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This lockdown taught all of us how to be alone with our thoughts, something we deeply needed. A mental and physical reset that’s allowed us to become more in tune with ourselves and thoughts. We shouldn’t bash ourselves for not doing something that’s viewed as productive like learning how to be a better cook. The most valuable thing in this world is to know yourself so that when the time comes, a broken persons words would not break you down. Instead makes you view their criticism objectively instead of taking it personally.
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Hello ladies!

Came her from the Anna Bey thread, stayed for the great advice.

Has anyone read Barbara Sher's books? I stumbled upon her TedX talk by accident

And it was so touching and funny I immediately went and dowloaded her book.

Which is how I found out I was a Scanner - a person that is always starting new things, new projects, but never finishes them, at least to Society's standards.

This whole concept is so interesting to me, because I have been struggling, in therapy, too, with how many things I completely and utterly fall in love with only to stop doing them a few months later. Bam, all of a sudden its the most booooring thing I can imagine doing. I have struggled through some of them immediately, but I find I am a cyclical scanner - I enjoy things, leave them, but eventually I do return and find them just as fascinating as I did when I started.

It also explains, why, even with my best efforts, I can never stick to a habit that isn't strictly neccessary (I do stick to some things like brushing my teeth obviously 😉). I had a great phase of 6am yoga which was so wonderful and one day I just stopped.

I read Atomic Habits, I read Finish What You Start, I read How To Get Things Done, I read So Good They Can't Ignore You, and I'm sure there were others in the past. But none of them could explain why there was this "wall" I ran into at some point, where my brain just goes "booooooring" like a perpetulant teenager and I completely stop doing what I used to enjoy.

So in case anyone has this issue here too I can recommend her books "I Could Do Anything If I Knew What It Was" and "Refuse To Choose".
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Thanks for the insight! Being here from Anna Bey’s thread, I’d just like to share something for ladies interested in networking, doing something in their communities and upgrading their CVs. I highly recommend the platform Women on Boards website which I know thanks to my mentor from my work. Some of the services are free and you could search by location, category (education, charity, NGOs, clubs), etc. some of the services on this page require a fee, but even for free it’s worth having some inspiration; and while they operate in the Uk and Australia, there is an immense amount of resource you can utilise to join a boars near you.
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Chatty Member
I would recommend you to find series, movies, etc that you can watch with subtitles (thats how I and my brothers learned german, watching anime as children). That way you will learn the language faster, also if you have access to a person from Bosnia/Montenegro/Serbia you can practice your skills. People often divide the languages into Serbian and Bosnian but from my understanding (from what I have heard from my parents) there is not much difference, mostly how you pronounce/write certain words for example (the color) white is bijelo/bjelo.

Also, for some reason, they call blond hair = plava kosa. Plava boja means blue color. It is something that has troubled me ever since childhood.

Good luck with learning the language, the grammar part is horrendous but you usually spell things the way you say them. There are from what I remember no hidden letters, no double consonants etc.
Language student here! My top tip for tv shows is Disney channel/tween shows. It's not as bad as watching kiddie shows like Peppa pig but it's designed for kids so the actors are often over exaggerating with facial expression and things are spelt out with the background and the actors making it easy to follow along. There's a rarely a "hidden meaning" so to speak
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Chatty Member
Slightly aside : Anyone else feel regret over not having achieved more , in terms of self-improvement, during lockdown? I made only a half-a$$Ed effort and really regret not making more of the enforced time at home. I should have read more books, done more creating, lost more weight, improved my cooking-skills and more. Sigh....
absolutely. Every summer I get it into my head that during my time off I'm going to do xyz then I don't. Hindsight is 2020 (< pun not intended I swear) but I also think you can do those things without a pandemic. No point beating yourself up now. It was an unprecedented time. It's easy to say now that you should have done xyz. Also if it helps at all, I try not to live my life with "should have's" and live my life with "wants". I'm disappointed if I want to do those things and don't. Often things you "should" do aren't always things you want to do.
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VIP Member
Slightly aside : Anyone else feel regret over not having achieved more , in terms of self-improvement, during lockdown? I made only a half-a$$Ed effort and really regret not making more of the enforced time at home. I should have read more books, done more creating, lost more weight, improved my cooking-skills and more. Sigh....
Rather than not having achieved more I just wasn’t consistent enough after the lockdown.
Since 2020 I started to run and my average was 150-160kms/month until July when it was too hot. It’s October and I was not able to get back to it.
Same with reading books in different languages, it seems I get more distracted we are no longer in lockdown. 🤷‍♀️

p.s. Thanks for creating this thread @AnnaBeg
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1001 others

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I'm trying to refrain from reading and listening to the news ... it's not only depressing, but half the stuff that's really going on isn't even being reported (it's very focused on particular things).

