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There is a clear difference between autism and naughty behaviour example. My autistic child has to have ear defenders on public transport or she will have a melt down because it’s too loud. That’s autism. My daughter also doesn’t like some socks so she wears them inside out and it’s fine. No issues. She puts them on fine. I’m not saying her kids aren’t autistic. But I do have doubts about how much of their behaviour is learnt behaviour.
Will check her latest videos out now

That sock video is 100% learnt behaviour. It’s clear as day. He’s smirking whilst doing it. Then she goes on and on and on and on about it and that’s what causes his outburst because he knows he’s now got an excuse.
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Did I hear her say she needed a wee at half 5 but Lennox was on the tit so she couldn’t because she didn’t want to wake her but she rolled off 5 mins later??
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She’ll probably put braxton and Lennox as so sever they will live with her for life. She doesn’t do anything to help them so she’ll probably always claim carers for them
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I don't think she's pregnant personally. She probably just holds most of her weight around her middle, looks like she has lipo edema possibly. She also dresses in tight fitting stretchy stuff a lot of the time which isn't the most flattering.
I'm not surprised she has bad teeth if Lennox has had multiple extractions at 5, if she doesn't look after her own teeth there's little chance she's instilling good dental hygiene in her children. It'll be another thing she'll 'pick her battles' with 🙄
I'm guessing her dad has always spoilt her with material things so she equates that to being a good parent and thinks it can make up for not preparing them adequately to be well rounded adults.
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It is 100% lazy parenting. I mean she’s claimed for how long that den under his bed was his safe space but then changes his whole room around. It seems braxtons autism is such a bizarre one where it can be switched on and off, to what works best for Sian
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Cindy-Lou Who

Chatty Member
It’s wild that her parenting tactics all revolve around money. Paying your child £10 to put her shoes and socks on is not normal. Where does it end once you’ve gone down that route?

Why can’t she get a sticker chart and every time she gets ready for school without messing she gets a star, then at the end of the week she can go to the shop for ONE of those blue lollies she likes?

Is it me, or have I been doing parenting wrong?
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Braxton couldn’t go school because his needs are that even if he has a slight cold he can’t go in a classroom and learn. However Braxton is perfectly fine to go to a restaurant with his mum for breakfast and then out shopping for the day with a slight cold 🙄. I sincerely hope the school are watching her tik toks
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I'm so glad found a thread on this woman,brag brag brag is all I see from her.shes got that persona where she thinks she's untouchable
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Just gone and got Lennox another £400 worth of presents! My kids get that amount each as an absolute maximum and I bloody struggle to afford that even working full time! I’m not jealous I’m just raging at how smug she is!
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This woman is a prime example of why the benefits system is fucked. She seems to have so much disposable income and clearly doesn’t have a job. I have a well paid job as does my partner and we couldn’t afford to spend like she does. Literally £100’s a week in Asda on mainly shite. Seems to have no budget at all. And she will have received the cost of living payment thing as well while other who work struggle on with nothing. Absolutely joke
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I want to sympathise with todays video about the kids having a meltdown however I just feel in my gut that these kids have no routine or structure even when it isn’t Xmas (which will have amplified things anyway). It is quite clear they are allowed to stay up on devices until they fall asleep while helping themselves to endless snacks. She tidied the younger boys room yesterday and today she’s tidied it again and taken out McDonald’s wrappers and lots of toast leftovers. I am by far any kind of expert, particularly with children with additional needs, but a hot bath, hot drink and book before lights out at a reasonable time would benefit all her kids by the sounds of it. Followed by a better structured morning. Please don’t jump on me for not understanding but I cannot possibly see how her kids sat in bed on devices first thing in the morning having their breakfast chocolate cookies delivered to them is a good start to the morning?? It would take a lot of time and effort now to establish a routine for those kids, particularly the ones with additional needs
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Yeah I saw it she always goes "I think I've over spent..." which translates to look at all this I've got them,look at me!!! Look how much money I have!!!!" Sian not one single person is jealous.her house is vile and disgusting...lennox looks like she needs a brush through her her oooh but forgot she's hun they run rings around you,everyone can see it ,we see it,school can see it too and probably can't wait for braxton to leave,the older kids see through it you can tell and have heard that they feel pushed out at times because it's all about the younger two,the dad doesn't overly look convinced either.
Yes show us your "doctor/consultant" notes you have conditioned those 2 kids into having SEN in my eyes,the way you constantly say "that's because he's autistic..." or "brax only likes a bar of chocolate for breakfast because of your autism isn't it mate?" Yet a few weeks earlier there was only a certain colour of toast he would eat,the lad knows how to push her buttons to get what he wants.

