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Chatty Member
They allllll look the same too 😂 fake boobs, fillers til their lips can take no more, black hair and orange skin... it’s like a tacky trademark!! Luke Gale’s missus & Sophie look sooooo much better natural.
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Oh wow yeah I forgot about her. She was really nice and normal. Totally opposite I agree.
Zaks Mrs treat Zak like a piece of 💩. He was a bit of a loose cannon back then & she was 20 weeks pregnant and he’d announced it on sky etc and she got rid of the baby without his knowledge. Contributed to his mental health. So I know a lot of them lost a lot of respect for her after that. Very surprised them two are together. She’s another weirdo who’s face has also changed. Bizarre.
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About halfway through and tbh I had to stop listening after that as it made me feel a bit yuck. She was talking about it in the context of having a pic of this guy on her vision board (who she obviously didn’t know) and describing him as dark Skinned, dark eyes, and dark hair “looks like he had a dark past and probably sat in a prison cell” honestly made me feel gross!! It’s conversations and assumptions like that which are why we still live in the world we do today
I highly doubt she meant it in a racist way, and we know she definitely prefers mixed race guys anyway. I really wouldn’t read too much into that aspect of it.
But someone who looks like they’ve spent time in prison...great role model / step daddy material Sophie!
I haven’t listened to this week’s yet but have to say I’m finding these drunken, rambling “podcasts” hilarious. She really has a gift for talking a whole lot about a shit load of nothing 😂

Edit: I think we all just want to know the ins and outs of the spilt because we’re nosey bastards, and she probably knows this but is dragging it out and making us listen to all this BS about manifesting and “trolling” 🙄 (aka gossiping!) but she’ll definitely spill the beans at some point cos she can’t help but over share.
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hahahaa he messaged one of my friends a couple of month back saying looking well and she said f that. Wouldn’t touch him with yours never mind mine. Having her as an ex she’d probably bury her. Haha.
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Quick fact check here -

Tattle listen to my podcasts and make me rich - How? standard rate for a,fee based on that average.&text=If your podcast gets more,not then pay you more. "Apple Podcasts (Apple Music is for music), to my knowledge**, doesn’t pay any podcasters" and "Spotify has started paying podcasts to be exclusive to their platform" (sophie tells us she's on all the different platforms so no money from Spotify 😂 🤦‍♀️) and "Podcasts in general, are typically not funded by some platform. They are freely available and funded by ads, sponsorships, and/or the listeners." Even as someone with fuck all knowledge of podcasts I know the only way to monetise it is to have a sponsor who pays for advertising and even then with a following of 16k she must get what, about 3000 streams per episode if she's lucky? Again, according to the article, "The standard rate for a 60 second midroll (in the middle of the podcast) ad spot is $25 per 1000 downloads/streams. You simply work out an average from your last quarter's worth of episodes and charge a fee based on that average." so $25 is £17.74, so even if she does implement sponsorship by industry standards she could make the grand total of £53.22 for a 60 second ad 😭😭😭😭 God I'm so jealous of how rich were making her.

Social media platforms have started asking for ID - funny that, I set up an instagram account for a side business i'm trying out in addition to my day job - haven't done a post on social media announcing what a boss bitch I am but WE MOVE - and I wasn't asked for one piece of ID.

Why didn't people just message me direct and ask if my marriage had ended - Last summer when she was going out every night god sent, I seen a lady who looked like she was a Leeds fan probably in her 60's :cry:innocently commented on one of Sophies pics asking "where is Kallum these days", Sophie fired back very aggressively "at home on the sofa, WHY?!!!" Not forgetting she tried until Xmas to make it look like they were sill together, and only admitted when Kal's new birds mate outed her on obviously if people aren't going to get a civilised answer, forums will spring up and people will start wondering...If she hadn't wanted people talking about her marriage, she should have made sure her profile was private as soon as she got with Kal, rather than build up a following from being known as "Kallum Watkins wife" and writing a blog about their relationship called the secret life of a RUGBY WIFE.

