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Here's something I've found useful:

Buy a pretty little notebook - or buy a plain notebook and dress it up with wrapping paper, wall paper, or fabric - just make it look beautiful. Also do the same to a box.

In your notebook, make a big heading for the month, and dedicate a page each to five things you want to work on that month (make sure they're manageable for you), and record your progress / thoughts / comments beside each. Make sure you update your notebook every night, and use the box to store things you pick up along the way that inspire you.

For example:


Take up yoga
1/10: Picked up a brochure from the supermarket (placed in box); will give them a call next week to enquire about class times and cost.

Start each morning with a walk
1/10: Couldn't go today as I was running late for work, but will hope to start tomorrow.

Learn to meditate
1/10: Looked up some YouTube tutorials. It looks hard. Will join a forum and ask how to get started.

Time for me

1/10: Spoke to the family about 'me time' for an hour an evening; they've all promised to leave me alone between 7-8pm. Start tonight.

Starting saying 'no'

1/10: Was asked to work overtime this weekend (fourth weekend in a row). Said I can't. Didn't offer an excuse, just said I can't.

PS: I'm not familiar with any prior discussion around this topic, so please forgive me if I have gone completely astray!
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Hello to new people here! Our previous thread was about a failed escort who turned to scamming young women by attracting them with her extensive lying of her lifestyle, belittling them saying that they are low-quality and dating low-quality men, and only she can help elevate them and help them bag a millionaire like she did (surprise she lied about that). Since she is a pathological liar, she was giving god-awful leveling-up advice to these women ( you need to live outside your means and that all you need is a good blow-dry to elevate your confidence and looks LOL). Since a lot of her former student have joined the threads and have been asking for proper guidance on how to better your life, we ended up going off-topic a lot in those threads by giving proper advice, instead of just analyzing her. This thread was created to continue and expand the discussion :) I ended up talking a lot about health since she would advocate for ridiculous fad diets, and when she purchased a shoddy personal trainer just so she could post instagram pics with him.

So this is mainly about embodied cognition, meaning the body and mind are working together, when you are in a good mood you want to get bigger and expand, while when you're in a bad mood you want to make yourself smaller and hide. A good strong healthy boosts our confidence immensely, we tend to take people less seriously when they are hunched over and chin down. It's proven that when you experience bad news your body's reaction is to make yourself smaller, by slumping your shoulders and hunching down, while when you are in a good state you expand yourself, chest is open, shoulder blades retracted and downwards. This is for all species, animals, humans and crustaceans. (Which is why power-poses are so effective). Psychologically we will be more attracted (not just romantically but generally) to someone if they are physically healthy. A good posture indicates that the rest of your body is functioning optimally, when we first meet someone first thing we do is assess how they carry themselves physically (are they hunched over, covering their mouth, weak eye contact etc), then how they dress and hygiene. It's also been shown in a study that better postures help to succeed higher in life, i didn't believe it until i realized i've never met a single surgeon with a crooked spine, or until i myself started doing those super-man power poses in the morning (really helped me ease into the morning easier and helps make me become a morning person)

Your body has an optimal length and position to be in, when this is disrupted the neural pathways also become disrupted, meaning that it takes the body longer to send a receive a message. People who have chronic back health have an increased amount of stress on their body, leading more cortisol less dopamine in their body. A lot of the studies that test the relationship between strengthen the strong back health/good posture and increased dopamine levels are tested on Parkinsons patients. All of them have found a positive correlation between straight back and increased dopamine levels, i do not know why or how this works but it does. In addition to increased dopamine levels, when you have a straight back you can inhale up to 30% more oxygen, helping your body and especially brain function better, plus you end up getting an oxygen high, which is the best high in the world. The worlds best drug is to simply stand up straight, when your body is upright you inhale more oxygen

when it comes to the body everything works as a unit, if one system/body part is working improperly then another system/body part has to compensate for it. When first assessing a patient for back health we check their foot placement, a flat foot increases the amount of pressure pushing your knee inwards, making the entire lower limb to rotate inward which later develops into knocked-knees. Since your entire lower limb is rotated inwards it also rotates your hip joint inwards. Unfortunately once you have flat-feet it is for life, you must exercise regularly to maintain a healthy arch. I find this workout to be super helpful with strengthening the arch, as well as strengthening your quad muscles to keep the knee joint in place and prevent knocked-knees.

