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Hello to new people here! Our previous thread was about a failed escort who turned to scamming young women by attracting them with her extensive lying of her lifestyle, belittling them saying that they are low-quality and dating low-quality men, and only she can help elevate them and help them bag a millionaire like she did (surprise she lied about that). Since she is a pathological liar, she was giving god-awful leveling-up advice to these women ( you need to live outside your means and that all you need is a good blow-dry to elevate your confidence and looks LOL). Since a lot of her former student have joined the threads and have been asking for proper guidance on how to better your life, we ended up going off-topic a lot in those threads by giving proper advice, instead of just analyzing her. This thread was created to continue and expand the discussion :) I ended up talking a lot about health since she would advocate for ridiculous fad diets, and when she purchased a shoddy personal trainer just so she could post instagram pics with him.

So this is mainly about embodied cognition, meaning the body and mind are working together, when you are in a good mood you want to get bigger and expand, while when you're in a bad mood you want to make yourself smaller and hide. A good strong healthy boosts our confidence immensely, we tend to take people less seriously when they are hunched over and chin down. It's proven that when you experience bad news your body's reaction is to make yourself smaller, by slumping your shoulders and hunching down, while when you are in a good state you expand yourself, chest is open, shoulder blades retracted and downwards. This is for all species, animals, humans and crustaceans. (Which is why power-poses are so effective). Psychologically we will be more attracted (not just romantically but generally) to someone if they are physically healthy. A good posture indicates that the rest of your body is functioning optimally, when we first meet someone first thing we do is assess how they carry themselves physically (are they hunched over, covering their mouth, weak eye contact etc), then how they dress and hygiene. It's also been shown in a study that better postures help to succeed higher in life, i didn't believe it until i realized i've never met a single surgeon with a crooked spine, or until i myself started doing those super-man power poses in the morning (really helped me ease into the morning easier and helps make me become a morning person)

Your body has an optimal length and position to be in, when this is disrupted the neural pathways also become disrupted, meaning that it takes the body longer to send a receive a message. People who have chronic back health have an increased amount of stress on their body, leading more cortisol less dopamine in their body. A lot of the studies that test the relationship between strengthen the strong back health/good posture and increased dopamine levels are tested on Parkinsons patients. All of them have found a positive correlation between straight back and increased dopamine levels, i do not know why or how this works but it does. In addition to increased dopamine levels, when you have a straight back you can inhale up to 30% more oxygen, helping your body and especially brain function better, plus you end up getting an oxygen high, which is the best high in the world. The worlds best drug is to simply stand up straight, when your body is upright you inhale more oxygen

when it comes to the body everything works as a unit, if one system/body part is working improperly then another system/body part has to compensate for it. When first assessing a patient for back health we check their foot placement, a flat foot increases the amount of pressure pushing your knee inwards, making the entire lower limb to rotate inward which later develops into knocked-knees. Since your entire lower limb is rotated inwards it also rotates your hip joint inwards. Unfortunately once you have flat-feet it is for life, you must exercise regularly to maintain a healthy arch. I find this workout to be super helpful with strengthening the arch, as well as strengthening your quad muscles to keep the knee joint in place and prevent knocked-knees.

Another common problem people have is that they have weak glutes which causes super tight hamstrings causing an inward rotation of the hips, leadings to lower back pain. This is my favourite hamstring stretch because I used to do it in dance, you can strengthen your glutes by doing backwards lunges (it activates the glutes more than forward lunges) and single leg glute bridges.
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Since i sit a lot on my laptop, like everyone else, i pull my chin and shoulders forward making me look a little bit like captian hook. I find this to be an excellent way to reset that posture.
This info is gold! Thank you for sharing.
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Slightly aside : Anyone else feel regret over not having achieved more , in terms of self-improvement, during lockdown? I made only a half-a$$Ed effort and really regret not making more of the enforced time at home. I should have read more books, done more creating, lost more weight, improved my cooking-skills and more. Sigh....
I’ve definitely experienced this. I am trying to be more compassionate toward myself because these past couple years have been so unprecedented- and the word unprecedented has been used to death, but it is still the best word to use- and it’s been difficult to stick to a healthy routine. So much of our daily life has changed, there is a ton of uncertainty, and it leaves us drained. Even if we’ve had job security through this.

That being said, movement and healthy routine have been essential for my mental health. I felt worse when I didn’t uphold my healthy habits, and it becomes harder to start the longer you put it off, you know? But it only takes the basics to get back on track; cooking healthy food at home, daily walks outside, sleep.

