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Chatty Member
The worst thing about her Ronnie is that stupid pout she does. It's literally like Heeeyyy Guysss look at what I'm growing on my lip
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Sorry to anyone that suffers with PCOS (I do) and watched that live with her repeating how great it is to have it. Piss off. It’s not a joke, took me 4 years to get pregnant. I swear she tries to piss me off every day 😂
Also why is she asking complete strangers for tips on how to deal with it when she said her mam and nanny has it. Wouldn’t they be the best to ask and help her with it. Had to switch off that live. She kept looking at the views and no one was asking anything and she got flustered and said her screen wasn’t loading. The excitement she had for being diagnosed with PCOS was bizarre really. She’s very odd in my opinion.
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Chatty Member
The big long posts defending herself & praising herself are embarassing..she needs to get off social media its an obsession with her
She still doesn't get it either though.

What she is claiming isn't sexual abuse its child sexual abuse. It's not about a women. It's about children. Children.
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My friend has OCD and she believes that if she doesn’t repeatedly do something (like turn a light on and off 6 times before entering a room) that something bad will happen like
Someone will die belonging to her. Shauntelle doesn’t have a notion of what OCD entails. Obsessive is one element, compulsive is another element and when both come together it’s an awful disorder to have. It’s far from being about cleaning and that’s a fact.
I like Leigh and think he is a good cook but he didn’t leave his hair alone last night and then touching the food with his hands and she kept flicking her hair all over the foot and the pan with the food in it! Seriously guys!!!!
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She was banging on about how much she loved her course last year 😂 she only done it for a wet week how would she be “so hard on herself” and financially, she would have got the grant? I’m so confused it was her “dream course” apparently 🙈 makes no sense , college doesn’t work for me financially so I’m gonna focus on my wedding even tho I’m apparently too broke for college 👀
AKA: I’m gonna spend all my time online mentioning my wedding so I can get as many freebies as I can 😂😂 college would just get in the way of the begging and mentioning the wedding 1,000 times.
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Ali x

Oh my god between the chubby hands and the mank nails, she makes me want to vomit. As for “me time” - all day everyday is me time to that one, sure she spends most of her time in bed. She kinda reminds me of a koala, fat, lazy, sleepy & always eating.
People need to remember this is a young girl who is currently on chemo.. I know she is slightly irritating but she’s still growing up and god only knows how she is feeling being on so many medications.. I for one definitely can’t judge her for being lazy as I have no idea what it feels like to be on those kind of drugs but maybe she doesn’t have much more energy than to lie around the place
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She really did herself no favours turning on that girls innocent comment like that..absolute SPOILT BRAT🙄Also the title on the Reel......"my house" no Shan its Leighs family home which you have taken over & LAZE in every day🙄🙄
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I just think it's odd that she pretends she isn't overweight. We can see it. If she sucks it in the front we can still see her back fat etc.
It is sad that she gained during and afters a horrible illness. But just own it. It's weird to pretend you're not fat when we can all see.
I'm fat too, there's no denial here 😂

If I was going on like that, giving ppl diet advice and posing and sucking in I'd hope someone would tell me to cop on
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She really doesn’t help herself or try to better herself… if she got up off her arse and got a small part time job for a few hours a week (or whatever she’s able for).. she has said her doctor hasn’t cleared her for work but come on a few hours in an office or something easy on her wouldn’t kill her.. start taking driving lessons and get some independence.. I’d hate to be that age and so dependent on my mother! I know it’s expensive to start driving but if she cut back on all the clothes shopping she would have the money in no time.. she used to do a haul or 2 every week that all stopped when it was mentioned here about the money she wastes and the fundraiser money but I doubt she has stopped shopping I’d say she just keeps it off the gram

I don't buy that about her not being able for a few hours work. She was well able to go out drinking 3 nights in a row there a couple of weeks ago, jesus I wouldnt be able for that myself 😂😂 but probably because I work full time not spend the week in bed and just get up to eat
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"we've so much travel booked this year"

Isn't it well for you Shan on social welfare, with all your breaks away
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Chatty Member
She really did herself no favours turning on that girls innocent comment like that..absolute SPOILT BRAT🙄Also the title on the Reel......"my house" no Shan its Leighs family home which you have taken over & LAZE in every day🙄🙄
What ya mean laze around? She cleans the house and she also DEEP CLEANS the house as well cause she has COD, I mead ODC. sorry OcD, that's the one.
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My dog max

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She her new TikTok…. Another one to lily allens fu*k you & she put up the middle finger… she is so childish 🙄
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How can you sit and home and chose not to work? Why would you want that for your life? No licence no job no house of your own but quite happy to get married and sponge off your MOL. The immaturity is unreal.. how are the social welfare not making her do a course or seek employment?
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Did you all read the moderators post on that page the detectives page that 😒helped Shan, I hadn’t heard of the page until the mother Leona posted it. So apparently they weren’t hacking getting user names real identities they were being sent suspected names there was zero tech involved 😳 apparently a ton of people who have never even used tattle were accused, threatened and abused by the creator of the page. Anyways the page lasted one whole week than got shut down for it’s shady business. Funny how influencers have no issue with people doing horrible things to others when it’s serving them 🙄further proving the self serving narcissistic little world they live in.
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I don't care about people getting thins for free, it's marketing for the company, I get it, what bothers me is the obvious hinting and begging off some of them.
Or them randomly promoting something they've no interest in just because it was given to them for free, Shan had some random ones.
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Poor Leigh though her putting him on the spot like that mentioning his dads 1st anniversary.. he was thrown off guard I think and he went quiet.
I think Leigh comes across as such a nice guy, poor lad, I feel like he doesn’t know any different so thinks Shan is the norm
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