Another common problem people have is that they have weak glutes which causes super tight hamstrings causing an inward rotation of the hips, leadings to lower back pain. This is my favourite hamstring stretch because I used to do it in dance, you can strengthen your glutes by doing backwards lunges (it activates the glutes more than forward lunges) and single leg glute bridges.
Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 12.38.57 AM.png

Since i sit a lot on my laptop, like everyone else, i pull my chin and shoulders forward making me look a little bit like captian hook. I find this to be an excellent way to reset that posture.
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Hi everyone, seems like my kind of thread! I've been really focused on self-improvement this last year so here what has worked for me(some things I've been doing for much longer). (If this isn't the kind of thing to post here please - apologies).

- It's better to set small goals every month or every few months then set extreme ones.
I've been using a daily habit tracker for over 6 months now to track and implement new habits into my life. ex: say I want to stretch every morning, I'll put that in the tracker and check the box daily until it becomes automatic and I see that after 2-3months I've filled in the box everyday.

as opposed to going the "new year, new me" route which has never worked out for me.

I regularly watch and read books on personal finance, it's a muscle that needs to be developed and I think is important to maintain.
I also am starting to have savings and will have enough knowledge to invest after uni.
- I've started going to pilates once a week, It's good for my back and it's a nice stress reliever.
- 5 mornings/week I hit the ellipitical and move for 20 minutes even if it's very slow. I'm just trying to build the habbit of moving my body for at least 20-30 minutes 6days/week.
- I've decided to stop officially dieting.
- I've decided to drop a scarcity mindset towards food and just eat whatever I want but have a balanced diet - If I feel like eating a sweet I'll eat one after a large salad.
I've stopped binging and my weight is stable and I've lost a bit of weight.
I think it's also important to avoid processed food as much as possible. Eat cake sure, but make it yourself type of thing.
Fashion/mental health: I only buy high quality clothing or good quality clothing but will not buy anything else for a year or will save up for it/work it into my budget. People wonder how I afford nice things and that's how, if I have my eye on a 300 quid coat I might save up 6months to a year for it. I try to only buy what I need and only spend a lot on items I feel are worth the quality/price.(i realize not everyone can do this).

Mental health: not planning as much/taking things day by day and staying in the present. establishing better boundaries.
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Well-known member
Thanks for this amazing thread!

As other people mentioned, what prompted its creation is Anna Bey, a so-called elegance coach who claims to rub shoulders with the elite and “teaches” you how to do so.

As someone here has suggested, here's my story:

I'm not a person who was born with a silver spoon, precisely. I, like lots of people, come from a working class (and somehow disfunctional) family, so I had problems in terms of interacting with people. Apart from that, let's say I wasn't the most popular girl in school, so that didn't help much to my social interaction problems. However, I managed to be a good student and focus on my interests, especially languages (and some UK-related topics 😅).

After having a terrible experience with a man online (nothing romantic), something clicked on my mind and I realised that I needed to change certain aspects of my life, including psychological help and other self-improvement issues. A few months later, I came across Anna through an Instagram Stories ad I found by chance. I already knew a bit of etiquette because I studied that in college, so I was more focused on how to dress better and improve my social relationships (nothing about bagging a millionaire or billionaire). Looking for the guidance I didn't have, I became interested in her courses and, at some point, I was even interested in buying one of them. However, I didn't have the money yet and I found spending 997 dollars a bit too much.

In order to know if she was the real deal, I did my due diligence and found Tattle, especially the thread about her (and where most of us come from). It was so eye-opening that I'm glad I followed my intuition and got rid of her.
What made me stay and create an account is the marvelous community from all walks of life. To be honest, I've had (and still have) the chance to learn new things and valuable pieces of advice in this forum and I've learned more in a few weeks than what I would have learned with Anna in years and paying exorbitant amounts of money.

I'm still quite young and inexperienced, but willing to offer what I've learned/found interesting, if anyone's interested ☺.
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Well-known member
Now this is a good idea. We are all here to offer and share ideas about self-improvement and self-realization things that Anna Bey can't offer
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Bastine de Beaumanoir

Chatty Member
As far as I am concerned, I shall interact here on the matter of étiquette, home economics or culture.
But I give right now an answer to @Mjaumjau who asked me in the other post a question related to a saint protector. If you are not a believer or interessted in the matter, just skip the message.