Today is day 1 and was going well until I just heard the headlines in a TV break (seems I'm not missing anything!).
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I took that class from MoMa! It was great fun and interesting too, as a person who thought I didn't like modern art, it was quite different to what usually enjoy but it also introduced me to one of my new favourite art pieces. Definitely made me keep an open mind. There are some quirky classes if you don't want something super academic. I also took the History of Witchcraft (I think it's called) from University of Barcelona and it was pretty good.

I've recently found out about this woman called Ann Russell who gives cleaning tips on TikTok. I don't have a tiktok so I followed some of her content from YouTube. If anyone is struggling to get on top of their cleaning, I'd recommend watching her Depression Cleaning 1&2.

For the same subject, Unfuck Your Habitat is also helpful.
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Hello dear friends!

I just want to say that we should all thank God for the vaccines, especially during this pandemic. It helps, even only one dose, depending on the vaccine brand and depending on your body's immune system.

I catched a covid around night of 11September, so symptoms like fever, stuffy nose, a little difficulty in breathing, loss of smell and taste started 12Sept and the fever went down on 18Sept. Prior to that, I got a 1st shot of Gamaleya Sputnik Vaccine given by our local government unit, so I am one of those who just experienced mild symptoms despite being vaccinated. Just that, I started RT-PCR last 20Sept and that's the time I got tested positive. My youngest sister had to go on leave of absence to assist my mom in household chores and providing food for stroke patient of my dad. I had to quarantine inside my room for 14 days. Fortunately, despite the quarantine, I was still capable to work at home answering customer calls.

I had a 2nd RT-PCR and still generated POSITIVE, so I had to quarantine for additional 7 days. Fortunately, during the whole 14 days from 20Sept until now, I was not experiencing fever, chills, breathing has become easier, sense of smell and taste are getting back slowly. So it's like, false positive.

Vaccines cannot save us from Covid-19 100%, but it can save us from severe effects of covid and hospital bills.

In the Philippines, when getting hospitalized due to Covid-19, it will cost anyone up to a million pesos in hospital bills, and that does not include meds yet.

So, even if the available vaccine is Sinovac with only 50% efficicacy, still, grab it. The best and most available vaccine is still the best vaccine.

Some of us maybe antivaxxers but one thing is for sure, despite the lapses of some vaccines, there are vaccines around that saved the live of children from influenza, measles, or even poliomyelits.
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Thank you very much, Roleena! 😘 At the moment, I can afford street market clothes and some fast fashion every now and then. I don't care about brands, to be honest. As long as clothes have durable and good-looking fabrics at a reasonable price, that's good for me. Spending 2k euros or more in a bag is a bit too much, in my view.

I agree with you on improving my mathematical skills, especially because I had a hard time in school and grew some “resentment” towards them 😅. In other areas, I'm learning at my own pace thanks to the Internet. Apart from that, I got a previous knowledge of business protocol and etiquette, foreign languages, art history, classic mythology, philosophy, psychology and history (among other subjects and disciplines) thanks to school and vocational college.
We can all agree that education is key if you want to be an informed citizen instead of someone who falls into whatever mass media says.

When it comes to men, those are the same principles I hold. I don't care about his bank account, as long as he can support himself and is also capable of managing his money. You may find a so-called rich man who, if you look at his financial statement, is nothing but a broke man playing the big game.

Finally, I'd like to start my contributions with a book that I didn't like at first (because I wanted toys), but I have fond memories of it and, if you have children or know anyone with them, will be way more valuable than everything Anna Bey is teaching:

You are always welcome, dear. I am not born rich, we used to be quite a little well-off until our family business continued to slow down and especially now that it's pandemic, and most of us in our house is unable to handle the business quite well and queries because 4 of us are having separate jobs, and one out of three is currently in Japan working as a nurse.

I am damn YOLO when it comes to finances; however, I always make it sure I should not ask anyone for money. I will risk loaning from lending companies or government institutions, and that I will not forget living within my means. I am not much of a fan of designer brands. I am more onto clothes that are being sold in most flea markets.

2000 euros? That's already a lot of money in the Philippines, because that's 117,471.84pesos in our currency and with that amount, you can start a food cart business or a small variety store.

