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Iconic Member
Just seen Dave's stories - washing your own car isn't dad life. 🙄 It's just looking after what is yours. How ridiculous. Also why is he taking protein. He needs to lose weight he doesn't need additional supplements on top .
the awkward thing is, Dave doesn’t have a car 😐 Sophie doesn’t even have a car.

the bank have a car that Sophie drives.
Dave can’t even drive the banks car.
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Is anyone else really uncomfortable with the fact they’ve put barneys name on the card when he isn’t even born yet??....
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Their new vlog has angered me. There’s people struggling and people getting second hand things for their baby in order to provide for them and to make sure they have what they need for their baby. Working 40 hour weeks. These two have now been gifted a pregnancy pillow and another marernity pillow to use when feeding the baby. I think it’s disguisting they’re relying on gifted things for their own baby. Sophie and Dave, don’t be so fucking selfish. If you can’t afford it- don’t have a baby
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If you plan on breastfeeding you're more likely to give up if you have formula and bottles at home.
Not necessarily, I didn’t give up breastfeeding, I was too physically ill to breastfeed (I was in a coma) & the meds I was on to save my life prevented my milk coming in. Some women cannot physically breastfeed however much they want to.
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Iconic Member
dave was probably directing himself during that scene....

sad face,
eyes to the ground,
try and look upset,
touch Sophie and hope she doesn’t flinch, and cut.......

act two.

sad face,
teary eyed,
argue with Sophie when she says she’s doing nothing and remind her shes gRoWinG a bAby, even though she is in fact, doing nothing.
try not to shout YASSSS,
try not to eat a snack,
try to flutter eyelids like Sophie tries to do, but she might just have an eyelash stuck,
mention Disney,
call the kid by it’s name so the vulnerables feel involved enough to pay for our kid.
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Chatty Member
The thing is even if their Adsense is down 50% that’s 50% of what they’re earning from uploads. So surely they could just upload twice as much as they are now to bring their YouTube income back up. Seeing as they’re not doing anything else if they uploaded 3/4 times a week their income would probably be similar to what it was before when they only uploaded once a week.

Also found it slightly off putting that they spent longer in that video talking about their concerns for the merch than their concerns for Barney.
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I found these Sophie and Dave threads recently and absolutely love them 😂. I was compelled to make an account though when she belly flopped on to that pillow. What the FUCK. To be honest that entire last video infuriated me. ALL OF THEIR VIDEOS INFURIATE ME. Me and my partner found out we were pregnant whilst living in a one bed house and saving for a mortgage. My mum offered up her dining room as a bedroom for us but, like human adults, we said no thank you, we're adult enough to make this baby, we will take care of it.
How dare Dave talk about how little money they have but how desperately she needs a pregnancy pillow. Maybe aim for a cot, a travel system, anything for that child of yours first you absolute weapons.
Oh, and FYI, if you're anything like me when I was pregnant with my boy, a pregnancy pillow isn't going to make the slightest difference. Then baby will come along and for the first month you won't sleep more than an hour at a time. 😊
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Chatty Member
What a melodramatic pile of crap that was. Sophie wiping at her eyes (strangely no tears), soft whispery voices and sad faces as predicted. And lo and behold the flogging starts. Honestly these two are a disgrace.

They mentioned that fact that they’d like to buy a house one day? With what? The Adsense from videos you don’t put up or the pins you’re flogging? Good luck to them with that.
And then moaning that they couldn’t find a place to rent before lockdown-yeah only because you stupidly bought a dog that no landlord will accept.

The thing that got to me the most was that they said that the money made from the pins would be going towards them ‘getting a house, buying things for the house, and getting a nursery done’. I’m sorry what? Buying stuff for a house (Stuff which you should have left over from your previous property anyway) is a priority over buying stuff for your child and his nursery?!? Also a nursery is not what a newborn needs! They’re going to need nappies by the hundred, nipple cream, nappy cream, a baby bath, thermometer, crib, buggy, clothes, blankets, bouncers, cat seats, nappy bag, nursing pads -I could go on. But no yet again none of that was even mentioned. Sophie even said herself-all babies need is love, milk and a nappy change. What nappies love?
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Chatty Member
I don’t get the obsession with them getting a house 6 weeks before she is full term. Why bother spending the last 6 weeks before the baby comes hunting around for a home, decorating, moving furniture and stressing about credit checks? Use the last 6 weeks to prepare for your baby. Buy clothing, practise hypnobirthing, go over your birth plan, it’s too late now to be moving into a house so just appreciate the situation for what it is. Focus on the baby and feel grateful that you have a family around you to help you. Some women are giving birth alone in hostels and refuge centres.

