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Omg ladies and gents, I am absolutely LIVING for how fast Barney crawls already!! He will be walking SO soon - with no thanks to his mother rarely putting him down or giving him tummy time til late on - he is going to be a live wire I can tell. That’s it Barney, keep them off their arses and on their feet!! 😂😂😂😂😂
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What a show...a shitshow

Dave doing the shortest workout ever in a heavy hoody, defo doesn’t work up a sweat or he wouldn’t wear that! He then says to her the HIIT isn’t happening...or words to that effect.

Chip has lost SO much weight - how can they not see that a strict diet did that and that Dave should be also on a very strict diet too for results.

Girly leggings on Barney... he’s a boy ffs

Jumperoo altered but STILL not high enough to have him on his tiptoes. Defo watching here.

Dave mentions he’s tried making himself chips 2-3 times but not as good as Soph’s... diet going well eh.

Dog is hanging out of her while cooking their very nutritious fried chicken and chips from Nando’s.

She is sat on the mat holding the baby and the dog creeps closer and closer and nudging in...again. He looks distinctly unimpressed then.

Dave instructing her on how to do the ‘girl’ push ups that he his dreams!! He does belly flops. Why didn’t he demonstrate...oh yeah because he can’t do them! She then can only do one...kind of. The dog keeps butting in, that dog is trying to exert authority over her and they don’t reprimand him properly at ALL!

Barney trying to climb on the pouffey thing, soother in his gob yet again and then she takes it and says he can’t have it every second - had we had a discussion on that in here?? I know the dummy was bugging me but not whether it was mentioned.

She is acting a bit more lovingly to Barney while changing him for bed...and there’s the dog sticking his snout in again.

VERY worrying that they don’t ever seem to have quality time with the child without the dog being right there on top of her or almost in between her and Barney. There is BIG trouble ahead with that dog, I can just see it.
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Their bubble is well and truly bursting and surely at this point their ‘management’ must see them as a lost cause. This is what happens when you are arrogant and lazy .... people are now seeing right thru them

Also !! The food haul ... it’s not even funny
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Chatty Member
Pretty poorly?! Hun, I thought you have birth ‘PAIN RELIEF FREE’ but can’t cope with a mysterious little illness.

She isn’t ill, she’s lazy and miserable because she had to actually do something herself for her child.
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"we got about halfway through the two week Chloe ting"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they do 2 days? 🤣
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Beauty blogger? “My sister gave me this and I thought I’d try it” does not make a beauty blogger 😂
One of my favourite S&D moments of last year is when she waxed lyrical about the expensive product her sister had given her for her birthday, but then someone here noticed that that very product came free if you spent a certain amount on the website. Even Big Sis is laughing at you Soaf.
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I will criticise their pin scamming and using their son for views. Everyone parents differently and sometimes it is difficult to bond and get the hang of the ‘mum’ role and other times it just doesn’t come naturally, but I hope she manages to use the time away from Dave to build her confidence looking after Barney alone.

I’m sure anyone who has had a baby will understand that there is a lot of on judgement on everything you do as parent, but if She’s finding it really upsetting to be getting this criticism then they may need to consider stepping away from YouTube and social media for a while for their own mental health. Negative feed is sadly an occupational hazard when you have a public platform.
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I’m living for the downfall 🎉
While I don't wish bad times for anyone, this is a situation completely of their own making. Chose to fall pregnant and then immediately made themselves jobless and homeless, then decided to never work again because YouTube will pay, irrespective of the quality of the content.

Stupid, immature, naive and irresponsible don't even begin to describe the life choices those two have made since deciding to have a baby. And now they're living with the consequences.
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Chatty Member
She needs a break to plan and organise her multiple personalities.

- Eco Earth ‘no judgement’ Mother (but does judge others)
- Disney fan.... allegedly
- Influencer (who doesn’t influence)
- Fitness and weight loss blogger
- Body postive champion (but hates her body)
- Stay at home Mum (can’t quite manage the mum part)
- Full time YouTuber (but can’t even video 50 minutes of their entire week....ever)
- Dog Mum
- Cheshire housewife

That’s just this week... any more? 😂
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I don’t understand why Dave is so proud of that lift? His stance is wrong. He lifts with his back instead of his knees and hauls himself to bend backwards. He’s either gonna put his back out or break a toe. All the gear and no idea 🙄
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Some observations on the boring slog...

All those fucking Easter eggs the other day and not a scrap of chocolate for Barney?? Evil cunt. My kid got an egg and has eaten it, he is also getting a share of mine. Soph kept all those XL eggs for herself and Dave. Hate her now tbh.

Then they were talking about Barney’s head being too big for hats and he said ‘beautiful big head though’ and she did not agree or comment. Despise her now tbh.
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Dave insta: ‘so we’re up bright & early today’ . .
No Dave, 7.23 is a normal day for someone with a proper job. . . In fact that’s a lie in even!!! 😡 you don’t half make my blood BOIL.
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From 7:36 - 8:21 on the latest vlog, change CHIP to DAVE and it's the funniest thing!

"2 days ago Dave had explosive diarrhea"
"Oh god, what's he eaten"
"We have to be so careful what we give him"
"He will pinch things off the work top"
"where's the butter Dave?" - Dave referring to himself in third person "he had eaten it off the side"
"We think he's eaten the wrapper"

This combined with dave's "guilty dog" look to camera is just pure flamily gold!! :LOL::LOL:
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Lol. The comment is surely sarcastic ‘Wow you two are so motivated! Well done for starting another challenge. Love how you have that get up and go to make plans and stick to them. Inspiring. Xx’ 😂😅😅
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