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Katie Holmes' father is a lawyer, and apparently a pretty fearsome one. The speculation on a previous board was that he was never on board with the marriage and had engineered a number of get out clauses for Katie from the start, so when the time came, she would have what she needed to leave unscathed. He is supposed to be quite stubborn, so maybe the scientologists finally met their match.
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I know someone who went to school with Gemma Collins and said she was a bit of a diva then but friendly.
Ooh The GC !! She’s quite the scam artist with her “Boutique” lol. I’ve already posted about her on the GC thread. But, she buys clothes from wholesalers, (and these are cheap clothes). Then she gets rid of the labels and puts her own labels in, and then charges basically anything she wants for them. I only found out because my friend owns a shop and she told me all about it. So for instance, GC buys a dress for say £10. Then after putting her own labels in it, she will charge £100 for the same dress JUST because it has HER labels in it!! For balance, if my friend bought the same £10 dress from the wholesalers, she would probably whack it out for £25. I would advise anyone against buying anything from Gemma’s shop.
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I felt really bad for Katie Holmes. Yes she was stupid to agree to being Tom Cruises wife but she was brave managing to take her child out of that environment.
I’m sure i heard that when Katie Holmes left Tom Cruise, she wrote a letter to her lawyer, in which she said that if anything were to happen to her (or Suri) she had enough inside information on what REALLY goes on inside Scientology, to put David Miscavage and his minions in jail for a VERY long time..
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Yes, Ukrika was stunning when she was young. She’s not aged well, but then I don’t think she gives a shit what she looks like anymore which is refreshing.
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My aunt (who has learning difficulties) met Matt Smith - she loved Him at the time in doctor who. He was filming close by and loads of fans were there. She asked him for a photo and he pushed past and told her to go away. This is coming from a woman with the mentality of a ten year old so I took it with a massive grain of salt at the time. My other auntie then got close with someone who was working on the set at the time, we told him the story and he agreed with it and said it was likely true, that he was an arsehole and a bit up himself in terms of meeting fans.

He also mentioned once they were filming and Matt was nowhere to be seen so he was sent to look for him, and escorted him out of the toilets having found him doing coke....

That’s my two cents. I live a very lacklustre life so it’s very lacklustre gossip 😅 maybe I was fed a pack of lies but the pair of them swear on it to this day.
Matt Smith looks like someone has deflated a casey football, hoofed it and the indentation is his face shape. Bizarre looking man.
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Miss Demeanour

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The Justin Lee Collins talk made me Google him to remind me of what happened.

Found the recording of the verbal tirade against his then girlfriend. Absolutely turned my stomach.

What a truly revolting specimen he is. Listen at your own discretion.

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I don’t usually play this card but CAN YOU IMAGINE if these were teenage girls he was groping and attempting to kiss??? Fucking disgusting those boys look so uncomfortable.

Feel a bit sick after watching that Demi Moore video. That boy is a VERY young looking 15 year old.
I was hoping one of the men would give him a right hander.

Exactly my point I made a while back re BArrymore and Stephen K. Amos. The vile abuse and mockery I saw on SM re poor Stuar Lubbocks murder is similar to that which women receive, and it's invariably by men. Some horribly mis-placed coping mechanism to feeling vulnerable in the second place, and everyday misogyny in the first perhaps.

However, showbiz should treat all abused people with the same respect, and venues a duty of care to men and women, straight, gay, all ethnicities etc. If not this feeds into toxic masculinity and young mens inability to complain about such behaviour.

I remember reading an account of BArrymore failed bid to revive his career in New Zealand. He rummaged through a woman's bag, and humiliated her by examining her tampons etc and mocking her. She became visibly distressed.
A straight man wouldn't have gotten away with that.
If the bullied mentally ill teenage Amos sexually bullied was a girl there would have been widespread revulsion. We should feel protective of all vulnerable people. Not pick and choose.

An abuser is an abuser, a predator a predator, any real or perceived victim status, minority status, or gender inequality etc of the offender should make no difference to its being treated as completely un-acceptable.
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My mum worked in a local supermarket when I was a teenager. On the day that the SEX book came out my mum came home and said a man had to be removed from the cafe because a man had come in with his newly purchased book, sat there and started masturbating while looking at the pages 🤢🤢🤢
That’s why it had to be sold in a sealed bag! Too darned erotic. Once opened ordinary people would just loose the run of themselves at the sight of Madge and Ice T and start humping the nearest object. Dangerous stuff.
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Many, many years ago, probably while Linda was still alive, I read that PM was abusive towards her. I don’t believe a lot of what Heather comes away with but I’m inclined to believe Paul McCartney is not a saint and not a good husband.
An older friend of mine has mentioned that all the Beatles including Paul were wife beaters and that it was not that rare to see Linda in the village with a black eye every now and then. I assume it was all the rage from constant drug use.
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No tea, but these threads are my favourite corner of the internet and I check here daily. 😊
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Britney’s whole image was created with men’s sexual fantasies in mind.I can’t imagine a 16/17 year old singer coming a long now and being so blatantly sexual like she was. It wouldn’t be at all acceptable.
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Chrissy Teigan has a face like a twisted piss pot. Is it just me who thinks she’s not all that?
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Rewatching Sex and the City and can’t even look at Kim Catrall and SJP in the same scene knowing that what went down between them.

I always liked Sarah but it is kind of off putting knowing she treated Kim like that as if she was in secondary school.
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Thoughts on the rumours that Will Smith shagged Margot Robbie?
That is a really WEIRD story. People have gossiped about the Smiths having an open marriage for almost as long as I've been on the internet (20 years, when Broadband took off, haha).

Now, let's think about this - Jada took a young guy (August Alsina) under her wing who was in distress and needed mentoring and help - and then ended up having a sexual relationship with him which lasted some months (or years?). Supposedly broke his heart too, and August stated he asked permission from Will and it was all okayed.

Two famous, older, influential people - power imbalance, maybe even manipulation and predatory behaviour going on? If it was a man doing it to a young woman people would be baying for Jada's blood.

Of course some people are defending the Smiths and saying "hmmm, this all comes out now, years later, cos the not-that-famous guy has an album to promote".

Shady all round and seeing the Smiths high-five-ing each other and talking all the pseudo-therapy-speak BS about healing. Do fuck off. Either split or keep your dirty laundry private. The fact they denied it at first, suggests they didn't want people to know.

Not sure what I make of Will Smith (can't stand his movies but don't know much of him as a person) but Jada seems very emotionless, with a shitload of issues, self-obsessed and not likeable at all. I get the feeling she probably "wears the trousers" in whatever status their partnership is (currently "life partners", probably Smith-speak for an open marriage).
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I am so sad about Kelly Preston. I honestly think she was one of the most beautiful women in the world, as a child I was starry-eyed obsessed with her in Twins and Space Camp. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't Scientology hold antagonistic views on drugs like they do on psychiatry? So is there a potential that she would not have received the same medical intervention that a non-Scientologist would? If so that makes me incredibly sad and angry for anyone in that cult who has a medical need.
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