Michael. Always Michael. No matter what, Michael. No matter who, Michael. No mater the faith/religion, Michael. I’ve already told in the other thread that Michael is the personficiation of the Force of the Truth. Every bad thing that we are experimenting in life in the shape of a humain being, or a situation and etc. has its origins in a lie. Lie = bad energy which affects the good and balanced energy of our inner Truth. Lying has multiple shapes : lying to yourself, lying to others, compromises with a situation/person, compromises with your inner Truth/intuition when you are not convinced by a situation/person but go for it. Always look for the Lie in a bad situation/relation etc. Sometime it’s hard to recognize it. I give you an exemple : the feminine jealousy. The feminine jealousy could be our intuition which tells us that the man is cheating or ready to cheat on us even if we don’t have the proof. This is good energy, it’s temporary and focused. But there is also the bad energy of the Lie, when a woman is jealous about women in general because she believes other women steal something from her/have something that shoud be her’s. It’s longlasting and for everything/everybody. Where lies the Lie in this second case ? The woman is lying to herself thinking she is superior to other woman and intitled. And she continues therefore to attract only bad things, people cheating on her, etc. I think I made my point clear. Even if it’s subtle and not evident right away, always look for the lie at the origin of something which seems to be not harmonious. The energy of Truth is harmony, is that feeling that everything is a perfect puzzle and a pleasant music.

Just ask to Michael to reveal the Truth and to protect you. Protection is showing to you the ways to get out of there. You don’t need to go in a church or to do some rituals. You can ask Him right now, when you are reading me, even if you are in pyjamas with a cake in your hand/mouth. Just ask what you need to know. Don’t be impressed by the way the answer manifests itself. Sometimes it can be scary not because Michael is coming in person but because of the forms taken by the answer to come right into your eyes or into your ears or mind. Just have trust even if the Truth destabilizes you. The energy of Truth is the balance of the Univers, balancing the negative and positive energie just like on the two plates of a balance. The sign of Michael is the rapidity. For the longuest response I waited 72h, because it was the week-end and the answer for the Truth was in my office (I didn't know it), so it emerged only Monday, but literally in the 5 min I’ve stepped into my office. For the shortest one is in the minute. You had an exemple with the painting of Saint Michael posted on the other thread,haha, in 30 min He forced that woman to reveal the Truth.

Now, as a last note. I should have more details but it seems to me from what you said innthe other thread, that you attract energy suckers who benefit from your energy/purity to continue to live their way with their own lies. Maybe you do not consider yourself as a very pure person but it means you are pure, like an exposed energetic field that everyone can touch and absorb. Imagine a fontain which attires dirty people, your waters are troubled by them and this leads to the phenomena you’ve just described. You are slighy out of Balance but not because of you (or maybe you are lying to youself in some matter and did a compromise with your inner Truth), but because of the weight of lies of the other people around you. The only thing to do is to ask Michael to reveal their lies, their hidden games or your own lies against yourself. When you’ll find the Truth and the nature of their/your lies, you are already protected. Things/people/situations will change because you’ll see the way to change it, right now your eyes are blind.
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New member
Here are just a few inspiring content creators who keep BS in their content low to zero. I have followed them for quite some time & they are very professional in what they do. My fave? I love Dr. Idriss (as a former attendee to med school myself) ;) Feel free to explore their free content!
  • Justine Leconte: Berlin-based French fashion designer >> fashion & style, identifying high quality, french lifestyle, color theory...
  • Dr. Shereene Idriss: a.k.a. PillowtalkDerm, NYC-based board certified dermatologist >> all things skincare - highly recommended!!!
  • Matt D'Avella: US-american documentary filmmaker & entrepreneur >> film-making, habit change, minimalism, self-development...
  • Lisa Bilyeu: a.k.a. Women of Impact, US-based British businesswoman & co-founder of the billion dollar company Quest Nutrition >> overcoming hardship & achieving success, empowerment...
  • Kathrin Kunz: a.k.a. Fitness KayKay, German fitness blogger & former police officer >> entertainment, fitness, tabata & HIIT workouts...
  • Leisha Langston: a.k.a. Leisha Leveling Up, creative US-american entrepreneur in tech >> personal growth, self-development journey
They're not all on YouTube only, but also have podcasts, Instagram, website... Check them out!
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Active member
Slightly aside : Anyone else feel regret over not having achieved more , in terms of self-improvement, during lockdown? I made only a half-a$$Ed effort and really regret not making more of the enforced time at home. I should have read more books, done more creating, lost more weight, improved my cooking-skills and more. Sigh....
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Well-known member
For those that are anti vaxxers, an old episode of family guy said it perfectly. You pray to god for a cure for diseases, so he gives us smart people that can cure them, but since it’s not in the form of a miracle you believe that it’s the devils work. Your prayers have been answered but since it’s not in the way you hoped, you discard it. Be open minded because God works in many mysterious ways.
Hello dear friends!

