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Chatty Member
He pledged to give it all away to charity, always wonder if two unexpected/unwanted pregnancies at the same time made him do this. It’s certainly strange that he didn’t see the children but fought to get them in his Dads will, makes me wonder what has happened between them
Be interesting to see what happens.
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You haven’t done anything wrong. And, when I was asking about Stephen Gately, I got a great post which explains everything that happened (I’m sure you’ve seen it). So for this poster to assume that you’re homophobic is just wrong, and then saying that you should delete your post is taking things too far. Just ignore him/her and continue your posts ❤

Well you did say “Would You Have Suggested Chemsex If He Had Been Straight”. That does suggest that you are assuming the poster is homophobic.
It only suggests that to you, it certainly didn't to me.
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Making money. He’s only ever been a jobbing actor really, and his ex skinted him out dragging him through family court because he dared to want to continue to see his children. He spoke at the time about how difficult it was, he was sole parent for a long time while she was out filming and partying, then as soon as they fell out he had to spend everything he had just to see his kids again. I think it gave him a new drive to do different things to build up his fighting fund. Ironically as soon as the case was settled she seems to have lost interest in their children yet again!

Still cannot believe she got away with the police turning up at her house to find the kids home alone while she was on a night out 🤬
Really?! How old were the kids?
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Bob's Aunt

Well-known member
Evening one and all.......any info on Nadia Hussain, the one off GBBO. She comes across so sweet & decent, I'm curious ....

I just watched the 1989 Mandy Smith/Bill Wyman wedding video mentioned in the previous thread.

christ! Where to begin?

None of the guests having anything sincere to say (surprise)

Mandy’s massive headdress dwarfing her new husband.

Mandy looking as if she is already in the grip of an eating disorder (I never bought the ‘candida’ explanation; I recall reading an interview with Bill Wyman after the marriage broke down in which he complained that Mandy would never order anything in a restaurant but instead would eat a few scraps from his plate, which he didn’t like because he wanted his own dinner to himself, and that Mandy, Nicola and their mother were constantly having health treatments paid for by him. Nice.)

Paul Young’s wife showing up to the reception in not just a white outfit but a white glittery backless boob-flaunting jumpsuit! What???? You don’t wear white boob-flashing outfits to someone else’s wedding!! I think this must have been before she went off with Eddie Kidd, before returning to Paul Young. Paul Young’s outfit similarly unspeakable, Wedgwood blue suit with pink shirt, although the same could be said for most of the guests. 1989 not a fashion high point.

Spike Milligan patronising Wyman, with a middle aged woman on a black dress with a red and yellow collar ever-present in the shot, looking disapprovingly at both of them.

Charlie Watts and wife pasting on smiles but obviously thinking, what in God’s name are we doing here?

Kim Wilde accompanied by that bloke from Johnny Hates Jazz who she used to go out with.

The unfathomable presence of a clown whilst they are all being herded in for dinner. Clown looks as nonplussed as the rest of the guests.

WTF, WTF, WTF?????
Missed this, where will I find the video please?xxx
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He constantly cheats on her apparently. I agree shes lovely looking
I have always thought he is absolutely gorgeous. No idea who she was. On googling, quite a significant age gap 31/43. I know it works for some but both very different stages of your life.
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VIP Member
Sorry - catching up with posts. Regarding the “Where is Shelly Miscavage mystery” 60 minutes Australia actually found the log cabin where Shelly was supposedly hiding. If anyone is interested, it’s still on YouTube.
Ooh a bit bed time watching..... thanx for this 🙃🙃🙃

Ooh, please report back re Bing/Epstein 👍

Yeah, that’s kind of what I remember. Also that Stephen and his boyfriend had gone to a club, and picked up some Male model, plus they had all taken drugs that night. But I seem to remember that Stephen was found dead on a sofa, but the boyfriend and the Male model were in bed together? Also, wasn’t Stephen found to have been dead for quite some time before the police were called?
Only thing I could find
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I had Sam down as a screamer some time ago.
I'm an old timer but even I know that the non-ironic, sub Farah monstrosity on his head is tragic.
It does however give clear warning to anyone likely to enocunter him that he's a failed and bitter neverwas ,like certain snakes colours do to show they are toxic.
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BIG difference between those two levels of pay! I always assumed those type of shoots were done on a “if you won’t do it for this amount, we have a line of younger girls who will”. Could it be that Rhian is a compulsive liar?
As far as I was aware £100 was standard. Page 3 girls like Linda Lusardi or Sam Fox maybe got more because they were famous or made the extra ££ from all the other work they got because of the P3.

All the girl next door types and unknowns got £100. I know a few, not famous, people who did it, some regularly.
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Well-known member
Wasn’t there a random guy that came home with Stephen and his boyfriend the night he died? And, did his boyfriend change his story several times when the police interviewed him?

Wasn’t Steve Bing quoted as being a “Billionaire” at one point??... Our Elizabeth does have very questionable taste in men 😬
Bing had signed the same agreement as Warren Buffett & Bill Gates to give away at least 50% of his wealth before his death. I presume this is why he was estimated to be worth $10m less at his death than he inherited in the 1980s.
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Is he the one going out with Florence Pugh? She told her fans to where to go when they started criticising him on her Instagrsm.
Yeah. I suspect he has a dodgy relationship with young women. He pretty much invented the manic pixie girl and Natalie Portman has had creeps lusting after her for years. I honestly thought he was in that category.
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Restless Native

VIP Member
The thing is, Adele is never going to have a tour sponsored by Heinz Beans or Always or whatever. Because she doesn’t need to. Ditto Ed Sheeran, or Beyoncé or anyone else who actually writes their own music and hence has musical credibility despite being primarily a pop act.

Might have been. Think it was 2002 or 2003?
It looked it up it was called Live n Loud and sponsored by Irn Bru Think the first one was at Bellahouston and then Hampden. It was on for about 5 years I'm surprised at that. I just remembered one of my friends at school was at it when you mentioned it lol
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