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I don't know if all of you posting about this not happening are serious. I went for a run last week and had 3 incidents within 1.5km from my front door in London. Maybe its not an issue in smaller towns but certainly a problem in bigger cities. It doesn't matter if its non-verbal, any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable is not ok. Men beep from cars to make you look all the time, don't look away when meeting on the street or move in on the pavement and then make comments. Even had someone stop me on my run ask me directions then say something inappropriate. I'm actually on SOH side here and think she was right to report it if she had the name of the business. Don't think the video of the call was necessary, defo for engagement but fair play for sticking up for herself. Its disgusting and more common than some of you seem to think.
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Another year gone by and yet again no invite to wellfest for Irelands only female pt/coach/fraud
It must annoy her when the likes of trishas transformation gets invited to talk and do demos and she doesn't even get a free ticket.🤣
She'll get a ticket alright. When Smelliest is a thing.
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Wasn't it a single men Gaa match or something. She should be pulled for that so seeing she's complaining she heard a car beep. She is unhinged...
Yes a married vs single game! The seconf Coddle had been fobbed off to Ned she was over at Finians. And probably scouting the married team.
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Sometimes I wish I was a little like Shiv.... longing to have a baby and had to leave a relationship due to difference in opinion on the matter, rather than try trap the poor lad 🤣
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Ok so I went back to the Wiki and had a look to make sure I was fair and accurate in my comments above!

The first time she ever set foot in Bali was the 1st of October 2018 and the last time she was there was the 30th of April 2022 - that is a total of 3.5 years - I'd hardly call that "living" there! There were extended holidays.

Here's the breakdown:

2018 - 3 Trips to Thailand - 44 days; 30 days; The last trip was in September for 9 days - then she looked across the sea and said is that another island I spot over there - I am going to go discover it. On the 1st of October, she arrives in Bali for the very first time ever staying 39 days - then off to Australia to stalk Sonny for 3 weeks and back to Bali for 8 days before heading home for Christmas.

2018: Total time in Bali: 47 days

2019 - Thailand first for 25 days and then Bali for 28 days. In August she went back for 4 months.

2019: Total time in Bali: 152 days -over two trips

2020 - Feb went to Bali for 35 days - home for covid. She got back to Bali (after trying to fly with covid) in October and was forced to stay for 7 months.

2020: Total time in Bali: 113 days – over two trips

2021 - Left Bali on the 5th of May and spent the summer in London after stealing a vaccine meant for homeless people. Back to Bali in September for 77 days before coming home for Christmas.

2021: Total time in Bali: 197 days ( 4 months of that she was forced to be there but looked like she was having a nervous breakdown)

2022 - January - back to Bali for the last time ever for 3 months.
2022: Total time in Bali: 100 days

Total days spent in Bali = 607 days between the 1st of October 2018 and 30 April 2022. 7 months of that over 2021/2022 was because she couldn't leave - it would have been less.

Don't get me wrong 607 days out of 1277 days is an impressive amount of time to spend in Bali. My question though - would you describe it as living there?
Ok so I went back to the Wiki and had a look to make sure I was fair and accurate in my comments above!

The first time she ever set foot in Bali was the 1st of October 2018 and the last time she was there was the 30th of April 2022 - that is a total of 3.5 years - I'd hardly call that "living" there! There were extended holidays.

Here's the breakdown:

2018 - 3 Trips to Thailand - 44 days; 30 days; The last trip was in September for 9 days - then she looked across the sea and said is that another island I spot over there - I am going to go discover it. On the 1st of October, she arrives in Bali for the very first time ever staying 39 days - then off to Australia to stalk Sonny for 3 weeks and back to Bali for 8 days before heading home for Christmas.

2018: Total time in Bali: 47 days

2019 - Thailand first for 25 days and then Bali for 28 days. In August she went back for 4 months.

2019: Total time in Bali: 152 days -over two trips

2020 - Feb went to Bali for 35 days - home for covid. She got back to Bali (after trying to fly with covid) in October and was forced to stay for 7 months.

2020: Total time in Bali: 113 days – over two trips

2021 - Left Bali on the 5th of May and spent the summer in London after stealing a vaccine meant for homeless people. Back to Bali in September for 77 days before coming home for Christmas.

2021: Total time in Bali: 197 days ( 4 months of that she was forced to be there but looked like she was having a nervous breakdown)

2022 - January - back to Bali for the last time ever for 3 months.
2022: Total time in Bali: 100 days

Total days spent in Bali = 607 days between the 1st of October 2018 and 30 April 2022. 7 months of that over 2021/2022 was because she couldn't leave - it would have been less.

Don't get me wrong 607 days out of 1277 days is an impressive amount of time to spend in Bali. My question though - would you describe it as living there?
This isnt a stab at you, more just using your timeline of Bali, but yea she lived there. This is how she lives her pathetic "living differently" life. Would she be doing the same shit it Dublin absolutely and it would be living there too. Her life is nonsense I agree but squabbling over her description of living abroad is kinda sad, almost jealous, she lived abroad, not in the way most would but she did, for all she lies about, i cant see this as a lie, pathetic yes but not a lie
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She got the brows done. Keep looking at her face doing the burpees, although who am I to talk I can't even walk down stairs!
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Anyone follow Ned is he posting anything that is triggering this?

There is so many coincidences that the same van twice beeped her, faith must be putting them in her path twice in a week. She doesn't know the difference between cat calling and beeping, cat calling is significantly worse. IF the boss does ring the lads all they say is they were beeping the car in front and laugh at how up their own hole someone must be to think that a beep (in rush hour traffic) is sexually assualting someone on a Monday morning. How many lads were in the van? What age?
Just a grid post from Hyrox in Malaga last weekend.

If I worked in a place where someone rang in to say our Van had 'beeped' at someone I'd think they'd lot the plot tbh. Has she said that they shouted or anything? From what I've heard (that I can remember) it was a few beeps of a horn?
Ned was at Hyrox this weekend.
It was last weekend- the 13th April. So she's ignored it for more than a week.
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I wonder if it was which country she had to pay tax to. I’ve family who (genuinely) live abroad and they’re careful as to how many times they return home and how long they stay because of the tax laws

At a highlevel, you need to keep it under 140 days a year as you get caught if in Ireland more than 280 over two consecutive years. So at bare minimum she seems to be caught for 2023 onwards on all income. For earlier years, revenue could argue to tax her Irish income so I’d say a hefty bill
She files her taxes here though. The one thing I'll give her credit for.

As someone else said up thread, if she's admitting to a mistake it's not out of humility, it's setting the scene for the next narrative change.

Most likely she thought she could swan back to Ireland and immediately get a mortgage on her own for 3 story over basement Georgian mansion on the seafront in Malahide or some such. She has probably come to the realisation she needs to move back in with mammy to save and then readjust her home ownership goals to a 2 bedroom townhouse somewhere like Balbriggan or bettystown.

She files for the company, but I doubt she’s including personal income or gifts etc.
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Do you think she uses it as a bizarre justification for her non existent levels of productivity? I mean, we all know she’s always been a lazy lump but in her mind she’s probably writing it down to remind herself she’s “busy parenting” ergo cannot behave like an adult and clean up after herself, etc.
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Is she moving back home ? Haven’t watched her stories in a few days

I’m potty training my daughter at the moment oh she’s in for a land and I can’t wait this stage is the easiest stage for her 🙈😂

Potty training was literally the MOST stressful part of having kids for me … 🙈😭😂
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