I just want to say that we should all thank God for the vaccines, especially during this pandemic. It helps, even only one dose, depending on the vaccine brand and depending on your body's immune system.

I catched a covid around night of 11September, so symptoms like fever, stuffy nose, a little difficulty in breathing, loss of smell and taste started 12Sept and the fever went down on 18Sept. Prior to that, I got a 1st shot of Gamaleya Sputnik Vaccine given by our local government unit, so I am one of those who just experienced mild symptoms despite being vaccinated. Just that, I started RT-PCR last 20Sept and that's the time I got tested positive. My youngest sister had to go on leave of absence to assist my mom in household chores and providing food for stroke patient of my dad. I had to quarantine inside my room for 14 days. Fortunately, despite the quarantine, I was still capable to work at home answering customer calls.

I had a 2nd RT-PCR and still generated POSITIVE, so I had to quarantine for additional 7 days. Fortunately, during the whole 14 days from 20Sept until now, I was not experiencing fever, chills, breathing has become easier, sense of smell and taste are getting back slowly. So it's like, false positive.

Vaccines cannot save us from Covid-19 100%, but it can save us from severe effects of covid and hospital bills.

In the Philippines, when getting hospitalized due to Covid-19, it will cost anyone up to a million pesos in hospital bills, and that does not include meds yet.

So, even if the available vaccine is Sinovac with only 50% efficicacy, still, grab it. The best and most available vaccine is still the best vaccine.

Some of us maybe antivaxxers but one thing is for sure, despite the lapses of some vaccines, there are vaccines around that saved the live of children from influenza, measles, or even poliomyelits.
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Well-known member
Thanks for this amazing thread!

As other people mentioned, what prompted its creation is Anna Bey, a so-called elegance coach who claims to rub shoulders with the elite and “teaches” you how to do so.

As someone here has suggested, here's my story:

I'm not a person who was born with a silver spoon, precisely. I, like lots of people, come from a working class (and somehow disfunctional) family, so I had problems in terms of interacting with people. Apart from that, let's say I wasn't the most popular girl in school, so that didn't help much to my social interaction problems. However, I managed to be a good student and focus on my interests, especially languages (and some UK-related topics 😅).

After having a terrible experience with a man online (nothing romantic), something clicked on my mind and I realised that I needed to change certain aspects of my life, including psychological help and other self-improvement issues. A few months later, I came across Anna through an Instagram Stories ad I found by chance. I already knew a bit of etiquette because I studied that in college, so I was more focused on how to dress better and improve my social relationships (nothing about bagging a millionaire or billionaire). Looking for the guidance I didn't have, I became interested in her courses and, at some point, I was even interested in buying one of them. However, I didn't have the money yet and I found spending 997 dollars a bit too much.

In order to know if she was the real deal, I did my due diligence and found Tattle, especially the thread about her (and where most of us come from). It was so eye-opening that I'm glad I followed my intuition and got rid of her.
What made me stay and create an account is the marvelous community from all walks of life. To be honest, I've had (and still have) the chance to learn new things and valuable pieces of advice in this forum and I've learned more in a few weeks than what I would have learned with Anna in years and paying exorbitant amounts of money.

I'm still quite young and inexperienced, but willing to offer what I've learned/found interesting, if anyone's interested ☺.
Hello dear! While you are quite young and inexperienced, feel free to share what you have learned to be best you can. We are all free to contribute to this forum.

