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Or better still, stop pandering to their every want and cook a meal and if they don’t eat it, tough shit. Go hungry. Not like he is wasting away is it. I get kids can be fussy but there’s got to be a limit as to how much you let them get away with it. A roast is basic chicken, potatoes and veg. Surely he doesn’t dislike it that much


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In fairness to her she shops at Asda and I don’t find Aldi or Lidl come out as cheaper than Asda for most things now - it’s swings and roundabouts with it, one thing will be 5p more at Asda then something else will be 5p more at Aldi or Lidl so it all ends up about the same. They’re both still trading on the reputation of being much cheaper than the big supermarkets but unless your comparison is Waitrose it’s often not true anymore.
She must spend a ridiculous amount of money on drinks at Asda, aldi is cheaper 🤷‍♀️


VIP Member
That was a pretty tame Xmas food shop tbh. Still more than my whole monthly food bill comes to probably but for her it was tame. Thought perhaps she is feeling the pinch but then she randomly decides on her wrapping video that the little girl needs some Nerf guns and accessories so she will see if she can get them last minute 🤦🏼‍♀️


VIP Member
How embarrassing was the staged kiss in the car?! Can’t imagine ever saying to a man to kiss me while I film it for Tik Tok 💀
Here’s my thing. And I say it as a parent of autism. Yes my daughters do like routine. If I made pasta for example and used a new brand sauce. Jesus would I know about it. Even if they change the recipe of the sauce we use. Yes they would know.
If we were witnessingBraxton having the exact same thing, every single day. I’d be inclind to agree it was an autism thing. However, he switches and changes more often than the weather. Which to me, really says it all.
Yeah, I agree. And it’s always something like a big bar of chocolate, never “he wants to eat cereal for every meal even though it’s a seen as breakfast food” or “he wants pasta even for breakfast because it’s his safe food at the moment”.


Active member
Some teachers are striking this week and I think depending on area some school break up earlier, I swear I had counted about £280 cash and she’s spent it all on crap 💩


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Her cousin has said that her Dad (Sian’s Uncle) who was living in the house had a brain tumour and they also suspected Carbon Monoxide poisoning but Sian refused permission for a gas engineer to enter the property. Sian has done a video about it…. Why is this playing out over Tik Tok??? Shameful!
Where was this? Haven't seen this?


VIP Member
They aren’t married. She has said they aren’t married. They have been together since she was a teen though
I am always baffled how much she spends on shopping, I spend maybe £120 a week in tesco and there are 3 adults, 1 teenager and 1 child at home, but I don't buy brands unless they are on offer.


Active member
My son who is autistic is on DLA and I didn’t even think her daughter was. I completely understand it’s a spectrum, but she doesn’t have any of the ‘signs’ that my son was reffered for.. she’s even at school ? My son was out of education most of reception as LA couldn’t find a Sen school to meet his needs with his anxiety, asd , feeding and other complex medical needs.

I had to leave my job to care for my son as he was literally not in education due to his needs.. I’m living on benefits which im greatful for but I do not get any amount to spend like she does - I actually struggle because what I get doesn’t cover all the extra bills/costs he needs. And I’m actually a single parent. It makes me sad as I gave up a really well paid job, and people actually cheat the system..


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I 100% agree she lets them run riot. I mean one of the boys (Braxton I think his name is!) gets fresh baked cookies and a can of Pepsi max for breakfast 🫠🫠

I often wonder, how bad her children’s meltdowns would be should they have proper meals and not 10000000 snacks a day and a good and stable routine.
Im probably tooting ny own trumpet too much here but I bet if I decided to do everything two hours earlier than usual for my routine (tea, reading, bath, bed) I bet my kids wouldn’t even question the time.
Does anyone follow Stories about Autism on tik tok? The guys children have completely different needs to Sian’s for sure so he definitely needs a much more stable home and school environment for his kids but she could learn a thing or two from him and benefit her children a lot more if she wasn’t so lazy when it comes to parenting them.


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I feel like the bedtime routine was for our benefit 😂. It was nice to see her play with the elder daughter, it seems that girl has to do a lot for her Mum. She tucked him all in how he likes it just for him to get up again anyway.


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As if Sian is filming a random little girl on the beach for TikTok and posting it for the world to see.

Also, why are they spending every single day on holiday on that same beach, are they going to do that for 2 weeks? I’ve been to saundersfoot where they are and there are at least 5 beaches near by. Amusements, lovely places to eat (instead of fish and chips every day) nice harbour etc
She should know by now how he likes his breakfast. My kids always eat borderline the same thing. Or scrap that, surely he’s old enough now to make his own toast, if it’s going to cause such a massive issue