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The more I see of Ella the more I am convinced she is autistic. My daughter is and I can tell another autistic child a mile off.
I wonder why Seagull has never come out and said it?
Don’t give her ideas. That child is abused not autistic. She gets pulled out of school on a whim and is treated like she is 3 years old by her controlling narcissistic “mother”. She isn’t being raised to be a strong independent woman but one that will still need mummy round when she’s married with her own kid. Ella’s whole family are failing her and it’s about time they where held accountable for it, her development is way behind what it should be and she is pimped out on social media for the money. The quicker there are stricter rules for kids on social media like there is for child actors the better.
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It shows how dim she is that she can't see the point with regard to Elas education. The fines aren't the point, Sevda. The fact that your child speaks and acts like a 3 year old is exactly why she NEEDS to be in school. Instead of surrounded by sweaty family stunting her development.

she's made the deprivation of het child's education and development about her. She's astounding.
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Chatty Member
Why would you announce to the internet full of pervs that your kid is on the loo with the door open. Surely you’d just cut that part out. And why the fuck is an almost 8 year old also leaving the door open when she goes to the toilet? Let’s hope she isn’t doing that at school 😳
It’s alright, she never goes to school 🤣
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It drives me mad when people say ‘it’s only Primary school’. Primary is where you learn everything and the foundation upon which life long learning is built.
If Ewa misses two weeks where fractions are being taught, she then can’t do decimals or percentages or problem solving or measuring. The next school year, fractions comes up, she has no idea what they are and may or may not be too shy to ask, so she falls further and further behind. Idiots.
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As a mother of an autistic child (quite profound) EWA does not have autism. I know it’s on a spectrum, but she’s “clearly” not stimming when she’s jumping around and flapping her arms. She was clapping and feigning excitement for the camera. A lot of kids do that. Especially younger ones. Don’t forget,
EWA is trained to act a certain way on the camera so what we see is what is desirable to her controlling
Narc mother, and not real life. And she’s developmentally delayed, that’s not autistic.

I seriously doubt Ken Dodd when she’s diagnosing everyone in the family as autistic. I feel like it’s the buzz word at the moment, like a trend. And it bugs me when people do that (not accusing anyone here omg) because I bet most of us here would give anything for our kids NOT to be autistic.
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Anything you like

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I don’t think I’ve ever had so much second hand embarrassment
everything she does is wooden stiff and for the camera
And it’s completely obvious and cringey
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Lazy Sunday

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I do not think she had much of a life before TT. She's had a bit of attention from her extremely strange followers, and she tries to act like she's really cool and trendy when really she's just a sad little wife with a dull life. In a matter of a few short years, she will look just like her mother.
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Is it not basic common courtesy to put a top on when you go for food? Absolutely vile
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Lazy Sunday

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Do Hotels normally do something for a birthday? Unless you pay and arrange something yourself Im not sure its down to anyone else to do it. You are not celebrities Sevda only in your own heads No one cares.
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The Lurker

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This family are becoming a parody of themselves. Filming the buffet at breakfast, filming going to the ice machine, all getting together with Sev in the dressing gown serving up from the mini bar. Poor Ela going into the bathroom to get away from the drunkards. Walking around duty free filming themselves whilst they spray the perfumes.

Good lord this lot are dim. How have social services not intervened into the blatant and public stunting of Ela's development? Her absolute piss poor school attendance?
Can you imagine the conversations between them. Now daddy I'm going to film eating my fwied egg and bwekfast first as i'm the biggest celebrity here so nobody else dare talk, then hippo can go, then you. The food will be bloody baltic for the last video. I bet they look such a bunch of freaks doing this in public.
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Why does she always say halloumi hellim. Just one or the other will do.

She teaches her followers more Turkish words than she teaches her half Turkish daughter.
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The way she tries to justify it by telling us that Ela’s getting extra support, she probably wouldn’t need extra support if she was there full time. It’s a lot more than 15 days when the school year runs September-July. Has she forgotten about the 2 weeks in Turkey in November where Sedat got his teeth done?!
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She’s on serious comment patrol tonight! Dirty deleting ALL comments calling her out for shading someone’s portion size! What a way to spend your holiday… the whole family on their phones furiously deleting twolls instead of enjoying a beautiful place they’ve never been before. So educational and worth Ela missing 11 days of school for 😅
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Shall we wait for daddy 🤮 she really does think she’s something sat there in a dressing gown eating a m&s salad. Never once have I seen her shop at farm foods either
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The people commenting saying ‘making memories is more important’ and ‘holidays are educational’ must be equally as thick as sevda. The child is sat on her iPad all day barely leaving the resort on every holiday, it’s not educational and she’s not making any memories. It’s clear that she’s well behind her peers and the only reason she’s being taken during term time is cos her mother is a selfish tight arse
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It was called on the other site that she hadn't mentioned Sedat or Wocco, so here she is with a pity party about missing them both....fuck off Sevda, holiday Queen.

You are right that two weeks is too long. Too long for Ela to be missing school having already missed a week due to holiday this year.
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“Ela is getting extra help” - would it not then occur to you that she is behind and cannot afford to be missing school 🤷🏻‍♀️ There is absolutely zero educational about this holiday so anybody commenting that on her posts get in the bin. She’s literally sitting on an iPad while her mum, aunt and grandparents stuff their faces and drink. But hey… mAkInG mEmOrIeS gUyS 🤪
That extra help will probably be in the form of a TA who could probably be supporting a different child who’s attendance isn’t an issue but who needs support. So yeah sev, I hope you’re happy with that.
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I went into primark today and there were so many cute, trendy clothes for girls Ela’s age. Little denim dresses, broderie tops and co-ords. Why does she insist on buying her the most awful tacky unicorn printed crap that’s clearly for toddlers. Surely the other kids from schools will soon start picking up on the fact everything Ela wears is waaaaaaaay off what other children are. That’s going to sting! She isn’t shy spending a few bob on endless takeaways. For me, I’d rather my daughter wasn’t bullied at school because I’d spent all my money on Turkish pizzas for the freezer but each to their own….
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