They are so lucky to have a supportive family around them who will more than likely be helping with feeds and helping through the night but they can’t seem to see the benefits of this. They still have a home It just happens to be with Sophie’s family.

It makes me really upset because I’ve sympathised with them (and still do to an extent, I know that’s not the norm of the forum but I understand why they can feel anxious) but I feel like they are manipulating their situation to make it look much worse than it is and getting the sympathy of expectant parents who WILL be doing this on their own.

Going through a first pregnancy in a pandemic is really really shitty, I’m not denying that but Sophie and Dave managed to have time tcelebrate with family, to go shopping and coo over baby things. They have had time to find out their babies gender, they’ve had midwives appointments in person, they‘ve had scans and they even had a gender reveal party. When Sophie’s comes back from hospital after having her baby she’s going to a home, surrounded by her family to help her and to meet her baby, unlike other new parents. They’ve been very lucky to be able to have these experiences that a lot of people can’t have now.
Sorry for the rant.
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I laughed out loud at Sophie's words of 'reassurance' at the end of the Live.

"I know it's really weird and hard....but...just know that....we're here and we'll always be here".

OH GOOD. There was I worrying about my work drying up and how I'll pay my rent and bills, etc....but YOU'RE HERE. Lifesavers.

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Iconic Member
Well played, stop uploading for a week, get the vulnerable audience to worry,
Then drop a begging upload complete with 6/8 mid roll ads,

if Dave does read here, because I assume out of the two he’s the only one who might feel guilty.

you’re an embarrassment
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I see Dave was pratting around in Aldi recording the flower selection on Insta Stories to enable Her Royal Highness to choose a bunch exactly to her liking, no doubt whilst there was a queue of customers outside, waiting to get in to the store to do actual shopping.

Selfish through and through.

And if you're going to buy a bunch of flowers for anyone, Dave, how about buying them for Sophie's mum as a small gesture of thanks? She's the one you two have been freeloading off over the last few months.
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Chatty Member
A barney is a fight here in Scotland lol . You think Dave would know that. Like I went to the pub and a group of neds were having a barney.
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The cynic in me thinks they're only planning on donating £1 from the sale of every pin to Tommy's to try and deflect attention from their blatant begging and minimise any so-called "hate".

Using an organisation which funds valuable research into miscarriage and stillbirth etc. as a defensive shield from criticism.
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Feather duster

Active member
Youtube is so important as a creative outlet, people do it because they love it....
Our channel isn't making much money.... so we're not doing much (except cashpoint Tuesday)
I take that to mean they don't love it, but just do it for money?

Also as someone who was told by a parent that they wouldn't have had me if they had known I had the genetic condition I have, I was really triggered by Sophie saying they wouldn't have got pregnant if they had known about Covid. I know it's not an ideal situation, but I kinda see that as wishing Barney didn't exist due to the current situation....
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She has a degree in teaching. I think if she had never been been with Dave she might have continued with that career and be a teacher now in a stable job. He has wrapped her up in his dreams of being famous and living in a fairytale so much that she believes it and that’s why she has no career.
she said in a video once that the reason she didn’t pursue teaching was because she didn’t want to spend her life in a job where she spent all her time planning and marking! She said she wanted better for herself and basically suggested being a teacher was below her

Worked out well didn’t it 😂😂
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Iconic Member
I feel like I’m more upset about Sophie and Dave being his parents that his questionable name 🙈

- all of tattle life
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I don't understand why people think they "chose" to have a less expensive wedding and splurge on the honeymoon. They had zero money so had no choice with the wedding. The honeymoon was paid for via the merch.
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Chatty Member
He's still got nowhere to sleep or even a car seat to get home from the hospital but don't worry guys the baby has a name so everything is fine! :rolleyes:

I'm due literally any day now and my baby still doesn't have a name but he has already taken over all the the space in the house with his stuff 😂
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