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Iconic Member
As if I’d donate a penny to them 🤣😂
I’d rather throw that 75p in a puddle and make a wish!!
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That pity video is so annoying to watch, they are moaning that they don't have a nursery to put babies things in. This is exactly why you don't get pregnant without having your own home. I get they didn't anticipate the pandemic and it's affected their chances of renting now, but I don't understand how they can think they'll be buying a house in the future with neither of them being employed right now.
And I find it so odd that neither of them seem to be particularly upset that Daves family may not be able to meet the baby for a while after it's born.
They had a home when they got pregnant. Sophie was working nearly full time and Dave I think had just finished in the west end. They made a conscious decision to pack it all in and move back in with Sophie’s mum. What I don’t understand is why they didn’t try and find somewhere to live BEFORE they moved out of Basingstoke whilst they were both earning etc. Sophie was going to her mums for her midwife appointments and scans etc so it’s not like she wasn’t around the area to go and view houses. I know that would of meant she was looking on her own but let’s be honest, I doubt she cares about what Dave thinks anyway.
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The most excited I’ve ever seen Dave about this pregnancy was when he thought he’d have to isolate because she was knocked up.
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She has rainbows plastered all over the baby posts and it’s so insensitive to those who have went through the significance of that 😢
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Chatty Member
I thought this too, I took the dinosaur print as a clue!
I thought that but they didn't buy the baby grow it was gifted to them and it's the only baby thing they have to use for a picture.

I also don't think they would put that much thought in to it.

If they have then it could be Arlo or Rex. Stacy Solomon has made Rex quite a popular name. If I heard them shouting Rex and Chip in the park, I'd be on the look out for 2 dogs!
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Chatty Member
Sophie’s post on her story 🙄 Maybe she should have thought about the fact that they didn’t have a home or jobs before they decided to get pregnant. They can’t blame their own foolishness on covid. This wasn’t an accidental pregnancy by any means. They are both just lazy idiots, unable to provide for themselves let alone their child.
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Chatty Member
I do find it very strange (and so sad) they are even thinking about spending the money they already don't have on games instead of the first essesntials for their baby boy . Or aren't even excited about buying him things.
thing is if they were smart about it there are carry cots that go on to your push chair that can also be used as the Moses baskets at home - meaning they don’t need to buy twice and saves on storage.

I’m unsure why a woman who has wanted a baby for SO LONG has not bought anything for him. Surely even if you have little money you would be so excited to just buy the odd baby grow?

I saw her Mums Instagram page today and there was photos from Sophie’s wedding, I still can’t get over that Miss Prissy Princess got married in a registry office (absolutely nothing wrong with it and it was a nice venue tbf but just she’s so above EVERYONE in her eyes that it still shocks me) I do think that’s why she hasn’t bought her baby stuff, because she can’t afford the Pram with the price tag so is stalling, she’s in denial. Same with all this fake let’s go to DLC or WDW one last time when they quite obviously can’t afford it! It’s denial.

I remember being like that when my husband and I had just bought our house and holidays were a dream because we had other responsabilities like furnishing our house, then our Daughter came along, life is expensive but we worked hard and struggled like a lot of young couples do and when we could finally afford those holidays it was great, because we knew we’d worked hard for them. I had my daughter when I was 20 and I’ve worked ever since, because I want her to understand that life doesn’t come free.

We are younger than Sophie and Dave and I can’t imagine having that going no where in life lifestyle. Now we can afford the holidays I sometimes find it hard to justify as Disney holidays aren’t cheap, it’s making the decision of do I need to upgrade my car or shall we put it towards house improvements or longer term goals, because we are grown ups.

They just don’t have this mentality and I personally think all this shall we do this shall we do that is because they know that it’s not really possible, but want to kid themselves it is.

Sophie wants to buy the £40 top from Zara she will wear once because that’s easier than saving 3-4K to go on holiday, and she can scrounge that money off her flamily fans.

When everyone else was worried about their jobs these two were thinking yay more time to spend together and get more pity for the shit choices we’ve made in life.
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I just can't get over that vlog. She made out that we would get a really honest chat about what they were feeling with pregnancy, why she was down, where they were at etc and there really was hardly anything. It was all about the merch and the reason she was upset was because maybe they shouldn't be selling it now. I was honestly shocked. I expected a real talk about feeling nervous, overwhelmed, unprepared etc but nothing except there are no houses to look at and the couple of 2nd hand baby gros we have are in a bag at the moment. So what? I have a house but my nursery furniture can't arrive yet (ordered in Jan) so my baby stuff isn't folded in the drawers either. Is that it? She doesn't seem at all interested in this baby :(
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Iconic Member
For me the turning point was when they won that vlogging award. They turned grabby and lazy after that.

I never thought they were particularly loved up, though. I never saw any chemistry between them. Yes, they both bleat "I love you so much" about a gazillion times in every vlog but I never felt it. Even in the early days I felt it was a convenient relationship for both of them.
which they cheated to win....same.
and I got blocked for pointing out they were cheating.
Lucy Wood should have won.

