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Chatty Member
Tinder's photo verification process is apparently very easy to cheat and there's no way of verifying overall identify i.e. name, age etc. imagine being told that your face is like Daniella's though!
Sadly, my friend swiped left: 'I'm a civil servant with 2 cats to support, I can't fund her gak habit.'
If you were going to catfish, who on earth would choose DW!?!
Once, when I was very bored I was swiped on by a photo of 2 dairy cows. I replied 'which one are you?' They said 'which one makes you hot?' I said 'the one chewing the grass. That you?' They said 'yeah, babes.' I said 'tell me your hobbies.' They said 'I like playing on my Xbox.' I said 'You've no fingers, how is that possible.' Cowfished. Disgraceful.
If you were going to catfish, who on earth would choose DW!?!
Beats me. But having swiped left on Ted Bundy in the past, people have some very interesting ideas regarding romantic marketing.
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House of Tea

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Don’t do drugs kids !
Also not sure I would want any “ surgeon “ having a crack at me with nails like hers tbh 😩
What a waste of a life. A job in a regular soap. Earning good money. A family.

What does she have now? A face like someone has taken a shovel to it, degrading set up photoshoots inviting freak show comments, no dignity, no money, a reputation as a conwoman, no career, always on the move trying to find somewhere to settle.
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Re Denise Welch. Her and Tim Healy lived and raised the boys in my hometown. They were often seen (not together) in the local co-op etc (I also used to jump in the car with the local Chinese delivery driver to deliver their food - ah the 90s was a special time 🤣)
Anyway he was lovely, would always chat and be pleasant. She was foul, an absolute do you know who I am type and could get quite nasty with people. Bitch please you are in a small northumberland town get over yourself 🤣🤣
That was then so I dread to think how big her ego is now
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Any other interesting stories from that time you'd be comfortable sharing? It always seemed like a very chaotic scene.
I've shared a few here over the past couple of years but can't recall which ones and also came very close to giving away who I am in my naivety

I worked Soho in the early 2000s and lived smack bang in the middle of Camden for nearly 20 years so I have my fair share of tales. When everyone else dies I'll bring a book out 😆

Some tidbits:

I saw Pete Doherty kick someone down the stairs

Amy Winehouse once threatened to throw herself out the Hawley arms window and the top floor of Dublin Castle Tavern on separate occasions

Noel Gallagher once alarmed the women in the toilets in hawley trying to drunkenly sneak out the back to avoid paps because he told his wife he was somewhere else

Rumours that aren't true include: Noel fielding being in a relationship with Pixie Geldof, or peaches for that matter. There's always been an overlap of certain groups of friends, she was close to Noels current partner back then .... the courtney love rumours on the other hand

Ummm i can't think of anything else but happy to be asked anything (whether I answer or not is a different story)
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Serene Serena

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Right. I've been sitting on this one for a while but enough time has passed that I can share my first bit of personally "witnessed" gossip in quite a while.

One for music fans! Alison Mosshart of the kills, she goes out with Damien Lewis now. Pre pandemic she would have described herself as "having an affair" with Dave Grohl, it wasn't really an affair, they shagged quite a few times when Foo Fighters made their second to last album and she was absolutely desperate for everyone to know so made it obvious to everyone. No respect for his wife and kids. She'd lay on the "we've got a secret" vibes and flirt with him when they were around. Last straw for his wife apparently and he's cleaned up his act since, I'm told (I've never met him and don't know anything about his personal life apart from this). She and Damien seem genuinely happy together at the minute but some of his friends (and some of her acquaintances/friends of friends) felt like she swooped in a bit and that it came from nowhere as they didn't really know each other.
Blimey, Damien's wife only died recently didn't she?

I'm very disappointed to hear that Dave Grohl cheated on his wife, although not ultimately surprised.
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I've never fancied Dave. He looks like he should be leading some Christian music camp in the woods singing songs called 'Let's Rock Out With God'. Plus the Foo Fighters are...weak. I can believe he's a nice guy though (extra marital shenanigans aside).

