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Do I think her kids are on the spectrum? Probably. Do I think it’s anywhere near as bad as she’s making out? No. I think her kids know how to get what they want and this makes them seem worse than they are. Of course braxton will fuck about at school if he knows he’ll come home and get a McDonald’s for lunch
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Is her fella a drug dealer or something?? Just seen her Christmas present videos for two of her kids… just obscene. Just going on and on, Lego set after Lego set and then “and a Nintendo switch with 5 games” … I’m absolutely shocked by how much she’s spent

they live in a shithole too… priorities much!
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Oh 100%. Like I’d hate to say this as an autism mum myself. My youngest, I know I sound biased but the school and speech therapy etc make her sound worse than she is. I know I sound like one of them mums but I’m honestly not but I know she’s capable of more. Yes. She has her issues I don’t deny that. But she’s not that bad.
Whereas I feel (and this could be the way slob does videos) but from viewer perspective. Braxton and Lennox play it so much. Maybe she plays it for her benefits. Who knows. But, one minute braxton has to have cookies for breakfast. That’s all her have. Then he can have toast. He has to sleep on that man made den in his old room. Then he can move. No issues.
there’s a video a few months back, one or the older ones storms off and says something about “you only care about him (Braxton) and it’s clear as day!
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Cindy-Lou Who

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I feel so sorry for that poor dog left in the kitchen 24/7 and don’t get me started on her mattress 🤐🙃 can someone end THOUSANDS of pounds on stupid toys but can’t replace a manky mouldy dirty mattress or get a bed frame
I think this every time I see Rex, especially when they put him in the corner of the room behind a piece of MDF. I imagine he never gets walked and with him being such a big dog, he will need lots of exercise. Actually breaks my heart!
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She only ever talks about 3 children, you'd never know she had more.

I can't understand how her house is such a shithole when she cleans it every day?

Watching her food shop hauls, I think her shopping is so expensive because she buys branded food rather than the own brand.

And her kids have an insane amount of plastic crap. The sheer amount of toys is crazy
I think she likes the kids with special needs the most as they make her £££ and she bases her personality around them and being “super mum”.

I, too, can’t understand why their house is a shithole when they have so much disposable income they could spend sprucing it up and she could probs afford to hire a cleaner once/twice a week!
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I too think that boy knows he can get away with anything knowing she’ll excuse it as autism. I know someone in person like that, she got a diagnosis for her son and just excuses all his bad behaviour now. She allows him to walk around school sticking his middle finger up at everyone etc.

It gives autism and autistic people a bad rep unfortunately. My own autistic child is an absolute sweetheart, knows boundaries and will be told off etc if he does something naughty. There is a difference between being autistic and being naughty.

That latest video of her kid doing his shoe… that’s a kid that’s learned if he says his sock is bothering him he can waste time and not got to school/not go to school on time/mum will buy him bribes etc. that’s not a true sensory issue, he was smiling and calm and chatty. I don’t get autistic vibes from him at all
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Haha I’ve just seen the top up video & thought I’ll see if she has a thread on here. The spending is outrageous not just on food on everything.. love to know what they do to earn that money 🤣🤣
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Or spend some money on a decent alarm clock so she can actually get her kids to school on time.

There’s something dodgey money wise going on. Got to be. It’s one thing for her house to be the way it is, her not having a fucking bed for example if it was a money problem. Fine. We’re in a cost of living crisis. Fair enough. But to blow this kinda money. Also, it was Taya’s birthday not that long ago. Maybe I missed it but I don’t remember her getting a nice big haul like Braxton did?
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I can’t lie my kids school also phone me all the time. Me and my friends joke that I’m on speed dial. They once phoned me because my daughter wanted the school to remind me that I needed to sign a permission slip 🤦🏾‍♀️
However Braxton clearly rules her life. I’d be tempted to say he’s nowhere near as autistic as she makes him out to be.
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I think her kids are spoilt brats, and she just let's them run riot and do what they want.
Look at the state of her house every day, she doesnt work, her kids are at school and seemingly they trash the place at every opportunity. Kids need a good routine, more so when they have additional needs
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Sian sweating her fat arse off with worry that braxton won't get into a special school cos god forbid she done get any money for his "autism"...

Sians words "he doesn't like being around other kids" doesn't he go rugby and swimming? Ffs lol
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Another 5 bars of family sized chocolate pulled out of a shopping bag for Braxton to have one every morning for breakfast has tipped me over the edge…. Forgetting to brush your kids teeth now and again is normal, allowing them to wear their clothes to bed because they are shattered now and again is normal…. Allowing your child to demolish a family size Dairy Milk every morning is NEGLECT and ABUSE

I am fed up of her trying to normalise this. ‘Yeah my kids eat nothing but shit but who cares?’… ‘yeah my son has chocolate for breakfast, deal with it’.… nobody is saying the kid needs to live on apples and water but Jesus Christ woman you are such a fucking wrong un!!!
100 percent! Like I mentioned earlier apparently he wouldnt entertain anything but cookies and buttered toast few months ago.she was justifying that saying ti's due to to autism and that he likes regular routine otherwise everything goes out of the what happened to the cookies sian? Imo braxton knows exactly how to get what he wants because he knows momma bear will always defend his needs etc through his autism.
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Wow! The amount of presents for the boy compared to the amount she bought one of her older girls last month is shocking!!! Imagine being her Daughter and seeing the blatant favouritism! Also how out of breath just from pulling those presents out the bags??
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The waffles 😂. Decided to treat her other half after his operation to waffles but he couldn’t eat them anyway because he is gluten free. Just an excuse to buy and eat more crap and justify it. A nice treat she says, all they have is treat after treat. A vegetable would be a nice treat for your liver hun x
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I need to know where she gets her money from! £60 worth of vouchers for her kids teaching assistant plus presents. I don’t understand where her money comes from
I thought that, and I doubt the cakes for the rest were cheap either. Considering she regularly looks like she a)needs a good wash and b) she needs some new clothes because she literally lives in the same things, you would think she'd maybe spend a little bit on herself, or even on the hovel they live in. I just don't understand why, if you've got money to burn like she seemingly has, you would live how they do? My oh is like, it's gotta be on tick, has to be.
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