still broken but it would obviously be sorted before it went back, and he tagged the company?
Who knows, they kept it for a long time after the Scotland trip.
Last time they went to the caravan it was an ever for Haven.
Another new brand partner now, SCS.
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You have to wonder (I hate this is what she does to me but pffffft, gives me a hobby! 😆) if she actually chose the kid’s names with the inkling of an idea for a business venture and fleecing her ‘wonderful instafamily’ out of even more of their money? 🤔

Now if I remember rightly Rex was called such as she asked the two oldest boys (y’know, the ones who live in the pool house waaaaayyyyyy across the other side of the garden) what they wanted him to be called. I notice she didn’t take that tactic with the two girls though, oh no, I mean she could have ended up with something completely impractical if so (ie: wouldn’t sound good as a brand name on a range of overpriced tat she wanted to flog) so made sure she named them herself to pave the way for them to make her money in the future.🤨

I mean, you’ve got to marvel at her really, her kids pay for themselves really, plastered all over the internet whether they like it or not. 😢😠

Greedy, grabby twat. 😡
Nothing would surprise me about this one, tbh.
I could well believe anything when it comes to the way she uses the moneyspinners oh I mean children.
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Chatty Member
Joes teeth are ridiculous. I actually thought his old teeth gave him character they was ok they was natural these new top teeth ( bottom to follow) are too big for his mouth. Perfect matching pair with horse face
I actually think they’re not too bad, Agree they look a bit on the large side but he does have a sizeable gob😂 I wonder if they are crowns or composite bonding?
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