(for anyone who doesn’t remember one of their “fans” posted saying she’d learned a way to vote hundreds of times, they replied and encouraged her to do it and to get more to do it, I posted saying that was really unfair and I got blocked....

I then told lucy wood that the vote was rigged, which wasn’t my place but I felt sorry for her, she PM’ed me on twitter the next day saying she was upset she hadn’t won but she felt better knowing going into it Sophie and Dave were going to win [because she knew they cheated]
and this is why I can’t stand them both)
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The tat she bought to film a haul video that she had to take down in the end because she was getting so much back lash for 🙈
Quite rightly! I never really had an opinion on her but over the last few days she's shown her true colours.

I wonder if Sophie and Dave stayed away from going live Incase anyone brought up brogan, a fellow Disney QUEEEEEN....YASSSSSS 🤣😂

jade boring-ton jumped into brogans comments, but she’s already had a swipe at this site, at the time dave backed her up.

I assume they’re silent now so nobody comes to see what they’re talking about 🤐
I wish Jade had a more active tattle feed. One of the most annoying YouTubers I've ever watched.
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This is the first time I have ever posted - I’m much more of a lurker on forums - but I just can’t hold it in any longer. Sophie and Dave need to pull their heads out of the clouds. Having dreams is all well and good but right now they need a reality check. Baby will soon be here and I really, really don’t think they have any idea what is about to hit them. Even the most prepared of couples find becoming first time parents hard, so what the hell is it going to be like for Sophie and Dave?

I honestly think that Dave’s acting/musical career is done, so he will naturally become fed up and resentful at having to have a ‘normal’ job. I can’t see Sophie being supportive of him being away on tour or constantly in London once she realises how much hard work children are. And if they find it hard to regularly upload now with no baby, in lockdown with neither of them working, then they’re going to find it impossible to upload once the baby arrives and Dave is back doing night shifts. I think Sophie is banking on their YouTube channel growing and becoming a huge success and everything will magically work itself out but it just isn’t going to happen. They’re not driven enough, aren’t interesting enough and, quite frankly, aren’t likeable enough. Like, in ten years will they have a popular channel that pays their bills full-time? Not a chance. Their YouTube/Instagram certainly won’t be bringing in decent money to keep a roof over their heads or provide for their family, and making crappy little pins as a form of steady income when you’re in your 40s isn’t really going to cut it. They have their ‘dream’ plan A but what is plan B? Or is plan B so unacceptable they can’t even consider it? Dave is going to end up resentful that his dream never took off, Sophie is going to end up resentful that her dream never took off, and they’re both going to be resentful at the way their lives have turned out. Reality is about to hit them like a ton of bricks. This is a recipe for disaster...
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Chatty Member
I've had painful periods where I've had to take over the counter tablets (as she referred to them !) and I've had a baby. Sophie love there is absolutely no bloody comparison and you are in for a very rude awakening 😂 It just goes to show the extent of this twos naivety and stupidity !
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I started reading the comments on the video and had to stop because I got too angry.

I presumed their audience were teens who maybe hadn't realised yet that a stable job and a home are basic requirements before deciding to bring a child into the world, but it appears I am wrong.

How can anyone be supportive of their life choices?!

I am very bitter about this as we have chosen not to start a family with financial reasons playing the biggest part. I am the main breadwinner and my company doesn't provide maternity pay.

I didn't realise that it would be perfectly acceptable for us to get pregnant, sell our home, pack up all our possessions and pets in the car and turn up on my mum's doorstep telling her I've come home.

What these two have done is not okay and it is so important that we speak up about it.
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Well that just showed how immature those two are. They thought they'd move to Cheshire, get jobs straight away and start renting their dream home. They remind me of those muppets on Wanted Down Under who expect to buy a four bed mansion with a swimming pool with one partner working part time.

Best bit for me was the constantly wiping her eyes when she wasn't crying. Ah, that's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.
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Were they not engaged for like 7 years? Didn’t they really only start planning the wedding when Beaverbrooks gave them free rings and then suddenly they thought the wedding would be a cash cow and they would get offers from companies to provide things?
Quite possibly knowing that pair of beggars. That made me angry too, she threw out the engagement ring Dave gave her and she'd worn for years because Beaverbrooks gave them a freebie. She knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
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My mum would be absolutely disguisted at me if I was doing what they’re doing, genuinely. I was always taught to always have my own money and to never rely on ANYONE.
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The problem with Sophie is that she wants to portray a certain image. So I have no doubt she will want a certain type and colour of pram, a certain type of house and style but she needs to let all of that image stuffed go as a baby is on the way. I always think about that time they were sleeping on a mattress with no bed but had afforded to go to disney. It's embarrassing but it just affected them so didn't really matter. Now they have a baby on the way they can't do stuff like that. They really need to change how they view everything and how they choose to live. They need to get more stable jobs, save for a while and out sorting a house first before Disney and blogging. Honestly think there blog will be gone in 12 months.
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Chatty Member
They haven't bought any nappies? I'm sorry, what? My spare room was full of nappies and wipes for months. I'd pick them up when I did my food shop once a week. As well as muslins, sleepsuits, you know baby ESSENTIALS. I'm actually gobsmacked.
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