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So she hasn’t mentioned it until now because ‘she doesn’t expect to win any’ (her words not mine 🙄). I bet if it had been a public vote she’d have been banging on about it for weeks. Better dress than the NTA one but the stupid eye off to the side poses and the teeth ruin it all.
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Another fucking freeloading scrounger. If he dropped a 10pence piece, it would hit him on the back of his fucking head as he bent down to pick it up.....
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Obviously I don’t know but I would bet my last few pennies on the fact she’s smoked during all her pregnancies with swash. She’s selfish & I can see her using the “it’s an addiction” card - which of course it is, I’m not undermining that at all, however if you are gonna have 3 babies in just a couple of years of each other that’s the perfect time to really fight the addiction because you have no choice when constantly pregnant. She only cares about herself. Think it’s also very telling that the rags have even printed this….no way that would have happened on Schofield’s daughter’s watch.
I am just waiting for her to announce her gym wear, exercise app etc… and she will say how difficult it was but she wanted to get in better shape after having 5 kids!
Now we all know it was thanks to Ozempic and 10 cigarettes a day !! She just constantly lies.. and the new wrapping station wardrobe??? WTF??? Who has a space for such a shit in their houses ???
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I didn’t watch the piano but I know it had rave reviews…
The Piano was a lovely programme. I would watch SYLO if SSS wasn't on it. I just couldn't be listening to her telling others to declutter while she packs her own house with crap. I'm still not over the amount of trash she had at Christmas time, and that was just outside the door. Never mind what was inside.
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So disgraced sex offender dater Ashleigh Huish is back promoting St Stacey’s Rehab hair shite…Not so good for the squeaky clean image is it Stace???


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The contents of that fridge is purely for show. Actual fridge (full of ready meals and other crap 😂) is probably in the utility room.
Just thinking - anyone remember her outside larder with all the old kitchen cupboards that she spray painted?! Seen once but never again.
On a similar note the test tubes glued to the conservatory walls. I imagine they're still there, full of dust and dead insects 😂
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So Joe posts that he is out on a walk with Rose 15 minutes later she posts Rose doesn't go to nursery on a Monday so i try and make sure i'm at home here we are playing hairdressers so which is it because last Monday Joe said the same thing that Rose was always home on a Monday so he got to spend time with her and Belle i think pinocchio Solomon is trying too hard to portray herself as perfect mummy again
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Did anyone else think she looked like the odd one out in that Rehab meeting? The girl in the middle seemed to be aiming all her chat to the other girl and it looked like ''three was a crowd'' with SSS being the one getting pushed out? 🤷‍♀️
Yes I did think that too…it was a bit weird…they acted like Stacey didn’t exist..probably as fed up with her as we all are
So the DM have written an article about Alison Hammond having a free gifted stay at a safari park worth £2k YET they have never mentioned Stacey’s free holidays including the infamous £46k Turkey holiday where she told her followers she was at bingo but in fact was enjoying fine dining and a concert by Christina Aquilera


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Now I tell you what I don’t get. She is so obsessed with wanting people to think her only favourite child has blonde curly hair she both treats and filters it when she posts photos of her on Instagram and yet at the same time thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to show her filthy dirty and looking like she’s slept under a bush at the local park. 🤷‍♀️

As for those mauve/purple, shiny legging monstrosities she has her in today, what’s all that about? Of all the clothes she has the pick of and all the money she has she decides that they’re a good choice? I’m sure she had Belle in a pair the other day, tbh I’m horrified that there’s two pairs of them in existence more than anything, you would hope with something so awful it was a one-off mistake that made it out of the factory. 😳😖

Still, it’s good to see that good old relatable Stace is finally getting her act together and doing a ‘Spring’ door. I’m sure the rest of you have been frantically searching the t’interweb like me trying to find where to get a job lot of plastic lemons as clearly nothing says ‘Spring’ more than looking like your house is sponsored by Jif. Still, at least Rose and Stacey are getting to spend quality time together, bless, I can’t think it happens much… oh wait… 🤔🤭😆
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She clearly hates that they have ginger hair.
What a bitch.
She fucking married a bloke with ginger hair who dyes it black he's like a Brillo pad. Perhaps she should have chose a different partner if she doesn't like ginger hair the twat
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