I am also glad you are one of the ladies who did not fall into Anna's tactics. What Anna is preaching is somewhat dangerous especially to young women. Dear, you don't have to live beyond your means to look fashionable. If you feel fast-fashion brand is what you can afford (despite the reputation these brands hold), then go ahead as long as you look fresh and elegant with what you are wearing.

Always continue to educate yourself, read more about history, sharpen your mathematical and analytical skills further (I am bad at Math, BTW), more more more critical thinking on anything, research, practice, add more skill, and be somebody. Those are the aspects that are more important than just snagging a rich man. And speaking of men, find a guy who will support you endlessly regardless of social status, someone with strong moral fiber, and regard you as a partner in everything.
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It's a shame that anyone believes they have to pay huge sums of money for advice on how to improve their lives. There is plenty of solid information out there - for free - on YouTube and the internet.

Before anyone pays the big bucks for what just might be a scammer's thousand-dollar course, please check out the free and very low-cost resources like these first. I'm sure the other ladies will have many other ideas to add to this list.

There are so many authentic individuals on YouTube who can help women live a more stylish and elegant life.

Before opening up one's wallet to some JetSetBabe-wannabe who delivers her advice with a wagging finger & militaristic screeching voice, instead check out the soft, gentle, tones of Audrey Coyne:

Or the friendly, calm, demeanor of Jennifer Scott:

(Who indeed does have a "Carry Yourself with Poise" course available for $10. That's right, for less than ten Euros or GBP).

Or the confident and quietly authoritative voice of Marie-Anne Lecour:

Or the warmth of Shannon Ables at the Simply Luxurious Life:

All these women live in quite different places, geographically, and are at different points in their lives. They are all successful, and they are all genuine. Anyone who might want to improve their own life could spend literally weeks viewing their generous free content without spending a dime.

If anyone does spend their time with these ladies, it will be incredibly difficult to think about taking advice from an escort/scammer after that.
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Well-known member
Previous thread was about failed sugar baby who started to sell scamming courses,nothing worth mentioning.Our dear @aliciaaaa is getting a degree in sport medicine and she changed my personal perspective on fitness with her insights.Alicia try with YouTube and get something on string theory.Quantum physics for dummies is also good.
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Well-known member
Hello dear! While you are quite young and inexperienced, feel free to share what you have learned to be best you can. We are all free to contribute to this forum.

I am also glad you are one of the ladies who did not fall into Anna's tactics. What Anna is preaching is somewhat dangerous especially to young women. Dear, you don't have to live beyond your means to look fashionable. If you feel fast-fashion brand is what you can afford (despite the reputation these brands hold), then go ahead as long as you look fresh and elegant with what you are wearing.

Always continue to educate yourself, read more about history, sharpen your mathematical and analytical skills further (I am bad at Math, BTW), more more more critical thinking on anything, research, practice, add more skill, and be somebody. Those are the aspects that are more important than just snagging a rich man. And speaking of men, find a guy who will support you endlessly regardless of social status, someone with strong moral fiber, and regard you as a partner in everything.
Thank you very much, Roleena! 😘 At the moment, I can afford street market clothes and some fast fashion every now and then. I don't care about brands, to be honest. As long as clothes have durable and good-looking fabrics at a reasonable price, that's good for me. Spending 2k euros or more in a bag is a bit too much, in my view.

I agree with you on improving my mathematical skills, especially because I had a hard time in school and grew some “resentment” towards them 😅. In other areas, I'm learning at my own pace thanks to the Internet. Apart from that, I got a previous knowledge of business protocol and etiquette, foreign languages, art history, classic mythology, philosophy, psychology and history (among other subjects and disciplines) thanks to school and vocational college.
We can all agree that education is key if you want to be an informed citizen instead of someone who falls into whatever mass media says.

When it comes to men, those are the same principles I hold. I don't care about his bank account, as long as he can support himself and is also capable of managing his money. You may find a so-called rich man who, if you look at his financial statement, is nothing but a broke man playing the big game.