I’ve also been working through some mindset changes, which takes energy. A good friend of mine who is a psychologist said that sometimes your physical health falters when you focus on your mental health. I hope this helps.
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Any recommendation for hair oil for fine hair (it's fine but I have lots of it and it can get quite oily rather quickly)?
Same exact problem here.

Not a hair oil, but I just started using KMS Tamefrizz Smoothing Reconstructor. It's pricey but you don't need much, and you use it in place of conditioner. I think it will last a while. Got it from Amazon.

For anyone wanting to better themselves, there are SO many free resources on the web to explore. It's so easy to broaden your education.

Did you know you can take the same course that people at Harvard or Yale or the Sorbonne or many other top universities around the world take?

For free.

Take a look at both Coursera and edX. While they both offer paid certificate courses (and even degrees online), skip right past that because almost all of their courses can be audited for free. This is ideal for self-learners.

At first you'll notice that many courses are available in the tech area (these are popular with many for career development), but many, many, courses are offered in the humanities and are ideal for self-development. Simply look under the tabs for History, Music, Humanities, Art, Architecture, Foreign Languages - or whatever you might be interested in. There is NO obligation to enroll in a certificate program for a fee. For self-education, a certificate is not needed. This is just for you!

At edX you can learn Korean! Or Italian! Or study the archeology of the Pyramids with Harvard. How about a course like "Hollywood: History, Industry, Art"?

At Coursera you can study Greek & Roman Mythology with the University of Pennsylvania or explore the same Introduction to Classical Music course that Yale students take. How about "Modern Art & Ideas" with the Museum of Modern Art in NYC?

I'd much rather chat with a person at a party or business event who has been taking a course on Hollywood or the Pyramids vs. someone who can only discuss her latest Gucci belt acquisition. I have no idea what a scammer who charges $1K for their "course" can even begin to have conversations about. Absolutely no idea.

I love museums, and they can be great places to go to de-stress (I love museum cafes too). A very nice way to learn more about art can be found at Khan Academy. This is also free! They do a terrific job of presenting the whole sweep of art history in a relaxing way.

So if you'd like to pursue some cultural studies, or simply keep your brain entertained, check out these resources. You can even take a look a the detailed course syllabus for a course that catches your interest. Exploring all that is on offer can end up taking some time so grab a beverage!

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This is amazing thank you @AnnaBeg we can really get invested in the sub-topics we’d have in our thread instead of having to shut it down half way through because we’d get way off topic.

do you have any more quantum physics book recommendations??
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Excellent, thank you!
I downloaded Scribd this weekend and read it! First book I’ve read in years 😱 (used to be an avid reader) but I’ve got the bug again now. There were lots of interesting bits that have led me on to more contemporary areas (think it was wrote in the 60s). Thanks for the recommendation @Stella_Luna

It reaffirmed I won’t do stuff for myself if it’s not how I planned in my head. So today I put a log fire screensaver on roku 😄 lit some candles and made sure I finished it (with notes). Then I was procrastinating washing my hair because it was mid-afternoon so just done it over the bath, put a treatment on, face masks & eye masks 🧖🏼‍♀️, cooking a nice dinner and got some Motown tunes on 🎵
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Remember, nothing is wrong with having your hut's interior captured due to your financial status. Feel free to post anything even if your most humble stuff you can just as long as you are happy and doing it in a captivating way. What's bad is faking your luxurious lifestyle to the point that you have to have yourself literally fucked (every inch of your skin, every hole in your body) just to sustain that fake luxxe lifestyle

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Ooh I love this thread! I also came here after months of lurking our favourite Hermessas affluent coach thread! Please keep them coming ladies, I’m loving every single one of the tips and informations that you have regarding self improvement!
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As far as I am concerned, I shall interact here on the matter of étiquette, home economics or culture.
But I give right now an answer to @Mjaumjau who asked me in the other post a question related to a saint protector. If you are not a believer or interessted in the matter, just skip the message.

Michael. Always Michael. No matter what, Michael. No matter who, Michael. No mater the faith/religion, Michael. I’ve already told in the other thread that Michael is the personficiation of the Force of the Truth. Every bad thing that we are experimenting in life in the shape of a humain being, or a situation and etc. has its origins in a lie. Lie = bad energy which affects the good and balanced energy of our inner Truth. Lying has multiple shapes : lying to yourself, lying to others, compromises with a situation/person, compromises with your inner Truth/intuition when you are not convinced by a situation/person but go for it. Always look for the Lie in a bad situation/relation etc. Sometime it’s hard to recognize it. I give you an exemple : the feminine jealousy. The feminine jealousy could be our intuition which tells us that the man is cheating or ready to cheat on us even if we don’t have the proof. This is good energy, it’s temporary and focused. But there is also the bad energy of the Lie, when a woman is jealous about women in general because she believes other women steal something from her/have something that shoud be her’s. It’s longlasting and for everything/everybody. Where lies the Lie in this second case ? The woman is lying to herself thinking she is superior to other woman and intitled. And she continues therefore to attract only bad things, people cheating on her, etc. I think I made my point clear. Even if it’s subtle and not evident right away, always look for the lie at the origin of something which seems to be not harmonious. The energy of Truth is harmony, is that feeling that everything is a perfect puzzle and a pleasant music.

