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Well-known member
I think she’s defo split from Kallum and is just absolutely desperate for attention, it’s so embarrassing.
You’re so right @Clarity456 How does she expect us to all take this new venture seriously when she’s only been to Dubai once on a layover 🤣 can imagine the only people using concierge services are the thirsty instagrammers wanting to be seen in the right places, don’t see how there’s much money in it tbh?
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Well-known member
I’m not sure if she was always like that tho.. who knows, the point I’m trying to get across is that she comes across as look at me look at everything I have on her socials when in reality the majority of it is because of kallum 💰
Exactly this. She trapped Kallum with her first child. You can clearly see that. And the other two were insurance. She’ll be set for life financially. And all the bollox the other day about I’ll never be too proud to work or provide for my kids....just happens you work a night job in a sleazy bar with your tits out and that all your mates go to???? Can’t imagine her working in Tesco can you? It’s not a real job it’s just an excuse to be out partying all the time.
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Chatty Member
It looks like Kallum is on this holiday as a babysitter whilst she acts like she’s free and single (I know, for once eh? 😂)
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Chatty Member
Will you have to hand your phone in at the door do you think?
At Soho you have to sign an NDA and have your photo taken. If you are seen using social media or posting things after, you get your membership revoked and you could be liable. I’m assuming it’ll be same at Hush.
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There’s no flow to the podcast- it’s just flight of ideas- have a topic & stick to it!! & it doesn’t have to be about yourself Sophie- I know you are your favourite subject but you’ve covered break ups, grief, money, single parenting, manifesting, work!! Talk about something or somebody else & don’t bring it back to you!!
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Exactly. The dread I used to feel when they walked in. Knew I’d get shit just for breathing. That’s such a shit feeling, targeted for no reason. Bullied just because. I agree with what you said, look at my life now and I’ve everything going for me! Wish I’d stood up for myself then...!!!!
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Sophie watkins talk club- she’s going to charge to listen to a podcast! I bet she doesn’t mention her and Kal splitting up on the free podcast. She’s obv gonna charge people for it!
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Her face looks a mess in that last post without a filter! Lumpy and bumpy from filler and the make up must have been put on with a trowel! 😳 such a tasteless shoot featuring her arse as per!
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Well-known member
I would be gutted to have 3 kids and a broken marriage before I’m 30 🥺 it’s a shame tbf that they can’t work it out
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Bit of a lame excuse to me, but each to their own. I personally feel like if you are no longer an item (and both seem to be with other people - moved on) why would you keep your ex’s surname. Because it holds (monetary) value. That’s it. I’m sure if kal was a bum she would be sure quick to change back to her original surname.
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Active member
Twiglet legs 🤣🤣🤣
She must just try outfits on to take a photo for the gram as nobody in their right mind would go out in a blazer with fuck all else underneath surely??
seriously though, do people dress up just to take the photo? My 16 year old does but I mean like grown adult women?
and the green jumper and tights?? Like you forgot your skirt Sophie 🙄
Just about to say this! Surely she’s not wearing that green jumper with nothing on the bottom half, looks bizarre 🙄
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New member
Hmmmm .. she’s posted something about not wanting to discuss her life on her story as well today.
Also, he nipples in that body suit knocked me sick 😂😂😂
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New member
Okay so this girl is a complete hypocrite, probably bullied People throughout most of her childhood at school etc especially high school. The truth is she cheated on Kallum Watkins with Zak Hardaker, I’m not sure when but I know this is gospel as it came directly from a source in there ‘circle’ she was an absolute slag, also yes also a stripper shes worked in silks, she confirmed that by flaunting herself around the pole on somebody’s hen do, the performance was extremely embarrassing and basic, I think it was Nicolas hen do, again spotlight always has to be on Sophie because if it’s not the green eyed monster comes out, the worst thing is, she had to have EVERYBODY at her wedding as again spotlight on Sophie urrrrgh, she couldn’t even be arsed attending Nicolas wedding, poor lass. She’s awful. Kallum hasn’t really ever been that interested in her, he’s messaged one of my friends a couple of times when they’d been on nights out at the same time, one time ended up on a night out just after they’d got married and he was whining up with some blondey in a club in Leeds, with all the rugby lads stood watching, I think her brother was even there, I mean you couldn’t write it. But yes well done Sophie for flaunting your life on social media, trying to keep up with the life you’ve constantly been trying to cover up which you thought you left behind...unfortunately the can of worms were going to be opened at some point hun. Maybe you should have been just what you promote so selflessly ‘kind’.
I doubt very much this is true. Kallum has wished zak happy birthday today on insta. Zak tweets about kal all the time. That don’t day to me he’s slept with Sophie?
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