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VIP Member
That’s not really that much tbf. Between two adults in nearly a week?
Each to their own but I think it’s quite horrifying to be drinking that much in a hotel room with a 7 year old kid present when you’re the responsible adult. 70cl equates to 28 single measure drinks. Over a week, on top of all the drinks they are having round the pool and with dinner is a lot. I’m not begrudging enjoying a drink on holiday but Sevda seriously drinks to excess almost daily at this point. I think she has a problem.
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They are going for 2 weeks so two weeks plus tomorrow off school for Ewa absolutely ridiculous 😩😩😩
Considering she had a week in April too and Two weeks off in December her attendance must be so poor. If the school put up with this then they must not be a great school either. She won’t get away with this from September when the rules change and it’s people like Sev who ruin it for others and why the have to put these rules in place. She’s an absolute failure of a mother!
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I’m surprised she’s not the size of a house with all the shite she eats. Sedat is in a very good mood, it’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him, I wonder why 🤪🫠😂 he’s probably already checked out the local knocking shop in Marmaris 😂
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How can Ela give her Grandad a present and not know who it’s from? My kids LOVE giving presents out and know exactly who they are from and they are the same age as Ela!
Also of course sev brought balloons for a number of followers that isn’t a big deal she couldn’t let her dad have all the attention for his 60th could she!
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Well-known member
The way she says tartar sauce! That meal looked like she was trying to eat everything in the house.

I work in a school and I completely understand why parents take their children on holiday during term time but I don’t agree with the amount of time Ela has had off. If Sev was supporting with her education (reading books Ela enjoys or downloads educational apps-hit the button is a good one to do for maths) or teaching her how to swim then yes, it’s beneficial. However, she does fuck all and has not only damaged Elas education but her social skills and other development milestones she will need to hit. Right now, they will be potentially doing SATS and phonics screening. SATS don’t really matter as much but if she fails her phonics, she may have to continue to do this until she passes. It’s not good to hold back a child as much as Sev does.
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uurgh i've just watched the sisters.....eating the lamb dunnnerrr....the mmming is so fake and forced its like p*rn at this stage, acting up for the camera. You can see how forced it is...its absolutely vile. I'd rather be skint than moaning and groaning over food on the internet.....VILE!!
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Tit Tok needs to stop creators being able to delete comments.... Where's the fun if all we read is bum licking comments.
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Listen at the greedy bitch judging someone else for taking a bigger slice, yet she sat there lastnight eating that greasy food and today she had 2 plates and now there passing desserts around, whole family are animals
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The Lurker

Active member
I've never heard anything so ridiculous in my life. So hairy Daddy has been called round to be on standby just incase Princess Ela needs picking up as she cant cope at a party?? Honestly mind blown 🙈🤣 I honestly hope she rebels and goes wild as a teenager.
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She didn’t take ewa to see her new friends with a tablet did she?! The other kid is sat there with nothing probably thinking wtf you brought this overgrown 2 year old to play with me and she just wants to watch miss Rachel?
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Oh dear she's feeling upset and missing Sedat,no she knows Sedats having a good time and I bet she's stressed by all unanswered calls
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Do you ever look at people's roast dinners on Facebook and think "I'm glad they are not my family"?

that's exactly how I feel looking at Sevda's cremated woast dinna.
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I actually feed sorry for her dad, her miserable face must have ruined his birthday.
6k for four adults isn’t expensive, maybe she should have dug deeper if she wanted luxury…
Her miserable face along with trying to take over his videos, I bet she was controlling them all as well.
I agree, 6K for 4 adults and a child for two weeks isn’t bad especially for Cyprus, minge bag Sev will be fuming though because she had to pay in the first place, I wonder if she paid for the sister or she paid for herself
An inspiration online and brilliant work 😂😂😂 orgasming over a stale crumpet and keeping her daughter off school for 5 weeks plus sick days, who the fuck are these morons 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Oh I bet he’s in his element Sev! He’s not being bossed around, tutted at all the time and spoken to like a child by you constantly. He can actually do what he wants for once and not have your stinky breath breathing down his neck constantly…
Never seem him look so happy. Anyone got his mates numbers so we can convince them to tell him to stay in Turkey and leave his controlling narc wife?
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No Sevda it’s not the staff and other guests that are rude it’s YOU that’s rude. Can see her now, do they not know who I am 🙄 people aren’t up her fat ass she slates them. I’m pleased she hasn’t had a good time, she’s an ungrateful entitled twat. You are a nobody Sevda, and that goes for your whole vile family aswell. As for the comment of its feeding time at the zoo, you fit right in
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Funny how it’s only come to light at the end of the holiday how much she’s hated it even though all she has done is post videos of her hoovering up plates of food and desserts 🤥
Defo after a refund
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Well-known member
“She’s not very that impressed”
“My mum and dad is Turkish”

Why is Sevda so illiterate?
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First proper night of the holiday and she palms Ela off on her mum and dad so she and Mine can go and get drunk at a restaurant out of the hotel complex??
I thought that, but let’s be honest I bet doormat mummy jumped at the chance to breastfeed Ewa to sleep. She even brought her white noise machine and next to me crib
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