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Doggone Goob

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I mean pandemic lol, also it’s not cool to shame people with social anxiety. I just think she needs to seek help for it. She’s in a privileged position that she has access to therapy and I think she really needs it
Yeah no totally, I mean I struggle hard with anxiety too so definitely not meaning to shame anyone. And I hope shes in therapy! 💗 I've found both therapy and medication really helpful over the years. But I do think YouTube can be a crutch - not her fault. When you find fame and income at a young age from if, why would you need to step away into the real world?
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Gameplay is definitely lacking but Sims 4 is always lacking in replayability. It's why we all have to invent challenges to make it more difficult or more entertaining. After I've played my current rags to riches I'll probably only go to school with my teen when I have a household where all adults are in a rabbit hole job. I'm enjoying it right now but high school isn't life changing for my Sims or me.
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I do feel a bit sorry for Kayla because she does have great work ethic. But damn, the girl needs help. I think the biggest 🚩🚩🚩 for me is her having few irl friends... I didn't realise (until I read it on here, I think) that she did her degree online. I know she rarely leaves the house. I'm assuming she met Dan online? It just feels like, because of YouTube, she never got a chance to grow out of her teenage awkward stage. I know a lot of people (myself included) take going to uni as a chance to reinvent yourself - and if you live on campus, you suddenly live with other young people 24/7 and you learn a lot about yourself, who you want to be, and who you want to be around. That 18-22 period is so important for social development and it seems like she spent it all in her room

Someone said it earlier - arrested development!
I mean pandemic lol, also it’s not cool to shame people with social anxiety. I just think she needs to seek help for it. She’s in a privileged position that she has access to therapy and I think she really needs it
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Send me free stuff !!! It's too funny because it literally feels like an ad but it's Not gifted Not sponsored 😂
Screenshot 2022-07-07 at 07-56-51 Stories • Instagram.png

This "blend" is 30$ for 100g, I'm dying

I was thinking about Deli wanting to rebrand as a "healthy influencer"/vlogger or whatever and I'm confused : if she wanted to build herself a new career, shouldn't she be uploading videos way more often and try to grow her new channel ? Seems like she's happy staying at 30k subcribers and putting in the least of effort possible. People have been asking her for gardening and cooking videos but it's always showing like 2 minutes of it, she doesn't make actual videos with recipes and whatnot.
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I love how she gets on her high horse about her content. Honey, it is plain to anyone with eyeballs that you make your content to entice kids and teens to click on your videos because MONEY. Look at any kids channel, bright colors, kids on thumbnails, clickbait stories. Her channel is basically the Sims version of My Storytime Animated. I just don't know how she can defend stories about plastic surgery addicted bimbos, belle delphine lookalikes, kidnap/imprison and sugar daddy stories. That's WAY different than kids giving each other flowers or pretending like they are married. Also, the way she is talking about romance being a stage of life, that rubs me the wrong way. What does that even mean?
I’m pretty sure people can experience romance and even crushes at any age. Not everyone just goes through one phase of romance like she’s trying to say. She seems so dim and ignorant to a lot of things. I remember in her old building videos she would constantly gossip about people and specifically her own family drama and she has a second channel called hatsyfit ( idk if it’s still there) but it used to be a normal second channel and she made full videos talking about her own personal family drama which is just so trashy. She would also be so dramatic when telling them which I get was a trend at the time but I feel like it came off as her trying to make them out to be the worst and her as a completely innocent angel. Obviously all her fans would just side with her and some people are dedicated enough to find the names of these people. It’s especially easy since they were related and it could cause a lot of problems. I don’t think anything happened with her sister getting harassed but it’s still not a good look for her. She doesn’t even interact with the rest of the sims community anymore and I have a feeling she’s just a drama starter irl. I know that was a long rant but she’s always annoyed me with her over sharing and her problematic machinimas and seeing her back made me need to get it off my chest.
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You don't even have to create your own stories, there's HUNDREDS of challenge ideas out there. Use those. Most of them have story concepts in them and the game writes stories itself half the time. You can just have fun going with the flow. Sure, crafting a good base idea and back story is nice. But the game is never going to be EVERYTHING you plan unless you're just writing sim lit and taking photos. So idk why they can't play challenges and just enjoy the game
The problem with challenges is that Simmers put zero effort into them. Just look at the big simmers that have done 100 Baby or NSB and quit. The reason why they don't finish is because people get bored and stop watching. Yes, some people can turn challenges into really interesting content BUT most of the time they don't want to make the effort. "The game writes stories itself" only works, in my opinion, if you are playing Sims 2 or Sims 3. In the Sims 4, most simmers get into this loop of "go to work, make supper, go to bed" and will go for multiple episodes where nothing happens. No one wants to watch that, challenge or not.

