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The margarine on that toast 🤢🤢🤢 My god at least scrape it off

that girls pack lunch, hahaha she’s got more donut and choc than anything else 🤣 my kids school would definitely pull me in to say something if I fed mine that (and they are really fussy eaters)
I deffo don’t think chocolate bars belong in a school dinner

The margarine on that toast 🤢🤢🤢 My god at least scrape it off
Is Lennox her youngest? Just saw her newest video and she's clearing up and she picks up a baby bottle of milk. How old is Lennox? 4?

How many kids does she have? Amd what are their ages? As she only ever talks about Braxton and Lennox. You'd think she only had the 2
I thought the same why is she drinking milk out a baby bottle if that’s the case???
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Not really, when you think you've got to get 5 kids breakfasted, make sure uniform is sorted, that they've got everything, because according to her, the majority have additional needs. My alarm is set for 6, I only have a single toddler to get ready for nursery and a 1yr old to get dressed. And I'm sorry, but if your children have come 3 times to get you out of your pit, that's not right
If she can get them in for 8:10 when she’s woken at 6 including straightening 3 sets of hair (though tbh at high school age I’d be saying if Taiya wanted it straightened before school, then do it herself because there are 4 other kids to sort - she’s capable as Sian said she did her own yesterday) then at 6:30 it would be 8:40 which is still perfectly reasonable.
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100% agree with you and I stick by the old saying of “mum knows best”, I’ve lost count of how many doctors/paediatricians have told me just try yoghurts just try soup etc.. it DOES NOT work! My son has severe selective eating disorder, he eats sausage rolls and sausage rolls only for breakfast dinner tea and snacks and if he doesn’t eat sausage rolls he will literally starve to death. I’m all for this thread talking about better routines etc but judging a child’s diet when we have no clue of their needs just doesn’t sit right with me


I get where you are coming from and maybe I took it the wrong way as this is also something which really grinds my gears.. people who say they will only eat this or that but then you see them eating McDonald’s or a Chinese  When I say sausage rolls is all my son eats I mean it is all he eats morning noon and night
That must be really hard on you both,does it have to be a certain brand too?-sorry just intrigued
Was that a PS5 one of the kids was unwrapping in the christmas day tiktok? Like fair play if she can afford all the gifts for them but it just seems like so much money in one go.


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I get DLA for my son and all of it goes on private speech therapy a month (high level non verbal autistic) as I believe it should go on stuff to help with your child’s needs. The way she splashes hers on absolute shite shows her kids need no help, they’re kids with no routine who have a shit mum who lets them walk all over her that’s all
And that is exactly what it is for. It should be paid directly for things like this and not to the parent (term used very lightly in sians case) to waste
I sort of get the impression it was a couple of her family members, then there’s been a breakup and just “He” was left and he’s probably not related to her and has seemingly left the house in a state as his revenge on his ex and/or her (or his) family.
Jesus Christ! I bet that was the dog again! I never understand why people have pets if they can’t look after them like they deserve! I would absolutely love a horse but I just can’t give it the time it would require so I’ll have to wait.
Her cousin has said that her Dad (Sian’s Uncle) who was living in the house had a brain tumour and they also suspected Carbon Monoxide poisoning but Sian refused permission for a gas engineer to enter the property. Sian has done a video about it…. Why is this playing out over Tik Tok??? Shameful!
This doesn’t add up. If they suspected a carbon monoxide leak and a landlord said no, they’d be told to call the gas emergency helpline and they can force entry.


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I’ve bought loads of my kids bits off vinted for their birthdays and Christmas brand new and I’ve saved a fortune! I don’t know how she spends so much, deffo a benefit fraud family
Same, and tbf its actually hardly cosy me anything because I've sold bits on there, so just use the credit 🤣


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What baffles me is, don’t get me wrong. Every so often I will do a HUGE food shop, similar to her monthly shop. Then what I do is spent a full day batch cooking meals, spag bol, curry, lasagna, shepherds pie etc and they all go in the freezer. That would make her life so much easier but she just doesn’t. It’s like she enjoys stressing herself out
I do the same! Makes the evenings so much easier especially when everyone wants something different!


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I used to like her but slowly going off her. Especially after the whole tortoise issue.

I am a parent with children with special needs but the way shetalks about them sometimes really rubs me up the wrong way. I get it’s hard. Believe me I know. But how she talks about them sometimes gets to me. Probably me beinf too sensitive tbf but yeah
What happened with the tortoise? I saw a video where she mentioned moving it but that's it


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So the kids all had her life this morning but she treat them to sweets etc after school? A week after Christmas 🤯🥴