If I am not stuck with rising payables, I will search for schools where I can start my Masteral studies. In the meantime, I continue to work and to learn, and further improve my critical thinking skills despite my aging braincells.

I don't have a husband and a child of my own. I will just enjoy life, or at least win my inner personal battles before I could meet someone.

We can all agree that education is key if you want to be an informed citizen instead of someone who falls into whatever mass media says.
Without a doubt I agree on this one, though not all degree-holding people have well-developed critical thinking skills and some of them, unfortunately, fall prey to the scams of MLM back in my home country. With ample education combined with passion for learning, critical thinking skills is further enhanced so that one will not end up gullible to whatever scams shown to them. I am not also good at critical thinking but I believe critical thinking is a helpful factor that saves a business from financial downfall.
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I love this thread idea! Might be something so simple but I want to read everyday. I used to do it in phases but always end up forgetting or loosing interest quickly. My goal for this month is to read a chapter or 2 everyday of a physical book not my kindle because I don’t need the screen time 😭
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@AnnaBeg I really dislike advocating workouts or group exercise programs. Every single body is highly personalized, it will need different intensities, different exercises, different loads, and worked out at different frequencies. The most important thing about exercise is correct form, and tailoring the movements to the clients needs. Although the workouts itself are fine, many people do squats improperly, or they have knee pain where squats aren't suitable and will need another exercise that targets the same muscles. When you hire a proper personal trainer the first 3-4 sessions are them doing a fitness assessments figuring out how your body works, how much load can it take on, the imbalances you have and how to correct them. The rest of their job is to make sure that you have proper form throughout the movement, one way that you can fix your form without a personal l trainer is doing you workouts very slowly to really feel the muscle that's supposed to be activated, or by touching that muscle while you're doing that movement. For squat form this is an amazing video that shows how your spine is supposed to be like
I remember you asking workouts for rheumatoid arthritis. Jumping, running and any high impact exercise should be avoided as it'll wear down the cartilage even more. (for the general population it is still a high impact exercise that can cause your body more harm than good, but you can decrease the impact by having proper form and the correct muscles activated) I don't know the severity but I really recommend swimming, biking, speed walking, and resistance exercises (for this one you have to check which resistance movements are alright for your body and at what intensity, load and frequency).

Also the 5 minute workout is fine if you live a sedentary life, just starting working out and want to ease into it, or are doing a quick workout to get your blood pumping to wake-up a bit after you've been sitting for hours and have a few more hours of work left. The exercise guidelines for the average person (isn't pregnant, doesn't have any disability, health condition, or risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes etc) should be getting 150min of moderate to vigorous activity a week, and several hours of light activity (your activities of daily living, like chores counts as light activity). How you measure the intensity is through your heart rate. 220-age= max heart rate. A moderate exercise is 65%-75% of your maximum heart rate, an intense exercise is 75%-85%.
example for the math- I'm 21 years old, my maximum Heart Rate is 199
65%-75% of my maximum HR is 129-149 beats per minute
75%-85% of my maximum HR is 149-169 beats per minute

Everyone's body is so different that I cannot recommend once exercise for all, everyone has their own exercise plan that is tailored to their body's needs, limitations and goals. I apologies if this wasn't as detailed and direct as you'd like
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My people!! Looking forward to picking up some pointers, and sharing some of mine.

For the ultimate etiquette book, may I recommend The Penguin Book of Etiquette by the (late) queen herself, Marion von Adlerstein. Borrowed it from the library many years ago and I think it actually has a list of how to address every kind of dignitary 😆 But above all, she's always clear that etiquette is about respect for oneself and others, and putting others at ease.

Aesthetic living:
Nami's life: I got waaaay into Japanese/Korean daily life vloggers during the pandemic, it felt less lonely to go about my business with some background video. We don't even see her face, but this lovely young lady is an artist. Look at how tiny her apartment is (housing is crazy expensive in Tokyo), and yet she cooks beautiful meals and dresses well. I'm inspired to try and keep my own place clean 😅

Classical performing arts primer:
Opera RoH playlist of some popular arias
Ballet RoH playlist of some popular solos and pas de deux

Yoga with Adriene (I only really enjoy short bouts of yoga when feeling down, but she's quite soothing and she has a nice dog too)
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Well-known member
I would recommend you to find series, movies, etc that you can watch with subtitles (thats how I and my brothers learned german, watching anime as children). That way you will learn the language faster, also if you have access to a person from Bosnia/Montenegro/Serbia you can practice your skills. People often divide the languages into Serbian and Bosnian but from my understanding (from what I have heard from my parents) there is not much difference, mostly how you pronounce/write certain words for example (the color) white is bijelo/bjelo.

