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VIP Member
God I’m exhausted today. What a rubbish nights sleep. Woke about 3:30/4 feeling so sick! I don’t know how I didn’t vomit everywhere. Horrible! It eventually passed but I definitely feel that heaviness in my stomach and as if there’s that lump in my throat. My mouth is so dry too.


Well-known member
Anyone ever had a faulty pen in all their experience? I tested my new pen for the first dose as usual and it squirted out instead of just a drop, twice. I put a new needle on and tried again, and a drop appeared so I went ahead and when I injected the pen made more of a crackling noise when it wound down - I don't think the dose went in properly and the skin was cold to touch.


Chatty Member
Yes I've done that or clicked back down a doses. Sometimes the hunger comes back hard and its something I'm careful about.

Start asap. You could be down a stone. One the road to a healthier version of you. Skip a dose on holiday or titrate down. Ive been on hols in active loosing time. I found I controlled food/drink during the day and had my nice food at night. Mean't the break didnt disrupt long term goals. Pre oz I'd easily be up 7lbs in a week away.

On the supplment; I take Biotin 5000 as my hair really suffered. Collagen is also a good combater of Ozempic face,
Thank you for your advice, much appreciated!


Chatty Member
Yes!! My tummy weirdly is covered in bruises that I don’t even remember doing.

I use the Renpho scales and app and feel like it’s really good at showing progress?
Yeah I like the app with the graph and everything, but I want something to tell me how much I’ve lost in total…unless it does do that and I can’t see that in the app 😅


New member
Great thanks I might try it early on then rather than wait until tonight. Did you notice any difference with your weight first couple of weeks?

I’ve been doing it in my tummy. It’s really easy, you don’t feel it. I took it before bed the first week as I was worried about side effects but took it earlier in the day (lunch time ish) the second week and haven’t noticed any difference.


Chatty Member
How long is your holiday? I’m on week 2 and I have a festival to go to on what would be week 4 - I am experiencing severe 💩 a few days after I inject so I plan to hold off on week 4 until the day after festival which would be 5 days later than my usual day. I know it’s probably not the right thing to do (I think I read you can miss up to 4 days on the leaflet) but I absolutely cannot go to that and risk needing the toilet. ( I haven’t eaten processed food at all and haven’t touched a drop of alcohol on this journey so far)
Everyone reacts different but I will say having it has made life much more enjoyable, I feel happier and have more room in my head for other things now I’m not thinking about food 24/7.
It’s 2 weeks!
Festival toilets are not good at the best of times but with 💩 that would be hellish! Although maybe explains the state of some of them
I thought about delaying it as I’ve had things on but yesterday decided to just go for it. There’s always going to be something
Exactly this. I just wish I’d started weeks ago when I first decided i was going to.


New member
Hi, my Mounjaro has arrived. Where would you recommend is the best place to inject? And are you best taking it before bed?


Active member
Did anyone notice any change in their loss at there time of the month?

edit *weight loss

Did anyone notice any change in their weight loss at their time of the month


VIP Member
Anyone got any tips for the awful conspation? That and headache is my only side effect, the headache I can keep at bay if I am constantly drinking water for the most part.

constipation on the other hand- I have senokot max strength 3 days in a row and barely anything! Worried I need something stronger or some lactulose or something similar
My MJ arrived today, are people keeping it in the fridge or at room temp once started?
I keep mine in the fridge. And you will be fine with the needle, it’s tiny and you don’t feel it. I had to double check it was actually in my skin!
Good luck on the start of your journey 🙌🏽


Well-known member
Hey all! I’m on 0.25 weygovi and so far (second week on it) I haven’t really felt very much change at all, but that’s expected I think at this early stage. However, I did want to do Mounjaro but I read from ZAVA which is where I buy it that if you take oral contraceptive it’s recommended not to as it affects the pill from working properly. Is everyone that’s taking MJ not on the pill?
Its not just MJ, Wegovy is the same, both suggest using another form of contraception, as either jab could make your oral contraceptives less effective


Active member
Has anyone managed to stay on the same dose on Wegovy. I don’t want to push myself onto a higher dose if it’s giving the desire effect.