How long has Dine Out been out? 🤔
Didn't it take like, a year, to fix that rocket ship glitch...
I'm just saying. You're optimistic if you think this pack is coming out bugged and it'll be fixed in MONTHS 😂
(But no, really, is MWS even fully fixed?)
I highly doubt My Wedding Stories will ever be fixed. Just add it to the pile of broken stuff, like Dine Out, Butlers, Doctor Career and toddlers.
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They do play it, it's just that there isn't that much content in that pack after all. I think Deli's werewolf became an alpha and there's basically not much more to it. Since they all do let's plays that focus exclusively on the new pack and not integrate it with some other stuff that we have in the game, it gets old quickly.
It's a cute little pack, but the content is very much on the same level as vampire and spellcasters, and if you go the easy route and level up super-quick, plus get all the positive perks and traits, you soon become hilariously overpowered and the game gets stale.

Whereas if you play like James Turner, and make your vampire immediately unlikeable to everyone he meets due to his "Fatal Flaw", make your werewolf insanely aggressive due to judicious combinations of traits, and make the other werewolf a dope who just wants to befriend a stray fluffy can remain interesting enough to support a shortish Lets' Play. Combining the packs is the wisest thing you can do for a Lets' Play.

(I've got a house share of angry anti-capitalist werewolves, a snobby prissy vampire and a B-list celebrity who wants to be a millionaire, the chaos and conflict is quite good fun)
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New Deli vlog

It's a sponsored video... They got gifted a night at a hotel in exchange for a video. Actually, THE DOG was gifted the hotel ??? I don't know man, it's kind of weird. Anyway, first half of the video is them showing off the room etc, very boring, I don't like sponsored content like that, it's like an ad... And it's a very fancy hotel so it's not even relatable content 🧐
I'm at 9 min and it's still an ad : she's using the Dyson products they left in the room for them to use. Well, not a very good ad for Dyson because she messed up and her hair is still straight
Hahahaha, she's putting on foundation and she says "it's only dinner in the lobby so it's fine if we have a few pimps... 😳... PIMPLES"
"We're gonna do neutrals because I'm a neutral girl" (neutral eyebrows) No shit, neutral personality too....
Cracking up the hotel thought Deli was a dog 🤣 but also shouldn't she be the one to deal with the hotel instead of James?
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Okay so since I've been so focused on Deli and annoying with her, I tried watching stephosims for a change, since I don't know her.... What the fuck is this crap ? :LOL: You guys said she posts one video every 4 months or something (tell me this isn't her only income ???) and her intro really is "stepho does a video on somedays WOW" ? Soooo... this isn't her career, right ?
Anyway, I start the video and.... what the fuck is up with her editing ? o_O I understand a few jokes here and there and a few sounds but I wasn't able to continue watching after a minute and a half. It's literally a sound or an image or a "filter" every second. It's not funny, it's cringe... Oof. Maybe it's for younger peeps eh 👵

