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Obviously you are permanently exhausted Sevda…. You’re up at 4.59am policing your comments section and posting aggressive clapbacks. Is it any wonder Weetabix dropped her like a hot potato? She screams red flag 🚩


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Such a weird video with a bunch of strangers in the room making coffee that looks like Guinness 😂😂 why would you even do that it looked so awkward and wooden 🙄
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Chatty Member
She’s like a 15 year old who’s started drinking for the first time. Gotta be telling everyone she’s so dwunk. ‘Drunk sev’ in her captions. Okay hun, it’s not a flex, I got drunk last night but didn’t have to put that caption on all my insta stories, it was just clear I was out having drinks with the girls without spelling it out

she honestly thinks she’s really cool but she’s just an absolute tool
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Is it just me, or when she’s with her family does she drop her ‘h’ when speaking? Ere/ olidays etc? And mum complained there were empty water bottles on the floor of her room? Well put them in the bin love! Ive worked in housekeeping and if the room was a mess, we were only allowed to clean around it, and never to touch anyone’s belongings 🤷🏻‍♀️
Self entitled prick!! Why should someone else have to pick your rubbish up. No wonder British tourists get a bad rep when you have clampits like Seagull’s clan thinking everyone else should tidy up their mess.
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Seeing as you read here, Saint Sevda the celebrity seagull of Stevenage, teach that kid (who you keep taking out of school) to swim for fucks sake.
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Like the followers were saying the recent holiday was "educational", they didn't even leave the resort, what's educational in there? Didn't she play with a 2 year old or something, that's hardly going to improve much in her life.
It's obvious that Sevda wants to stunt Ela's development and keep her dependant on her. There's a fete in Stevenage today, but she's chosen to pack for their next getaway instead, even though she doesn't have a job and could do it any time. Ela speaks like a baby, acts like a baby, watches toddler TV. Yet this bint still pulls her out of school constantly. Won't take her anywhere unless it's gifted. Yet she still comes on TikTok multiple times a day beaming from ear to ear like she's sweet as sugar. She's vile.
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Obviously Saint Sevda has to make it known she paid for the holiday because she is the most generous person in the world whilst holding her hand on her chest. Why are you also giving your dad a pile of cash in the card? Weird AF.

It was nice to see her dad pull the brat up and correct her when she needed to ask mummy “what is it from” instead of who. Her speech is unbelievably poor.
Naughty Sev buying followers.


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How’s she saying that Sedat gets less holiday than her when her life is just one big holiday
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Everything is seasoned with solt, peppa, chiwwi fwakes and lemon jwuice 👀😂😂
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Who’s waiting for the reunion with Sedat and the dog seperate videos of course with dramatic music and set up hugs 🤣🤣🤣 bet the dog will be depressed to go back to the old peoples home with its tiny prison back yard with plastic grass
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She’s obvs paid for since it was her ‘gift’ to hairy daddy so there’s no way tight arse Sev would pay school holiday prices for all of them to go away. Plus she’s a bit fick so she doesn’t really seem to understand how it’s not really ok for Ewa to be constantly having time off school
Why didn’t she just pay for her parents to go away for 2 weeks if it was a gift for HIM? Like most situations with Sevda, everything she does under the pretence of being for others is actually for her own benefit.

For me it’s the fact it is 2 weeks, after another weeks’ absence in April. I would never condone taking kids out during term time but if you’re doing it, surely you’re mindful of minimising the time taken/impact on the child. If the 60th was so important, was the week for Sedat’s birthday really necessary?
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There’s no wonder Ela can barely string a sentence together. Sevda, the sister and the dad all sat there filming their dinner whilst talking in to a camera. That’s no environment for a child to constantly be around, let alone on holiday.
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Lollll at her trying to show off being all clever speaking Turkish and then the bloke was like ‘Nope.. English, don’t understand you’ sit back down Sev and stop being such an entitled cow. Sat there slagging off everything they bring out (because her food is always the best remember 🤨), demanding they fetch her salt, lemon, bread… bet they were glad when she left!! ‘oops I’ve had too much rose’ no, that’s the real Sevda. A bossy, entitled woman who thinks she’s something special when she’s really not.
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That kid has had about 25 days out this school year just for holidays, let alone the "tummy ache" days, where she's miraculously better by 10am.
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Imagine going on holiday and packing balloons to celebrate "1.8 million" followers that you've bought yourself.

How is 1.8 million a milestone?
She knows people can see that she's bought these followers but is still celebrating?
She's pre packed balloons, put them up, and asked her sister to film her dancing round the room. Absolutely tragic.
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Sulking because they’re all not kissing her arse and waiting on her hand and foot. I wonder if she’s pulled out the ‘tik tok influencer’ card yet and threatening to slag them off online (bet that’s why there’s an influx of posts about it today!)
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