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Chatty Member
Wow I can't believe she put that on social media, I'm no fan of Dave but saying I have to show up to be that parent for him, what a cow, and she wants to give Barney a life of adventure ? She wasnt that bothered about Barney having adventures when her and Dave were both at home full time and doing f all all day. He's going to be at school soon so what's she going on about she's obviously in her woe is me stage again but that's okay as she's got all that rock climbing and hiking to look forward to.😂
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I've just caught up. I understand not posting in 100% real time but a) leaving it over a week until your holiday is over? Mind boggling and b) going to the effort of pretending you're there currently is just SO sad. Beyond sad. Why lie? I'd be so worried I would mess it up and get things confused.

In case you've never been told this Sophie, honesty is the best policy and telling the truth is easy.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your fake Insta holiday you huge weirdos.

What about if someone asks about a meet up or references something that is happening out there now, like a heatwave or something? Fucking idiots.
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Could she be any more woe is me on that reel??? FFS you lazy mare you have your family to hand you don’t do everything alone. Try being a military wife with no local friends or family to help. You also see your husband every single week. Grow up you daft bint
Exactly and I might be giving them too much credit here but surely they talked about what their parenting life would be like if Dave got a theatre job away from home before they made the decision to have a child???? That’s what normal sensible adults would do…..
I have no sympathy for her, she should have thought about her life choices like everyone else does 🙈
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Oh Dave. I don't think this will make up for anything lol Soaf is probably seething still
I actually think she's being so selfish. Like she's making the poor sod grovel for working hard and bringing in an income. Making him feel bad for the decisions he makes, I reckon she's quite a manipulative person, very insecure, can't cope without him. Surely if she was that loving supporting wife, she'd be liking his posts, commenting, supporting him, being proud and encouraging him. My other half gets on my tits sometimes but I'd never dream of punishing him for it by making digs etc. She's just nasty.
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Hold on... the Bee Network is travel for Greater Manchester, it doesn't make sense !!! She lives in Sandbach. Who would drive to Manchester pay to park your car in Manchester, then use the bus to go to Primark then to Bury, like WTF. She's saying how easy it is, then I remember this is Soaf, its anything for a paid AD and to fuck with Patreon and YouTube.
Yup, the girl who only drinks tea and had never been seen drinking alcohol suddenly became a massive fan of coffee and whisky when dollar was offered. She's fake AF. Just like that Brogan Tate advertising sanitary products when she doesn't have periods. Mind you, Soaf ditching her engagement ring for that freebie was a new low, even by YouTuber standards.
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Can’t wait to see what they post next 🤣

would have been less weird to have just said they’ve been, are now home and are now posting (I mean it would have still been very weird considering they call themselves Disneu vloggers.) and would’ve thought they’d give their Patrons exclusive/early posts about it.

you couldn’t write this!
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It’s a great opportunity, whether or not it leads to further roles. The problem is acting is incredibly precarious and you have to take the roles when they come up, especially when they’re ones like this. Plenty parents miss out on time with the kids because of their work commitments. My own father did. It is what it is. Saying “be a teacher” is simplistic because that’s years of training and tbh I doubt he’s cut out for it.

I think the problem is Sophie. She can’t in one breath tell him to go for it and in the next resent him. For as much as he irritates me, this is what he trained to do, what he wants to do and clearly an environment he thrives in (even if it ramps up the irritation factor exponentially). She has family support and a clearly sufficient bank balance that she could manage this short term situation. I don’t think she’s struggling; I think she enjoys being seen as the martyr and that’s genuinely quite boring.
I don’t think I agree with this. Nothing on this earth could make me or my husband be away from my child for 6 days a week. I think if Dave wanted to continue to do that job it should have been discussed before they brought a child into the mix and both agreed on no longer living in London. I think it’s very selfish of Dave and it’s Barney that suffers at the hands of it not having his dad around. What’s the plan long term to just live away from your kid if more opportunities do come about?
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I’m actually in shock of how shit they have been with this trip/ patreon.
They wanted to do this for a living and they’ve given us *nothing*
I'm not shocked, this is completely typical of them.

They wanted to go FT so neither of them had to get 'real' jobs. Unfortunately for them they are too work shy to put any work into their channel and it failed. Sophie was forced to do the unthinkable and get a job, now YT has zero purpose for them. It was never about 'sharing our lives', it was always so she could sit her bum all day. Patreon just drags on for easy cash.
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Chatty Member
'Is the LA traffic as bad as everyone says'?? Why the flip does that matter you weren't driving you idiot, and thinking about booking a hotel at terminal 2 when you are flying from terminal 5 and then being surprised to find out that there are a few miles between said terminals, she really is thick as mince 🙄
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Toad in the Hole

Chatty Member
She’s got three sisters and 1 brother:
- Jess (same dad as soph) - has the life Sophie wants. Husband is a lawyer , she has a son, daughter and is pregnant with third.
- Nina (Different Dad who has sadly died) , lives in Birmingham and does influencing stuff in her spare time
- Lauren (different dad again) who is has just qualified as a flight attendant for BA. Her and the brother share same dad.

Jill (the mum) seems to have a boyfriend in Southern California. We know that they experienced loss of a grandparent about s year ago (I think) and it makes sense that it was on the mums side as all the kids seemed to come into money and were spending lots.

Sorry for family tree essay , I need to get a life 🤣
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Will be interesting to see what happens, is this just a one time thing they’ve ageeed Dave will do? There is no way their marriage will survive another stint of it as she is so very clearly miserable. She’s pinning all of her hopes and happiness on holidays and when Dave finishes this job which is not healthy.
This is why they need to be ADULTS and look at what their options are. Now I know Dave has less of a chance than most to get another role as he is very niche with his size but being in such a major show as Phantom will count for a lot. We have all questioned how Dave will cope once this ends, he is living the working life that he has always wanted how could you seriously ask him to give it all up for the most exciting thing to happen is that Soaf clears out the drawers again! So yes he will miss his Son and probably his wife but they have to ask why she can't relocate, she doesn't seem to have a job or one to speak about apart from social media and that is hardly bringing in big bucks. The only reason to be up in Cheshire is to be close to her family but is this really enough?

It's a real dilemma as you either have Dave being miserable as he will be in a dead end job but with his family or Soaf being miserable as she will be left alone all the time but will have her family. I would feel sorry for them but they are in their 30's with a child and should have grown up years ago, life can be tough but some have it far much tougher than them and haven't brought it on themselves unlike these two with their childish decisions.

Wow that was very deep from me, I think I need to go and laugh at Brogan's stalker to cheer me up!
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Haven't they been back for like nearly two weeks now and still no sign of a vlog on any platform? I thought they were faking being away a week later so that they looked like competent people and could upload within an acceptable timeframe for their paying fans.
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