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I've been watching in amazement how much she spends on her food shopping but that Christmas toy shopping has tipped me over the edge. There is just no need. People commenting saying she's the best mum 🤯 I know her kids have issues but I'm sorry spending all that on kids who seem to have no discipline is shocking
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Another 5 bars of family sized chocolate pulled out of a shopping bag for Braxton to have one every morning for breakfast has tipped me over the edge…. Forgetting to brush your kids teeth now and again is normal, allowing them to wear their clothes to bed because they are shattered now and again is normal…. Allowing your child to demolish a family size Dairy Milk every morning is NEGLECT and ABUSE

I am fed up of her trying to normalise this. ‘Yeah my kids eat nothing but shit but who cares?’… ‘yeah my son has chocolate for breakfast, deal with it’.… nobody is saying the kid needs to live on apples and water but Jesus Christ woman you are such a fucking wrong un!!!
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Literally can't stand this woman one tiny fucking bit she's such a bullshitter can't remember this can't remember that oh do fuck off sian.they can see right through you.wouodnt suprise me if she's bribed his classroom assistant...
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Basically she just cba being a parent. The kids do what the fuck they want, sleep when and where the want, eat what they want, trash the house, draw all over the walls, wear what they want (pjs all day or sleep in their school uniform) going to school is hit and miss and being on time is unheard of cos they get up when the fuck they want too! She’s raising (raising used lightly, very lightly) 5 ticking timebombs who have zero structure, sure routine and zero “parents” to look up to. They’re al going to struggle to adult themselves and have no clue how to parent their own kids. They’re all going to be overweight like their mother and living off handouts
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I don’t think any of her kids have any actual sensory issues. She’s just a lazy bastard who finds it easier to let them do what the fuck they want all the time and blame it on autism rather than parent them
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Filming with her boobs out that clearly have love bites on and she says "look at the bruise, that man has got vampire teeth" she's so vulgar 🤢🤢
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Her home looks similar to the one she’s calling disgusting, both her homes are in disrepair. Made me laugh how she said the sofas knackered… it’s 11 years old what did she expect?! It’s her job as a landlord to keep up with general maintenance of HER property.
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I feel so sorry for that poor dog left in the kitchen 24/7 and don’t get me started on her mattress 🤐🙃 can someone end THOUSANDS of pounds on stupid toys but can’t replace a manky mouldy dirty mattress or get a bed frame
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The day those kids fly the neat there gonna have a shock that amount of money for braxton is's ridiculous but I've feeling he will just stay at home for rest of his life milk the system with his "austism" and live with takeout boxes and PlayStation games all over the show...sian will then become his carer "cos he's autistic so he can't live alone"
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I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t been reported by the school, the way her kids live is shocking. The way they’re fed, they’re always dirty, haven’t got a single bit of routine in their lives it’s not healthy
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She actually blows my mind and I’m certain one day it’ll all blow up in her face. I’d love to see a haul for what the older kids got 😏 this year I got a better paid job so had more money disposable than last year and I still didn’t spend it on gifts. I spent it on experiences. Why does she never do anything like that?
Because that would mean she has to get off her ass and do something. The constant £££ spent on the kids is to make them believe she is the best Mum ever and to make her feel less guilty for not doing much actual parenting with them. Even when they went on holiday she spent every day just sitting on the beach watching them play. All her commenters saying she is the best Mum ever have fallen under her spell too. Having a clean and tidy (ish) home, a decent meal at dinner, making sure teeth are brushed and a story at bedtime rather than falling asleep in their uniform is basic parenting and she fails that. But give them a family sized bar of chocolate for breakfast and two grand worth of presents each and she can convince herself she’s a great Mum
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Cindy-Lou Who

Chatty Member
I was watching her live the other day and she said that she doesn’t budget for Christmas, just makes sure that each kid gets the same amount of money spent on them. She then bragged that Braxton has just short of £1,500 worth of gifts this year. That £7,500 spent on the kids at Christmas!

Something isn’t adding up here. They’re either in an enormous amount of debt or her husband is dodgy.

They live in a crack den. I know I’d prefer for the kids to live in a nice house than thousands of pounds spent on shit that will either get broken or wrecked within a week.
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Has anyone seen her Easter stuff? She’s bought 28 eggs for 5 kids and extra smaller eggs & sweets. I’m surprised all her kids teeth aren’t coming out with that amount of sugar, so bad for their stomach as well. Vile 🤢 She seems to boast on her TikTok about being a massive over spender and over consumer. It’s concerning that she spends that much money on shite, she needs to go seek therapy for her spending addiction. Crazy amount for Easter!
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Wow she’s very touchy today 😂. So she’s confirmed all 5 of her kids have disabilities… 🧐. I don’t understand the comment ‘I can’t get a job because I have to be a 24/7 parent’. Are we not all 24/7 parents? Reckons she only gets DLA for one child, well that just confirms your fella is a tax fiddler then seeing as you can spend over a grand a month on junk food. As for Lennox, I just think she’s a naughty child allowed to get away with it 🤷🏼‍♀️. Braxton I can see has some sort of needs. In all honesty you are lazy compared to people (yes like myself) who parent alone and work full time and keep some sort of routine at home
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She is just the laziest person I’ve ever come across. If my child had a medical appointment or any place to be, there is no way I would leave them in bed until it was time to leave and scoop them out of bed and straight into the car in their pjs. What the actual fuck? Get your lazy fat arse up in time to wake your kid up, feed her and get her dressed before you need to leave. It really isn’t hard!
She will literally do anything it make her own life easier and use every excuse under the sun as to why it has to be done that way.
bottom line is she is plain lazy and those kids who I very much doubt have any additional needs bar having a shit mother, are growing up to think it’s ok to cut corners, be late and do what the fuck you want.
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Especially when she sees the special treatment Braxton gets. Cookies for breakfast. Food in his den. Kicking off about socks etc. it’s easy for Lennox to say “oh hey I’ll do that too”
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My guess is that social services or the school got involved in terms of the kid’s environment. Braxtons room was disgusting and no place for a child to thrive. I think after all the meetings with with the school, I think they stepped in. No one is comfortable sleeping on the floor. The girls room was disgusting as well. I could be wrong but I just have a feeling it all changed after intervention from either SS or the school. His room is completely different now!
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She’s too thick to understand that when people mention the mess they are NOT talking about the toys on the floor as that’s how she always tries to twist it, although those kids should be taught to treat their toys with more respect than they currently do. The mess that is blowing people’s minds is the rubbish and food scattered everywhere. That is NOT normal and you 100% should be teaching your kids better than that. Not one person is saying force your kids to be OCD and never get toys out and force them to do chores for hours but for fucks sake teach them to use the bin! Kids should be kids but they also shouldn’t be pigs.
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