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@Foxvint I'm not sure what geg means, but I think I read on LSA that Miley's so-called bisexual affair was nonsense and she didn't really have a relationship with Cody Simpson. She has lots of fans in Australia and she was worried her split with Liam would damage her popularity over there. Apparently the real reason she split with Liam is because he didn't take his career seriously, kept losing out on big jobs which would have made a lot of money. He had long been borrowing from her and his brother Chris and owed them a huge sum of money. I think the brother quit lending and Miley cut back and Liam would complain, saying it was 'their' money anyway. Something she strongly disagreed with. She had given him a few chances and finally an ultimatum to sort himself out re a new big acting job and he buggered it up again. That was the final straw. Oh and apparently he's a huge flirt and was inappropriate with her mum (of all people!) and that soured things massively, unsurprisingly...
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Oh dear. What a tool she is.

I wonder if she actually knows what the word means to be honest. Just look at the weird tribute she gave to Paul O'Grady when he died. She claimed she loved him as he wasn't woke in any way which had many scratching their heads. As he once said in an interview “I’m married to a ballet dancer, I’ve got a daughter, two grandkids, and was married to a Portuguese lesbian barmaid. It doesn’t get much more woke.”
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Wasn't their rumours like that about Wooton on here?
Today he's claiming he was always calling Schofield out, when in fact he was just reporting rumours in a lascivious and gossipy manner, and then months later gushing about how brave Schofield was in coming out. And now he's expecting to be held up as some kind of paragon of 'calling out' virtue?

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Regarding Paul O’G - who in the holy fuck thought it was a good idea for plastic pensioner Holden to take over “For the love of dogs”? Wonder who she had to service to get that gig! I mean, she’s well known for her special bond with dogs…isn’t she??? I despair sometimes, I really do.
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Olly Gray is probably just attention seeking for new followers . We'll have to wait and see ...
What winds me up about things like he’s done is that it means absolutely nothin.
I could come on here and say ‘God guys, you won’t believe what I know about a famous American rockstar’ and when you ask me, I could just say ‘Oh I can’t tell you’
It’s absolutely meaningless and pure bollocks. Either spit it out or shut up.
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I hope Alison tells her to fuck right off
She'll only do that if she thinks it's a good look for her. Alison Hammond is another one who's got a lot further than her talent should have allowed her to get.

I think her new role on Bake Off is a step too far. For her and the show.
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'Rolf Harris died peacefully surrounded by family and friends.' I get that family might still feel something for the rancid old perv but friends?? No idea how you could stand by someone like that.
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I just can’t get over the idea of these 2 being Taylor’s new in laws 🤯
Great for lyric mining for the next album though:

You get down on one knee and say you want me to be your princess,
But in your face all I can see is Tim gurning in Benidorm in that dress.

We try again and I think I love you,
Your mum shows her bunions on Loose Women and then I spew.

We should be a power couple covering all the best mags,
But it's your family, they give me the screaming abdabs...
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Kanye West's mother died during/due to a plastic surgery as well.

The rise of basically untrained non doctors performing procedures is only going to make it worse.
you’re right - she died during liposuction iirc (and kanye arguably never mentally recovered from it).

i’m not against plastic surgery as such, but people are getting so blasé about it (and seeing younger and younger celebrities get so much stuff done) when it’s a deeply invasive medical procedure. and, like you say, so many untrained doctors claiming to be able to do it cheap etc. it’s all so sad.
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My inlaws were HUGE fans of Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents which came as quite a surprise to myself and Mr B. For context, you can't even use the word "poo" around them without getting a telling off.
A bit off topic but what you said about poo gave me a flashback to my first proper boyfriend, he was very handsome, very popular with lads ( but especially other girls🙄🥺) had a bit of a reputation for being a 'lad', rugby type, swore like a trooper, all the time...
Except he would only ever use the word Doo Doo for a number 2🤣
Was incredibly offended by any other description 🙈🤣🤣🤣
I shit you not🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sorry, carry on🤣

Edited to add, he was 24 at the time pmsl
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