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Homebird? But isn’t home Bali???
Can’t wait for “September-ish” . Yay. 🙄

couple of corkers from this morning for those who have to wait for WAI.

-OHnly Fans

-Further attempts to get james’ attention about BJJ

- She’s coming home, She’s coming home…

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Could not get over this, does this girl not have the makings of a goddamn sandwich or Beans on toast or even a fry if she's stuck like?? Traipsing around late for crap pizza??? She's not well? And this for dinner???
The fact that she’s proud of that.
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Long time lurker here... 👋

WHY does shiv add her money coffee thoughts at 07:45am
With a 5AM stamp on it....
Suspicious 🤨 anyone else think she jumps out of bed takes the pic with the time on it then back into bed for a longer lie?
Seriously how can someone be that pathetic 🥲
I always wondered that too 😂. Can you schedule a story to go up at a certain time? I know you can schedule a post on her grid to go online 😂😂
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New member
I unfollowed her ages ago when she was in bali stalking James and Co. So i was kinda outta the loop quickly caught Would she not just ask him out already better than stalking and following him from country to country.
Likewise! This is my first time catching up on what shes up to with months - it appears nothing has changed 🤦‍♀️😂🥴
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God she’s desperate. Why is every comment she makes somehow related back to her 😂

Also who’s the new friend? I see Siobhan has found a new sport and a new friend…. A sport that she’s never mentioned and I’m sure within the week she will be an expert and have a F1 hat 😂

Echoing the sentiment that she has no actual personality and clings onto whatever the people around her are interested in. In hopes that they will continue being friends with her and not ditch her like most of the others.
Not only that but isn’t lord Lucy James’s buddy … cringe
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VIP Member
I might do this program called oh fitness furnace, looks really promising, you pay €79 a month and can eat and drink whatever you want and lose weight, the head coach is constantly on the lash herself! Gets 10/10 reviews all the time but it’s so effective you don’t need to see before or after photos!
Send on your excel sheet 😂
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I think Janet has been problematic over covid , I think she went off to Mexico for herself while the world was in lockdown … I think…. Maybe someone here can clarify.
yeah was odd to watch her go from texts about her friend losing 6 friends to covid followed by happymusic and that hotel
oh Janet was extremely problematic during covid. She just fucked off to Mexico when cases were really bad in both Mexico and Ireland. It's really bad that she went to Mexico. They were kind of ignoring covid like the US and not many people were being tested so nobody knows the true figures. She also said she was "moving to Mexico" so that's why it was OK. But we all know she went to Bali fairly soon after. All she did was moan moan moan in Mexico. She had nothig positive to say about the place. She complained about sooo many things that were obviously fairly standard in Mexico but hello hun you moved to Mexico what did you expect?? Mexico is not going to operate like a western European country. She also fled Bali I think when everyone else did when covid hit first (I think).
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Did she really just share a whole WhatsApp conversation with some lad to prove she’s talking to lads in the guise of who are people supporting in the match? That’s such a breach of that persons privacy for a start and really like a teenager proving they have a boyfriend? She mentions talking to lads so often that it’s overdoing it, just comes across as immature.
Think its a bit grim sharing the messages, but dont really see a breach of privacy there tbh.
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Her behaviour is beyond cringe. Offering sympathy to the two countries who have handled it best just to get noticed by someone she is actually stalking. Meanwhile Indonesia has an oxygen shortage and not a word about them, her serfs.

Love Jacinda by the way. I spent a year in Wellington and Helen Clarke was PM then, loved her too. NZ is a great country.
Great point, while it’s nice to offer sympathies to anyone this just really ‘outs’ her… not an ounce of compassion to her ‘homeland’ of Bali….. not even one lousy mention! And it just goes over her head why it looks so bad 🙄
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Chatty Member
Tbh I’d rather have proper eating habits and enjoy exercising. She eats shite constantly - basically punishes herself on weekdays with extra cardio and walking 20,000 steps before 11am 😂.

That’s a pretty clear - negative association with good and exercise. If she could get away with being a full time mad bastard and leave behind the sponsored athlete life. She’d be gone the next day 😂
100% agree with you. It’s really not sustainable - we e seen that over the years, but she just calls it “adjusting her outlook”.
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That food looks horrendous but at least she got the other persons hand in the photo. Maybe it’s the mystery man with no social media 🥱
What would shiv be like with a partner… will she do a Maeve Madden and only treat us one troll to a glimpse of their hand or voice.
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Chatty Member
Why is Queen Nicole harping on about having travelled across the world by herself and how she's so proud of herself for doing so?? It's not like she single handedly navigated a ship from Bali to Denmark and made a treacherous sea journey. She got on a few airplanes is all. Granted, if she was 16 I could understand it being an achievement what with having to make connections in major airports but she's an adult woman in her 20s. I would be more concerned if she couldn't make such a journey.
This 100 per cent.. what a sap!!!
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Actually, while im at it, siobhans 'staying in 2 nights in a row want to have drinks with breakfast' looks a bit worrying, but then again is she trolling us? Because its been said here shes on dangerous territory the way she needs to drink with every meal and every outing has to revolve around drinks. We all know shes not funny so she could be trolling if she has read here, or she could just actually be serious. But if she had read about her drinking and eating here, she should really take a step back and see how bad her drinking and eating habits are
I think she has an issue with alcohol. Anyone in their right mind does not joke about wanting a drink for breakfast
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