Also, for some reason, they call blond hair = plava kosa. Plava boja means blue color. It is something that has troubled me ever since childhood.

Good luck with learning the language, the grammar part is horrendous but you usually spell things the way you say them. There are from what I remember no hidden letters, no double consonants etc.
I actually do things like those, but thanks for your advice 😃. I have some contacts from Serbia, so I also practise the language with them every now and then.

As you say, there isn't a huge difference among Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin. It's pretty much like the difference between the Spanish spoken in Spain and that of any Spanish-speaking country in Latin America 🤷🏻‍♀️. But I don't want to start another war, so I'll respect their names 😅.

And last, but not least...hvala ti puno na podršku 😘. (Thank you very much for your support.)

Leaving this topic aside, I would like to share with you a book that caught my attention: The Revolt of the Masses, by José Ortega y Gasset. If you are interested in politics, but mostly in reflections about society, this book may get your attention as well ☺.

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@aliciaaaa It seems that we have people who are not familiar with our previous topic so let's take that into consideration too 😉.Could you give us more information on back health,importance of good posture and how does it influences our lives?
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@Sadies any recommendations on food 🤩🤗🍹🍾🍓🍇🥓🍖🥞🍛🍜🍝🍡🍨🍸🍦🥑🥥.Here we have a lot of new members not related to previous topic
I am perhaps the worst person to ask about dieting advice since I can eat 5k+ cal on a day with no issues since I will burn it all off kicking heads in😅

With that in mind, while helping friends losing weight with no added exercise needed I've noticed some trends going on:
1 Quantity, what they eat is pretty healthy, but they eat obscene amounts of it. The dose makes the poison :)

2 This is healthy right? They hear soda/candy contains a lot of sugar, and switch to an healthier alternative like juice/fruit soda or candied fruits. Which yes, is "healthier" with all the vitamins and fibers you get, but juice/fruit soda and candied fruit is also often just as high if not higher in sugar :/ and continueing to consume it in the same quantity as before isn't very helpful...

3 Doing it consistently, quite similar to Anna Bey. They continously follow fad diets they can't stick to long term, or try to follow the same extreme diets, but consistently fail at it. It also place them in a mindset of "it's fine if I "try" and fail 5 min later"

4 Ask "unqualified" people for help, I understand it's easier to turn to a friend you know to ask for help ( like me). But you need a professional nutritionist and dietitian involved. Even with my knowledge of food etc. I still leave it to the pros. This also makes it less overwhelming :)

Sidenote: on the topic of exercise, if you are really heavy then be mindful of starting out really "hard". Do low impact exercises like swimming etc. your joints can easily get hurt.

Something that has helped almost everyone asking me for advice is gaining more knowledge about the food they put in their body, the history/culture behind it, it's development, the preparation of the food/raw ingredients, how and where does it grow and why?, nutritional facts etc :)

For actual food I've written 1 post on youtube ressources for food history:
and 1 about general food youtubers:

If you want anything specific I can always do a little digging in my brain :) A general "cookbook" I recommend for all is "Modernist Cuisine" even though it's pricier than what you usually find (and much more scientific):) Though I think the modernist cuisine still has the error on mother sauces. (A mistake in translation from french to english happened, and an imposter is amongst the mother sauces. Was only discovered like last year, and the modernist cuisine hasn't published v2 yet Q_Q)

For posture: I got a custom desk and chair, so I can sit in a position that encourages good posture. I also recall Michelle Joice (?) had a pretty solid and cheap program in improving your posture, which I took in the middle of the pandemic while stuck at home. I would recommend combining it together with a visit to the physical therapist, since it's easier to "learn" the new way of moving when you aren't tensed up and "stuck" in the past pattern.
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My opinion though, but I believe you might agree with my statement below:

Being a "certified" "color theory expert" does NOT equate to being a make-up expert or up to extent, make-up artist.

Below are the following make-up gurus whom I will recommend for all of us, regardless of age: Lisa Eldrige and Marlena Stell.
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My first addition to the thread 😋

While looking into adult ballet classes for beginners, I found this lovely channel on youtube. She has classes for absolute beginners where she goes over all the basics and slowly builds things up. Which is perfect if you've never done ballet before, and want to try it out from the comfort of your own home.

Here's her channel:
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