Finally, I'd like to start my contributions with a book that I didn't like at first (because I wanted toys), but I have fond memories of it and, if you have children or know anyone with them, will be way more valuable than everything Anna Bey is teaching:

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Slightly aside : Anyone else feel regret over not having achieved more , in terms of self-improvement, during lockdown? I made only a half-a$$Ed effort and really regret not making more of the enforced time at home. I should have read more books, done more creating, lost more weight, improved my cooking-skills and more. Sigh....
Let me tell you about my experience, after decade working after university i got married and... pregnant before covid started and decided to be a stay at home mom. Few months after delivery i was still 30 pounds over my pre pregnamcy weight. I spent first half of 2021 gping out for walks, cooking healthier (husband works from home so lots of cooking!), doing yoga, listening to podcasts. Now that i reached pre pregnancy weight, and confirmed and make sure that i can keep it witth light activity, i have relaxed a lot now im learning to bake variety of breads which has been such a great experience and keeps me active, experimeng and learning. Always looking for better and more practical (mom of a 14month old) ways to dress and educate myself within my positibilities at home. After i feel ive learned enough baking im sure ill come up with something, maybe painting or gardening when the time comes or mew home project. Never in my live i thought id ever ever make bread haha! But defitinely always trying to learn something just like i do in this forum.
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VIP Member
Oh I love, love, love this thread idea! :love:
Not aware of any previous discussions so I'm jumping right in at the deep end. We've got 3 months left to the end of the year to make some real progress in areas we want to improve.

Could you give us more information on back health,importance of good posture and how does it influences our lives?
I'd love to hear more on this, please! I noticed recently that my shoulders are rounded forwards and I'm turtle necking as well. It's from all the time I spend at my desk for work. I want to correct my posture immediately before it becomes much worse.
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@AnnaBeg I wish I had specific information on nutrition, but all my program has taught me is that sugary drinks like sofa is the #1 way to gain weight, and it makes you eat a lot more than you normally would compared to if you drank water. A balanced diet of fresh whole foods is best. I know many people have trouble with eating too much, one thing that my therapist and program taught me is “mindful eating”. It’s when you fully immerse yourself in the eating experience. This technique is used for people who have unhealthy relationships with food, either eating too much or eating too little. How you do it is when you eat you don’t have any distractions around you (TV turned on, on your phone, watching Netflix etc because your body doesn’t realize it’s eating because it’s not focused completely so you end up eating a lot more, it’s called distracted eating and it’s very dangerous) when you take your bites of food you chew for about 30-60s, and you ask yourself “how does this texture feel like, what is this flavour? Sweet? Sour? Spice? Try and figure out the different items you added in there and see if you can taste it. Can you taste the coriander? Can you taste the rosemary?” The purpose of mindful eating is to completely focus the task on hand, it in itself is a meditative process. Later you’ll realize what foods you love eating, and helps you enjoy meal times. I personally don’t advocate for any specific diet (like keto, vegan, paleo) but the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest.

In regards to meditation, you need to break out of this shell that you have have to do it in a specific way like just sitting in a lotus position. Meditation is simply the act of hyper focusing on one thing, usually the breath or counting. Working out is a meditative act because your hyper focusing on your movement as you do each rep, feeling your targeted muscle burning. If you love your job then it can become a meditative act(but that happens much later, after years of meditation. Or if you have a strong disciplined mind then it’ll come much quicker). I personally love meditative walks, I turn on some Tibetan chanting (or any music where there’s a simple mantra being repeated or just listening to the sound of nature like birds chirping) and let my mind go numb but let my body walk wherever and at at whatever speed it wants to. Plus for those who want to lose weight, speed walking is the #1 best weight loss method and it doesn’t harm your joints unlike running or doing crazy movements at the gym. When starting something new always start slow and build your way up start with 5 minutes but do it everyday then when you fee comfortable (say after 3 weeks) then increase it to 10minutes. It’s all about consistency when it comes to improvement, not sporadic but intense bursts of intense energy.
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Love this! i found myself saving the good advices. Should we: 1) brainstorm topics, 2) just continue with comments and opinions from previous thread and go with the flow? 3) give some background story about our journey? It looks like some ladies started opening up about their lifestyle and thats when we got a lot more interested in sharing.

thank you for starting this thread, i feel priviledged to be here seriously! One topic lead to another so it feels more exclusive if i look for this online i wouldnt find it anywhere or we would find a random website and realize the comments are from 2008-2011 haha!
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