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Every shot of the hotel should have had AD clearly stated on the video not on the caption. Can definitely be used to report to ASA
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Just read the story in the DM about her feeling so guilty when people back home are struggling……. What a load of crap. How stupid are the sheep sat at home with their kids unable to afford a day out but they’re sympathising with her online saying she deserves it, she works so hard……….. Then there’s the ‘natural’ photos showing what a wonderful mother she is putting hats and suncream on her kids when they’re already burnt and she’s filtered their skin to cover it up. There’s one of Rex or Rix as the Mail called him with hands so white he looks like a corpse. I’ve never reported anyone to ASA before but this free holiday with the lack of AD signs has pushed me over the edge and I’m off to do it…
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Chatty Member
It’s not even that. It’s the chance to brag about how much you have been given for free!!
Why would you bring food from home for the lunchtime snacks and only eat out once so as not to waste the half board when a. You are a millionaire and b. The majority of the holiday hasn’t cost you a penny anyway.
The way she puts the tiny little ad on the corner I don't think she likes to admit it's for free, it's pretence with her that she's done it all on her own.

Also the snacks thing is trying to be relatable, do I think she's just eaten her snacks from home absolutely not. She's a massive bullshitter.
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“Take one more fucking photo of me I dare you!” 😂😂😂
I’m sorry to be one of those people…… but Rex is already burnt. You can see it on his wrists where his sleeves have moved up and on his leg. I hope she packed aloe vera and sudocrem.
There’s going to be some crying once that sunburn kicks in after the sun goes down. Poor little kids. How can anyone be that irresponsible and careless? Mother of the year again. And Joe has that colouring so why isn’t he taking more precautions with the kids? No hats and clearly not enough sun cream. Unbelievable 😡
No hats when the dad has one welded to his head at all times and SSS bought one big enough to fit them all under…. Idiots they are 😡
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She's been filtering that kids hair since the minute he was born.. Imagine being that embarrassed about your child's hair colour 😳

The Harry chat gets more boring every time it crops up. None of us know a single thing about why he isn't there or the politics around the relationship with his mum and what she allows etc. we have no clue.
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The eldest two are lovely looking kids but the youngest kids are..erm..."unique" looking kids aren't they? 😬
Rose looks like she's got really bad dark circles in a couple of the pictures/clips and I noticed it looks like she has a scab or something on her nose. Don't get me started on Rex dressed in that hideous romper.
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Why can't they just be normal, feed kids early put them to bed, the adult was there to mind them (her father) and then just go out for dinner as a couple, no need to have the ankle biters hanging out of her all the time. If it was me that's what I would have done!!
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They really are those chavs you see in the airport &
think ffs don’t put that lot next to me or be in our hotel. Avoid eye contact at all times & hope they take their chavy arses somewhere far away. Feel
Sorry for Leighton & Zachary having to pose for that money shot!
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Wise move by Harry not to go (if he was invited)... why the hell would he want to go, he'd get zero time on his own with Joe... it'll be total carnage 🤣 I think Harry is probably happiest when he's off fishing or similar on his own with Joe.
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Softly softly Roess she says filming her latest story of belleswash in her bouncing chair. Nothing softly about it. She’s a 12 month old baby herself, doesn’t understand the concept of softly, nor should she! She may want to interact but spinning poor Belle around like a teenage chav working on the waltzers trying to get his end away! So her dummy comes out, put the phone down dickhead! Fake breastfeeding, flashing her grey knickers, admitting she needs to shave her legs, begging for a 7/8 seater car it’s been quite a day for the solomon!
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Is it possible for the BBC to permanently relocate Stacey Solomon to an outdoor hutch? I think it’s a great idea, and humane to those of us still paying a TV licence.
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Don't want to be one of those people, but that's not true, I don't think. He spent all his money fighting her in court and did win. She was being one of those mum's and he proved it.. might have said that initially because he struggled but she definitely also prevented him out of bitterness

Not having a go, and I cannot stand Joe. I'm just very touchy about subjects like this and had to say that.

Or maybe it's cos lots of articles are old? 🙄
If the articles are old why are they suddenly harder to find in the space of a year? They were old a year ago too genuis 🙄

And you're wrong, it is true. He abandoned his son when he was 7 months old. After he met Stacey he began to fight for some sort of access in the courts but Harry was 11 years old at that point. She wasn't being "one of those mum's" as you so nicely put it, she was protecting her son from his shit father.
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She just won't say it because she is too worried her "insta family" (complete strangers) will be desperate to follow her over. Also she is so famous that the papers will fly their top photographers over to get a picture of them :ROFLMAO:
I wouldn’t go and see her in my garden nevermind fly to Abu Dhabi to see her.
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Tootle Pip Wiz

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She only has to look at this face and she gets pregnant. I'd rather sew up my fanny with a dirty rusty needle than that come anywhere near me. You just know he smells of 100 Lambert and Butler and Wotsits. 🤢🤢🤢🤢
And that fucking hat needs burning, state of it. Manky filthy man he is.
I will never get over how much he has aged and become scruffy in the last 5 years. And he's only 40. 😳

Now in 2023:


February 2018.



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Surprise surprise a photo of her in a bikini saying how she loves her body for giving her her children. Nauseating and completely boring now. Just looming for people to tell her how amazing and real she is. Have a day off and change the record
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