Just ask to Michael to reveal the Truth and to protect you. Protection is showing to you the ways to get out of there. You don’t need to go in a church or to do some rituals. You can ask Him right now, when you are reading me, even if you are in pyjamas with a cake in your hand/mouth. Just ask what you need to know. Don’t be impressed by the way the answer manifests itself. Sometimes it can be scary not because Michael is coming in person but because of the forms taken by the answer to come right into your eyes or into your ears or mind. Just have trust even if the Truth destabilizes you. The energy of Truth is the balance of the Univers, balancing the negative and positive energie just like on the two plates of a balance. The sign of Michael is the rapidity. For the longuest response I waited 72h, because it was the week-end and the answer for the Truth was in my office (I didn't know it), so it emerged only Monday, but literally in the 5 min I’ve stepped into my office. For the shortest one is in the minute. You had an exemple with the painting of Saint Michael posted on the other thread,haha, in 30 min He forced that woman to reveal the Truth.

Now, as a last note. I should have more details but it seems to me from what you said innthe other thread, that you attract energy suckers who benefit from your energy/purity to continue to live their way with their own lies. Maybe you do not consider yourself as a very pure person but it means you are pure, like an exposed energetic field that everyone can touch and absorb. Imagine a fontain which attires dirty people, your waters are troubled by them and this leads to the phenomena you’ve just described. You are slighy out of Balance but not because of you (or maybe you are lying to youself in some matter and did a compromise with your inner Truth), but because of the weight of lies of the other people around you. The only thing to do is to ask Michael to reveal their lies, their hidden games or your own lies against yourself. When you’ll find the Truth and the nature of their/your lies, you are already protected. Things/people/situations will change because you’ll see the way to change it, right now your eyes are blind.
Thank you do much for taking your time to give me guidance.

Sometimes I do feel like I am not in balance. Other people’s actions affect me more than they should and if it is a particular bad period (with a lot of things happening) I can’t get grouchy and I alway feel bad afterwards. I was for example rude to a person last year and I still regret it.
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Has anyone looked in to non-reactivity? i.e. how to be non-reactive in social situations/not reverting to submissive or aggressive behaviours. I’m new to it so trying to wade through all the PUA garbage, but it’s an a-ha moment.
I have done some work on that and tbh I didn't read much about it. I mostly just socialise with the mindset of everyone has their own shit and it's about them not me, and disengagement. Works a treat with people like my mum who love and argument. I just say "ok" and leave. Stops her in her tracks and it means it doesn't escalate into tit for tat which always leaves me feeling frustrated as my mum just starts to raise her voice
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What do you ladies think of Audrey Coyne? I discovered her the same time Anna Bey was recommended to me on YouTube. So far she has been very enjoyable for me. Very soft, delicate voice (I have seen comments describing her as "high-quality ASMR," haha). She has a broad range of fashion videos, from "How to Wear Orange/Burgundy," "How to Dress Your Age," to capsule ideas, color palettes, etc. She has something for everyone, I believe. She is a big proprietor for self-expression mixed with making sure you look good (as in, when you should tuck your shirt in, getting everything tailored so it fits YOU perfectly, accessorizing appropriately, playing with proportions, hair parting, and so on). Very calming woman. As humans are, not everything she wears is "for me," but she is far more on point than Aija is, in my opinion. Very timeless wardrobe and appropriate clothing, LOL! Love her messages. I just wanted to know how everyone else feels out of curiosity.

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Has anyone looked in to non-reactivity? i.e. how to be non-reactive in social situations/not reverting to submissive or aggressive behaviours. I’m new to it so trying to wade through all the PUA garbage, but it’s an a-ha moment.
This book is a great start. It's psychology, but can be understood fairly easily.
Games people play by Eric Berne

Nope,I've heard about Senelier but she's into oil,will try your link.I hope you enjoyed your honeymoon.Will get in touch tomorrow,pay attention to me 😎😁😂🙃
No honeymoon here, there is a pandemic going on 😅
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Because of pop-rock from the former Yugoslavia. One of those weird, yet nice discoveries the YouTube algorithm offers every now and them.
I liked the songs I listened to so much, that I started to learn the language at my own pace.
Apart from online resources (that I can share if anyone is interested), I have a book called Teach Yourself Serbian.
I would recommend you to find series, movies, etc that you can watch with subtitles (thats how I and my brothers learned german, watching anime as children). That way you will learn the language faster, also if you have access to a person from Bosnia/Montenegro/Serbia you can practice your skills. People often divide the languages into Serbian and Bosnian but from my understanding (from what I have heard from my parents) there is not much difference, mostly how you pronounce/write certain words for example (the color) white is bijelo/bjelo.

