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Chatty Member
I think it’s easy to blame the parents and family for not stepping in.

But I think that they’ve just had enough of her shit. Perfect example is the holiday and someone here pointed out. The entire family went to the grand mosque… while she decided to sit and drink by the pool. Pretty clear her priorities are based around drink and not family.

Family is only relevant to her when she needs something to post about. Which is sad considering this time next year she will either need them for a place to stay or a liver to live.
All of this 👏 family can only do so much and even at that the person needs to recognise the problem.and want to get help. Siobhan clearly doesn't and loves the image of being irish and drinking like a mad yolk. It's sad I'm an OG follower and at one stage I admired her she gave bigger girls confidence to workout and get fit etc. Now shes just a mess. I'm a year older then siobh and the last 5-10 years ive put so much effort into my skincare, healthy eating etc. I'm active but my body has carried 3 kids its not perfect but id rather my face ,skin etc to look healthy then have a good figure of someone in their 20s but the face of a 50 year old. No disrespect to anyone but she's looks like a homeless alcoholic but with money if that makes sense 😪
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Imagine if she was pregnant after her “holiday romance” (one night stand) 👶🏻
She’d call the baby Mercedes or Dubai 🤪
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Checked her sisters stories and she's at the mosque with her partner, whilst Shiv is at the pool side having a drink and sharing time hops! The same thing she does whatever country she goes to, drinks and always wants to be somewhere else living in the past, travel is wasted on her!!
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I still haven’t got over that email she sent🫣 Mortified for her. And she always has to make out she’s so cool - look at me I got laid on holiday! The thirst is real.
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Ah, I take it back. I was expecting too much. Naive and hopeful me.

Business class flex that she can’t afford: ✅
...and there she goes, talking about alcohol again. HOW does she not notice her problem? It's smacking her in the face.
Imagine being so in denial that your SM content revolves around whether you've had a drink or not, when you can next drink, water picks preventing a hangover. SHE IS REVOLTING
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I’d say the family give her grief about the booze (even if they do it sometimes albeit in moderation) and of course Shivers knows best and doesn’t listen to them or anyone, hence the hiding in a hotel in Galway on her own like a weirdo.

She’s a clown
As someone who has extensive experience dealing with a stubborn alcoholic family member who will never admit they have a problem and continues to cause nothing but stress for everyone they are the most selfish people in the world. Every bit of caring advice given from a place of love is treated as a personal attack and they become argumentative.

Shiv is definitely in this bucket but she is fading faster than people I've seen. This leads me to believe she drinks a helluva lot more then she lets on. The horrendous thing is she wants to take her clients down with her by giving absolutely grotesque advice.

I think she's drinking the shit out of it when she is alone in her apartment.
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Fair play to her finally doing a competition but why book your first one after a holiday. It’s like she wants an excuse for not doing as well as she would like
This is it. I can almost picture her Instagram stories the following day stomping through Clapham harping on about how she would’ve done so much better if she had of trained instead of going on holiday but then that goes against her freedom values blah fucking blah
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Guys why the negativity about shivs getting hammered on the plane? Sure that's inevitable. You're all missing the bigger picture... Which is Peanut & Raisin are going on holidays!!! I really hope they brought a good SPF with them
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I'm genuinely shocked at how bad she looks in the taxi / uggs ad. The scruffiness is off the charter. Scraggly hair, dehydrated, spotty skin, the terrible lip job that just seems to emphasise her wrinkly mouth. She looks 50+, truly awful. That is not a healthy woman right there. It's actually tragic to see how in denial she is with her "margs Mondays" "I just like to enjoy myself" when she's clearly not a happy person that is using alcohol to mask it. How could her parents or family take a look at that face and the lifestyle she's living and not worry for her.
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She's not the traveller she thinks she is. She thinks getting on a plane meets the criteria to be classed as a traveller.

The reality is every place she goes to she does the exact same thing. Punishment training, ordering takeaway coffee, general faffing about. She might as well be in the Swords box room on the dole.

Never does she do tours or museums or interesting stuff. She puts herself in places where she could provide great content using the surrounds but fails to do it. Anytime she does do something different, she makes it a flex and it looks shit!!! F1 being an example.

She is TERRIFIED to step outside the boundaries she has set. Punishment training, eating and drinking.
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JP Bangers

Chatty Member
Can we start a gofundme for a new pair of white runners? Maybe dial back on the business class flights and focus on some basics for a while.

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Jesus, she's a massive headwreck in that crazy golf story. She's the type of person I would hate to socialise with.
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First post on arrival will definitely be a temperature stamp. (If she's not carried off the plane by the authorities for being too intoxicated)
God how I'd love to see her on Banged Up Abroad, imprisoned for public intoxication or something. Always felt like her wearing of that blue cut-out top was criminal, so maybe they'll agree.
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She never gave us a name of the Abu Dhabi hotel but made sure to name drop she stayed at the Wyndham near the marina in Dubai.

Big ginger dose of diarrhea.
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She did poor Raisin dirty with that group photo. Of course Siobh shoves herself into the middle of the pic. Always mentioning 5th feeling - we get it, you're single.
Maybe herself and Begs can reunite. Both seem to be having a terrible time posting 3rd wheel on every story.

Shiv doesn't do the whole "I'm so happy to be single" thing she used to relentlessly do so I take it she's not happy anymore. She's definitely not the catch she thinks she is. She's a full on walking red flag. 🚩

She's loud, boisterous, messy, awkward, contradictive, non assured, materialistic and desperate. Men/potential partners can sniff it a mile off.
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