NOTE: this is not a dig at people with autism,I just find it very hard to believe anything sian says,she thinks flashing her cash makes people jealous when it doesn't imo I feel sorry for her living in a shite hole,dressing in shite clothing and having a shite attitude to life.
It’s ridiculous that she shows off SO much especially in a cost or living crisis, hard working people can barely afford bills & food let alone extras like Easter eggs. I wonder how much debt she’s in as it must be a lot, she clearly has a spending addiction.

I’d put that down to always being “bored” because she doesn’t leave her house, doesn’t clean often and is always just sitting about. It’s like all the end of the year cupcakes she got loads of teachers, easily about £150+ worth of cake to basically just show off. The teachers will be wondering how the hell she affords it all.

The teachers will surely question it more when the see her kids haven’t been bathed, and their clothes are dirty, Lennox hasn’t had a brush through her hair, her teeth aren’t brushed, they arrive to school late everyday, Lennox turns up in her pyjamas. They must be wondering what’s going on?

She’s always either in black vest tops or that awful pink jumper, her hair is always thrown up too. She barely looks like she even washes and the boasts about spending on material shite? She has so much money but sleeps on the floor on a filthy mattress 🤢

She reminds me of my own mum and my own upbringing, constantly splashing the cash on Christmas and birthdays on material stuff but didn’t have basic things like toothpaste, regular bathing, clean clothes, a clean home etc. Her daughter needs to wake her up to do the school run too, reminds me of my own mum and it got to the point I’d take my siblings to school myself because she wouldn’t get up.

I feel for those kids, mainly the other 2 girls as they clearly feel put out compared to the other 3. They don’t bring any money in from their “autism” so they’re not given the same treatment it seems.

I do wonder what she’s going to do in future since she’s never worked a day in her life, her kids will grow up and move out then she’ll need to get a job as the benefits will stop. Going to prove difficult too as she’s not worked since she left school since she met that guy at 16 and he was 22 🤢 Then she’s had 5 kids to him, she’s only mid 30’s now and looks a lot older in my opinion. She doesn’t take care of herself much less 5 kids, I’m amazed they’re all still alive.
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She’s 33!! I am truely shook. I thought she was a good 7/8 years older. Defo needs to lay off the junk, she never looks that young. And sorry Sian, no one needs 48 cans of fizzy pop a week. No one. Not even a family of 7. What’s wrong with cordial. Or water?
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No sorry has she just said in her TikTok some of them went over a week and a half without a bath in the school holidays !!!
I reckon that’s normal in their house school or no school. They are often shown in the same clothes for days and Lennox sometimes sleeps in her school uniform
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I swear I think Braxton is just a brat. Refuses to go the toilet just before lunch time, ends up going for a maccies on his way back to school. He knows how to play her; and deep down she knows it too.
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I have absolutely no sympathy for her at all. She's lazy and scummy. I have 3 kids, one has additional needs, but we have implemented things to help her (storyboards for what needs to be done, also set different alarms for when things need to be done, so one for getting dressed, one to brush teeth, one for breakfast etc etc) I tidy as I go and get the kids to make their own beds etc. And to add, I work nights in a hospital so as soon as I get home the routine starts. Her house is a shit tip and there's no excuse for it. Her kids eat crap and are allowed to do as they please it's no wonder she has no control. Imagine feeding your kid toast and a can of pop for breakfast, how is she so proud of her parenting.
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She’s a lazy bastard so probably cba potty training her. Much easier to let her piss and shit wherever she likes so Sian can sit around doing fuck all and eating
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She’s showing off with all these big item toys and had to have the caption as wanting to go back to smyths. Doesn’t make sense having the kids spoiled with toys but living in shambles, the entire house is so gross she looks like she’ll smell of dirty damp mop head 😂
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