Also, for some reason, they call blond hair = plava kosa. Plava boja means blue color. It is something that has troubled me ever since childhood.

Good luck with learning the language, the grammar part is horrendous but you usually spell things the way you say them. There are from what I remember no hidden letters, no double consonants etc.
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I’d like to share my share my experience as someone who encountered Anna’s videos while looking for advice on self improvement. Initially she seemed as someone on the periphery of the world she was talking about, someone who knew things, but didn’t seem to actually live the life. I thought it would be excruciating embarrassing for a billionaire or even a millionaire to have a wife peddling such courses for money. A down on her luck divorced partner resorting to something like this is one thing, but for someone claiming to be living the life it seemed highly unlikely. But I couldn’t tell for sure, because there were so many things she managed to get right, even though it was little more than common sense packaged quite well. As someone young and impressionable with a small budget at the start of their career, her clothing advice initially was quite helpful, for finding better quality options among fast fashion brands (as someone who couldn’t afford the nicer and expensive labels older family members prefer). She seemed to have the credentials, attended IVP, stylist course, a few hits amongs the videos, the fan base and a curated Instagram feed, but on the other hand the very questionable content and inconsistencies. Until I discovered tattle, I was in the fence about her course, but thank God I never invested any money in her courses. I can’t thank everyone here enough! The methods she suggested to meet “high value men” seemed incredibly sketchy, and something no woman of good sense and a respectable background would resort to. I feel terrible that some young woman from an unprivileged background may take her sketchy advice as gospel and end up in a dangerous situation. It’s not as if there aren’t predators amongst the wealthy, or even people posing as them to scam the gullible. I’ll share some of the resources that helped me. For videos on deportment and etiquette: Jamila Musayeva, Glamour daze, Audrey Coyne, Heidi Dulebohn, Mykaa Meier and Sophia Li (several have well established credentials and share a lot of good quality free content). Books on etiquette and lifestyle: All by Jennifer L Scott, Etiquette by Emily Post( the best book on the subject), Tim Gunn’s - Fashion Bible, Guide to style, skincare bible Dr. Anjali Maggi, Charlotte Cho - Little Book of skincare, Kimberly Snyder: the Beuty detox solution and Radical Beauty(coauthored with Deepak Chopra), Elegance by Genevieve dariaux and Modern Etiquette by Mykaa Meier. I’ll add more in a later post.

Your suggestions are my comfort zone haha. I lived through ROH's streams during lockdownz it was a right treat. I'd have never caught Woolf Works live if it weren't for the streams. It was fantastic.

I love Nami! I'll also suggest Otena Vlog, Bea Abella, Lou C. and Sueddu if you enjoy that type of simple life content.

Your nickname reminds me of Yuri On Ice and pushing me for a rewatch, ngl.
Sueddu and Otena Vlog are great! They actually inspired to set the table nicely and present food well. They have this way of making everyday chores so elegant and mindful!
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I think the idea of slow living is very interesting! Maybe someone already posted about slow living in this thread but I found Rhea Y’s ( video to be quite relaxing. Basically changes my whole perspective of how I view the world and myself. We are faced with constant changes and improvements, and living in a hustle culture doesn’t help. I guess the whole point of living slowly is to help us be more mindful of the present moment, which is somehow a form of meditation in itself. There are heaps of interesting vlogs about slow living on YouTube, but I found hers to be the most relatable. She is also down to earth and also mindful not only of herself but also her family, her finances, health, etc…
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I'm trying to refrain from reading and listening to the news ... it's not only depressing, but half the stuff that's really going on isn't even being reported (it's very focused on particular things).

Today is day 1 and was going well until I just heard the headlines in a TV break (seems I'm not missing anything!).
Good one! It's true, after all, 4 companies determine the whole news cycle. I bet all the really important information will reach you anyway. And there's so much to "panic" about everyday, but in reality it doesn't matter anyway. It's all outside our circle of influence anyway.

I've stopped all social media recently, deleted Facebook & Reddit, uninstalled the Insta App so I only use it in the browser ( it's never been as addicting to me as the rest, and I only follow cute dogs). My mental health is so much improved already!
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