Here we go guys, she's already started using cheats and killing sims off : she's bored of her LP. Didn't take long
(A boo boo ? Vladi daddy ?? 😬)
View attachment 1511021View attachment 1511022
I’m going to take the Steph challenge this weekend and see how long I can make it.
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I'm not familiar with her, so these are my initial thoughts of her channel. #1 There is so much going on, so many random videos and different thumbnails styles, it's overwhelming. #2 There's a weird mix of raunchy and kid focused content. :oops: #3 Also a weird mix of high effort and low effort content. I don't foresee this eclectic mix going well in the long run, considering her raunchy Playboy Mansion video is already being buried by Youtube.
I found Whiny Britt through her storyline idea videos bc I was struggling to come up with my own and did subscribe for a bit, but then she kept doing video's about inbreeding that weirded me out and she's just quite boring tbh so I unsubscribed. Like most the simmers have a personality whether or not they're likable, they were able to get a fanbase. Whiny Britt is so bland I feel no reason to watch her especially with some of her video ideas.
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As far as I recall kelsey was a content creator/producer for buzzfeed mostly doing gaming videos.
Yeah that’s it - the 100 baby challenge just started as a video on buzzfeed multiplayer but it did really well - looking at it the first video got 22m views, the second 11m, and she didn’t start going under one million views until episode like 45. Looks like it ended around the 330k mark, which is still very impressive. It must be the most successful sims series on YouTube to her credit.
Problem is it didn’t translate to her own channel. Looking at that she has one Sims video at 1m (gold digger), one just under (NSB episode 1).
Clare Siobhan’s NSB looks much more popular than Kelsey’s. First video 1.4million and even her final episodes have got 150k views. That’s a 10% retention - really impressive.
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Just watched steph0sims werewolves video and while I'm glad that she isn't as obnoxious as in her past videos, her videos are honestly just boring with influencer references, memes, and the wacky editing that makes it funny lol. Also she kept using furry jokes and it wasn't really funny the first time and she couldn't come up with any other joke about her Twilight parody storyline. I was also shocked to see how many people have already subscribed to her Patreon considering that it's really not worth it.
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Do you guys think she cried ? I'm serious 👀 I can totally see her crying about this to James like "I don't understand why my content isn't workinggg it's such great contenttttt I poured my heaaart into this projeccct" 😬
If she did, I certainly won’t be delighting in that news.

Deligracy is a nuisance but is relatively harmless. I could never rejoice in a girl like that being reduced to tears.
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On a different note, what do we think about FakeGamerGirl uploading whatever she wants? Honestly, it is very hard to go from a focused game channel to an variety one. It's not impossible but I know of very few channels who have done it successfully. As someone who is disabled, I understand where she is coming from BUT it is only going to get harder from here. Making a successful Sims gaming channel is like pushing a massive boulder uphill. Turning a Sims channel into a variety channel and making it successful is like pushing a mountain up a bigger mountain. Best of luck to her.
I'm actually pretty excited to see where she goes from this, I'm more likely to watch her videos if she diversifies
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It's a shame, because whatever colour filter she uses makes her visuals really pop when she plays the game, but using the sim just talking is a bit dull. I can understand if she doesn't want herself on camera, but in that case she'd be far better doing as Carl or Ambiguous Amphibian do, and record a bunch of wacky sims doing stuff, then overlay her voiceover afterwards.
yeah totally agree - I kinda just want to see her elevate her content, maybe by reducing her current output (as it’s a lot but inconsistent views) and putting more focus on her good ideas. That sims base game video was good but could have been really great with much better visuals and a slight stronger audio edit.
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Woah, why so hostile? 😂 a lot of simmers have streamed the HS pack expecting it to have issues because there are so many people freaking out about it being broken, only to find out that it runs fine and people just haven’t updated their mods. A lot of simmers also think people are capitalizing on how much of a disaster my wedding stories was and are expecting the worse, and making stuff up. It’s not near as broken as people on the internet are making it to be.
I feel like in general the packs now work fine and with a few exceptions such as dine out and my wedding stories most the packs aren't filled with game breaking bugs. My wedding stories just felt like a pack rushed for a Valentines release date that didn't have that big of a budget compared to werewolves combined with how Sims 4 sims can act during events so it was destined to fail. Even dream home decorator didn't glitch out on me with my mods and I only have problems with simulation lag even with the simulation unclogged mod.
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Is she copying the movie ? They're 3 mean girls and she said "of course they're a trio" and then she mentioned the "poor girl" and said they should give her a makeover. I feel like this is what you guys said about Deli never having her own ideas and copying movies etc
Yes - the start of the movie is the three "Plastics" deciding to befriend the socially awkward homeschooled girl and give her a makeover so she can fit in. It's a fairly common highschool trope though: the same thing happens in Clueless, The Breakfast Club, She's All That, even Grease!

Oh gosh, I might have to have High School Makeover Movie weekend, I haven't watched Clueless or Mean Girls in years and they are so good!
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I screenshotted this the other day.

I honestly think this post was purely for attention from the sycophantic “luv urself bestie xoxox” crew. Missing “a couple” of uploads means that she has uploaded five videos over the course of seven days.

That’s fine? And I’m sure that she has missed days before but not felt the need to issue a statement.

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