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VIP Member
I am currently on holiday and skipped a dose because like you, I wanted to enjoy some ‘treat food’ (more cocktails really) - and I really wish I hadn’t. Whilst I've not exactly over indulged, I haven’t had that ‘you’re full, stop eating’ feeling so I’ve eaten more than I would normally and as a consequence I’ve had bloating and indigestion. I can’t wait to get home to get back on it and wish I’d just carried on as normal
I usually take a half dose and maybe split my week into two half doses. I skipped my weekend and omg ate so much food while away. Not good. Feel so bloated today. Like the Truman show its something I need to address. Food as a treat and alcohol too. I have skinny minny friends who aren't into food at all just view it as fuel.


I’ve just injected my first dose of Mounjaro. Think I did it correctly. I’ve got ADHD and I’m terrible with written instructions but I found a good tutorial on YouTube which helped a lot.

I also worked up the courage to weigh myself this morning. 17st 10. This was actually better than I thought it would be.

Wish me luck!

Hope you feel better soon! I’m sure once your body gets used to it it will ease off.
Hi 👋 do you take medication for your ADHD ? I took my first MJ (2.5) jag today but I’m scared to take it with my adhd meds as I’ve been of them for a few weeks ( thanks to forgetting to put my prescription in, IYKYK) are you planning on taking both at the same time?
I was the save as you with the instructions, thank goddess for YT.

hope things are going well on your journey ☺


VIP Member
I was ozempic before prices soared. Was great, instant effects, it did sometimes make me have less energy when training but that's it. Lost 3 stone.
Started MJ 8 days ago, it's done nothing, appetite fine, having to use good old fashioned will power, but I'm hungry. Anyone else have this? Running 45 mins daily, it was time of the month, should i peserve or switch back to ozempic. I've had 0.5 dose. I have about 20 pounds to loose.
I was going to ask if anyone has drank alcohol with MJ... I have a works do in two weeks, I'll be on my third jab by then. Transport is being provided so can't use the driving excuse.. I'm not a big drinker anyway, but wondered what a couple of wines or something might do?

On a different note, I'm on day five. We've been out for the day and I've not eaten a thing yet as there's been no vegan options! Usually I'd be hangry as anything, but I still feel fine! (I am a little pissed off that in today's times a restaurant can't offered a vegan option! That's another thread though ☺)
I've drank a couple of times on 2.5mg and been absolutely fine! Hangovers were grim but that's normal for me. 💀


Active member
Hi everyone ,sorry if this has been asked before ,
I am on week 2 of 0.5 of Wegovy , I started on 0.25 and done my four weeks , I have lost approx one stone , since last week my weight loss has stopped , and I can feel myself starting to snack aimlessly again I had gone totally off coffee , and now am craving it again , basically I feel it’s not working ,
My gp has told me it would take going up to 1.0 to see real effects,
Has this happened anyone?
for note I inject on Wednesday usually in my stomach . Last week I went to the thigh, dunno if that made a difference


New member
Hi all. First time posting here. I'm really hoping to start soon on one of the injections but I'm going on holiday in 10 weeks for 10 days. Will I need to take an injection with me or could I get away with delaying a week slightly?


Well-known member
4lbs is a great loss! Remember it’s a marathon not a sprint. If MJ is making you feel bad perhaps go back to Saxenda?
I know, it’s a decent loss but because I’m so bloated and my tummy is so swollen I look like I’ve gained. I just feel awful. Food makes me queasy, being hungry makes me queasy… I took dulcolax last night as a last resort but nothing yet. I’ve got anxiety that I’m literally filling up with 💩 which has nowhere to go!


VIP Member
Need to take my fresh wegovy pen on holiday:( so it will be out the fridge 24 hours probably... does anything bad actually happen if you do that? not got the option to take early either :/


Active member
I could have written this. (but thankfully him indoors has always been supportive of me). I was 13st 13lbs starting off so was obese and a size 18. 10 stone now and size 14 so still not a slip of a girl. Baggy apron belly aside I no longer cringe at my reflection or avoid photos. Good luck trust the process.

However my doctor is advocating staying on this medication long term. I was without supply for a while during shortages and the food noise was back. I held the weight off pretty much but I think long term without the help it would come back and weight creep up
Well done!! I can’t wait to not cringe at myself in the mirror. How long did it take you to get down to 10 stone?
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Active member
I am on my second week of MJ and I did nothing! I did my first dose in the evening and second dose kind of at lunchtime. I did start on a Friday in case I got bad side effects it would be at the weekend and not impact work. I’ve had virtually no side effects- mild nausea on the first day or so, slight constipation, the odd mild tummy pain or very minor reflux but none of that was strong enough to really even flag on my radar if I wasn’t looking out for things. Good luck!!
Did you lose much in your first week?


VIP Member
Has anyone else got a UTI from mounjaro? Never had one in my life, nothing has changed aside from taking this medication, I’m on 5mg week 2, got a course of antibiotics, sorry for tmi but urine smells foul so I’m wondering if anyone else has had this
Funny you mention this, I’m only on week 1 but I did wonder if I’d gotten a UTI yesterday, I felt bit weird & that my bladder hadn’t fully emptied.

April Ludgate

Well-known member
🤮🤮 today is day 3, and I've woken up feeling soooo nauseous and sick.
Today might be a long day.
I took my second dose yesterday and man I felt sick just now. My shower felt too hot and claustrophobic even though I lowered the temperature, I felt like I was going to throw up when I brushed my teeth...Grim.
I've decided not to have any breakfast or a coffee just in case 😂


Active member
Just weighed after first week on MJ, 6lb down 👏🏻 and I’ve decided to inject in my thigh for this need week rather than tummy. Not sure it will make a difference but happily trying it to not get an upset tummy!

Anyone not sleeping well, try a magnesium tablet before bed. That’s actually worked for me
What magnesium do you use please x


Active member
Just ordered my first pen from E surgery, hoping I get approved and hoping they come with the needles 🙏 has anyone ordered from E-surgery and can tell me if the needles came with?

Biscuit or cake

VIP Member
Week 8 update on MJ! After a maintain last week I’m pleased to say I lost 2lbs this week which I’m happy with.

This takes my total loss to about 20.5lbs! The reason I always say about is because my scales measure in stone pounds and 1/4 1/2 etc but the app I use to track my weight doesn’t allow me to do that so my weight loss are on the app are weird numbers!

I’ve ordered 7.5 yesterday but med express have really slowed down and I’m annoyed at myself for not ordering it earlier because I think I’m going to be without it for when I need it (Sunday). My last order I ordered one day and had it by the next so bit annoying.
I ordered with medexpress on Monday, hoping for delivery on Tuesday when I was in.. but it came Wednesday, so you should get it tomorrow?


Chatty Member
Oh that was a weird one. I’ve been injecting myself a fair few times now. Probably over 50 when you include Saxenda and I really hurt myself there. Almost like I injected the skin rather than into the stomach proper. It’s now all red and seemed a bit raised after I did it. I’m scared to google in case it’s like soz you gonna die.
Anyone else ever do something similar?