Greg Dulli will always be my 90s musician of choice. Absolutely filthy I'd say 🥴🥰
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I went to a place in rural Lancashire on the weekend to a place where the Hairy Bikers filmed an episode of the Local series. I asked how they were. The woman I spoke to said they were exactly the same as they are on the show. I was relieved they were genuinely nice people.
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Alanis Morissette may beg to differ.
Jagged Little Pill album was about him.
No it wasn’t. that album was released in the 90’s.

ryan and her were together early 00’s. She did have an album after their break up though
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Just saw the Buster wreath at Paul O’Grady’s funeral and I’m not ashamed to admit it brought a tear to my eye.

I bet the pair of them are overjoyed to see each other again.
oh gosh, this got me too 😥

his husband was so dignified and carried himself with such grace sitting up front of the hearse too i thought. seems to have been a beautiful service.
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Chatty Member
My very weak tea (don't set your expectations high, Tattlers):

- Cressa from The Stone Roses once got his unfeasibly expansive flares caught in my doc martens when I was sitting on the floor at the Hacienda and performed a comedy 'wahhhh woah oooo blimey missus' expressive dance worthy of Robin Askwith falling off a ladder in Confessions of a Window Cleaner

- In 1994, me and my mates hid in the toilets at Hardy's Well because once the pub shut Oasis were having a private aftershow party there. Feeling a bit cheeky after several ciders, I asked Liam why he still lived at his mums and got the hairdryer treatment about Lennon living with Aunt Mimi. Before he announced to the room he was off to sniff glue cos 'UHU IS WHERE ITS AT, MAN!'.

It's a shame Norris McWhitter wasn't there because I have never seen so many men packed into one toilet cubicle (yes, we followed them snickering and shouting 'Pritt is it!' Pritt is it!!!'

I'll get me coat.......
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I’ve just read that the actress Amanda Mealing has adopted one of the Battersea dogs from the guard of honour at Paul’s funeral. He’d have loved that, in fact I’d say he was probably the one who made it happen.
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Ian McShane trivia - Mr F was watching the first John Wick film the other night, so I was reading through the trivia for it on IMDB and found this:

A communication error between the casting director and Ian McShane's agent meant that Ian turned up on set expecting to reprise the character Lovejoy from the classic British 90s series. It was only on day 4 of filming, when Ian asked if Lady Jane Felsham (Phyllis Logan) was in the film, that the confusion was noticed. Embarrassed, but under contract, Ian agreed to play the role of Winston but insisted on calling everyone Tinker for the duration of filming.
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Brian Butterfield

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I don’t get why Schofield doesn’t just stand down? He is wealthy enough to leave, it’s pretty obvious the tide is turning against him and surely it’s better to step away rather than be pushed out. All he needs to do is say that he is taking a break from tv for a while after a couple of years where he has had a lot going on in his personal life.
He and Holly were always in each other’s pockets, always on holiday together etc. Sge has distanced herself massively to save her own reputation.
Two things: his massive ego and raging sense of entitlement.
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i intensely dislike chris pratt (for so many reasons but mainly his animal abuse) and so i think he tops my hollywood male smug list too 🤣

if we’re doing actual worst male hollywood celebs though then mark wahlberg has to be up there.

All the YESes to this. I despise them both.

Can we add Chris Pratt droning on about his 'healthy' 2nd child? That's right, the 1st child (a son) was born prematurely and had some struggles.
And now he has 2 daughters and he is twatting on about all girls are this, all girls are that. Odious scrote.
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I don't think Damien should become a monk and not date but he seems to have jumped into a new relationship very quickly and I just feel - as a parent of a teenager - that in his position my focus would be on my kids and helping them come to terms with the loss of their mum. But that's just my opinion. I do think women are better at being alone than men but I do think men think about themselves first moreso than women do especially where children are concerned.
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Restless Native

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Spookily enough, I watched the documentary about him again yesterday, about what happened with Stuart Lubbock dying at his home. I read a bit about it after, and apparently this documentary chose not to show photos of Lubbock’s injuries as they were so horrific. I couldn’t take to him when he was on Celeb Big Brother. Glad Chantelle won over him
That poor dad broke my heart. He fought for years to get justice.
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