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And if they keep his official income low enough they might also get free school meals, reduced council tax, housing benefit etc. I think they live in social housing so rent will be lower than average for the area.


VIP Member
She’s been quiet for ages but in the couple of videos she’s just done she’s as usual outdone herself. The treats haul…. That would last me and my kids a good few months. She says ‘it’s our treats’ yeah 10 a day ‘treats’ each by the looks of it. As for the house, yes it is minging, but her house is headed the exact same way and why haven’t you been inspecting?


VIP Member
Just when you think she can't get any worse she videos and posts one of her kids vomitting/spitting into a bag 🤢
Not really what I wanted to see actual sick 🤢 so she’s cut out gluten and “fizzy pop” maybe Sian look at her diet and the rest while your at it


VIP Member
I just don’t understand how she can be so late for school yet still have the time to set up the camera to record everything she does. Oh and surprise she spent another small fortune on a food shop but they had another takeaway last night. Her food waste each week would probably feed a family in need
i don’t know how she can be late everyday, obviously you don’t have enough time so get up a bit earlier…sort stuff the night before!

being late is my biggest annoyance, unless there’s a valid reason (traffic accident, car breaking down, medical reasons) it’s not hard to be on time!
If she’s buying a £200 watch on finance I would imagine her whole Christmas was also done on tick.
It’s a lot more than £200, depending which one she’s got the ones O2 seem to offer start at £289 and go up to £529 depending on what model and size (SE, Series 8 or 9 and it looks like O2 only do cellular models). Plus an airtime plan for the watch on top of that.

Buying it from O2 is stupid, she’d have been better off getting a GPS one and financing it a different way - she’s never without her phone, the cellular is wasted for 99% of people and it just drains your battery even more.


Active member
A Video has just popped up on my FYP. Not sure when it was posted, but it’s about her dad babysitting.
Those blinds are fucking vile!
I moved into a property where the last tenant was a heavy smoker, it bloody stank, the blinds were that colour and when I stripped the walls it leaked BROWN! Absolutely vile 🤢
Isn’t renting out a house to someone considered earnings? She’s married also so she can’t claim she’s single if she’s married. To be fair if her kids are disabled and she gets money for them then that’s fair enough also. Just a pity she doesn’t spend it better instead of spending thousands of pounds on toys at Christmas that her kids don’t need.

She posted Lennox’s haul the other day and I thought it was last years one as she basically buys the same shit every time. Where’s last years barbie clothes and shoes? Probably in the bin. I’m all for spoiling your kids but she takes it too far. Plus I assumed with her kids having autism they’d get overwhelmed with all the excessive gifts as it’s way too much.

She also said the girls have already wrecked their room and she isn’t happy with them, I assume she means Lennox has trashed it because the other girl is older. So why buy them loads more stuff if they can’t appreciate and take care of what they already have? I don’t understand any of it. It’s like she has a shopping addiction or only feels she’s being a good parent when she spends money on unnecessary piles of crap. Why not take them abroad for 2 weeks in summer and make memories? She drives and could easily take them for some trips out instead of them being indoors all day. She has the money to splash on toys so why not save for something better? The kids would probably enjoy the holiday/days out more.
I’d guess that she claims she lives alone so she rakes in the benefits, other house is in her fellas name and he works cash in hand whilst renting the other one out. I do think her kids have additional needs but not to the level she makes out, she’s just a really lazy parent who lets them walk all over her and she’s proved time and time again that the issues she claims her kids have don’t exist. I could never go and fork out so much money on toys whilst not giving my kids any nice days out or holidays, her poor kids sleep on the couch and everything 😢


VIP Member
Like when she moaned they had to go back for ear defenders yet never wore them during the video lol


VIP Member
Did you notice she didn’t stop recording in time for us to not hear her start to scream at the kids 😂. It definitely is Sian’s world and it would definitely do her good to start seeing the consequences of her always being late. It’s her that makes everyone late, not the kids.
She does it on purpose to look as if she's running ragged 😂


VIP Member
The only way someone can have that much money is if she’s getting a lot of DLA and her UC is now uncapped, her fellas working cash in hand and they’re both claiming carers for the kids so they’re signed off from finding work. The way she can just throw money around like that is astonishing
This is exactly what it is. I did a calculation for her apparent circumstances and it was over £2000 a month!

And that wasn’t including the DLA etc. just uncapped UC


VIP Member
Definitely something not right there. She’s also completely misreading the room showing off all the money she spends. Either that or she just doesn’t care

Is her fella a drug dealer or something?? Just seen her Christmas present videos for two of her kids… just obscene. Just going on and on, Lego set after Lego set and then “and a Nintendo switch with 5 games” … I’m absolutely shocked by how much she’s spent

they live in a shithole too… priorities much!
also lied about that switch. Said it was a last minute thing because he asked for it when she had already bought his stuff for Xmas. Said that it didn’t matter because he still had the same spent on him as the others overall but looking at what else she bought him he’s definitely had that switch as extra! I don’t really care if he has had more spent on him lol but why lie?
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