These people don't think how trolling affects mental health - And doesnt Sophie think that maybe the fake lifestyle she's created (which she admitted finally 😭) and put out there affects mental health...I can only imagine if any mums split up from their partners and are worrying about finances, or losing their home, or having a job that works around childcare, hearing that they're not starting all these businesses (although fake) would maybe make them feel like a bit of a failure at first glance without knowing the truth.... I know when I started following her me and my ex were in the process of splitting up and her "perfect marriage" made ME feel like a failure, it's not really until this past year I realised it was all a sham anyways and anyone can be "happily married for the gram" if they trap a guy of their choosing, guilt him into marrying you and financing you to be a kept woman.

"I'm just a normal person" - fucking start acting like it then., rather than "i want to break away from average and show my boys that their Mom is a boss asssss bissshhh"

"I nearly died and the trolls were saying I wasn't as ill as I made out" - Well maybe your next boss bitch business can be to write a guide called how to get from ICU to pole grinding in 2 weeks!!

Also, that Jordan talking about getting "trolled". What happened is, she put a post on insta bragging about "I am chuffed because I'm using a MAC NC55 foundation for women of colour", then she started hanging about with Warren Phillips, got featured on the shade borough, then people from there started coming for her....I'm sorry but I can't see how anyone would think that that's not blackfacing...

The worst that's been said on here about Kirby is that you can see her teeth from Space, so yet again more lies. Sophie's shown herself to be full of shit so I'm not buying that people are messaging her death threats either, she's probably realised she sounds a bit pathetic saying people are laughing at her only fools and horses existence so had to make something up cos she had a guest so she didn't sound so ridiculous.

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Imagine being an Instagram influencer that admits it’s all fake 🤦‍♀️
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She makes me feel sick. She’s a creature you’re right.
New fella looks like a steroided version of Kal. Let’s be honest kal was way too good for her.
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Well-known member
Definitely didn’t happen, no way... She is a lot more insecure as she comes across I think. Very image obsessed. I went to school with one of her best friends and allllll they all care about is money. Also, how she affords the lifestyle she does with the job she has I’ll never know, I’m clearly doing something wrong in life 😂
I don’t know Sophie hardly but do know some of her friends and your so right. Very fake and materialistic. I’d bet she ended it with Kal now she’s set up financially for life cos of him. I always thought she’d rather on be piss with her mates than been a mum.
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Well-known member
She has 100% broke with Kallum because he’s dating my friend. He has a ex wife who he is civil with for the sake of his kids because she will use them has a weapon (his words).
He wants a quiet normal life and my friend is just that for him. He has gone on the family
Holiday with every other idiot that belongs to her for the simple fact of seeing his kids on Christmas Day.
She is a a control freak who uses her children to keep track on Kallum. She doesn’t know he’s moved on but because she’s obsessed with this thread she will read this and I hope it ruined her tacky holiday.
Does kallums new girlfriend know you’ve post this. As if my friend posted something like this potentially ruining my new relationship I would be PISSED.
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Well-known member
I think it all went pear shaped with them when she came back to England back in January for a few weeks and looked to spend the whole time on the piss with her mates and then when she got back to australia she left the kids with him to go and have her tits realigned in thailand.

Good on her for getting a job but I am shocked that shes working in such a low rent place if i'm honest. It just looks really grubby and the brunch they advertise looks absolutely awful with drinks served in red plastic cups :oops: I think i'd rather sit in a Wetherspoons than in there. at least you know what your getting.
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Haha I’m dying at these comments. Just looked at those reviews. Dead. So true.
Funny none of them were tagged in Sophie’s many stories at this best night out ever. I’ve had better nights knitting. Saddos.

they are all so pathetic. Pining after rugby players like its best thing in world. Remember where you’re from. lol.

also that Jen was with some wannabe rugby player I think he was naff anyway. Had a kid with him (shockkkkk) and then he got rid of her cos she’s an utter psychopath. Dunno about drug dealer thought she was with a 70 year old or something.
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Chatty Member
I can't see this no social media rule working to be perfectly honest... BIG celebrities like Mark Ronson etc. Obviously want the privacy cos they're probably otherwise hounded by paparazzi day and night, people like Tom Zanetti and the O Donnell sisters thrive off attention 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yeah but TZ is more likely to get away with fingering some bird that isn’t his girlfriend and the O Donnell girls can get away with doing lines of coke if there isn’t as much risk of some random using it as evidence. They want attention, but only for things they manufacture it themselves.
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