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So I started Mounjaro on Friday 14th June. Within two hours my appetite was surpressed. I did have a pre organised night out on Saturday and I went and I ate - but nowhere near as much. I havent told anyone I am on it, but noone noticed I was eating less. My starting weight is 13st 10lb at 5'5'' giving me a BMI of 32.

I am and have always been very body confident. I have never hidden my light under a bushell , If you dont like seeing me fat - dont look! My problem is.. when I look in the mirror I see a tall slim stunner starting back at me! When someone takes a photo of a night out and shows me.... I see me for what I am, which is terribly overweight (obese) for my height.

Im already very cardio fit and run half and full marathon distances. The issue is that I cannot control my appetite. I think about food all the time. I cant tell if I am hungry or not most of the time. I absolutely LOVE food and eating but thats so unhealthy! Im almost 50 years old, Im perimenopausal and my ability to lose weight is zero! When I look at the way other people eat - I know that I am not normal. My eating is manic, uncontrolled, and unhealthy. My relationship with food is emotional.

One week on mounjaro has taught me that all of this is true. Suddenly the 'food noise' (I wouldnt have even believe that was a thing until I started this) is on mute. I am living like a normal person! I am on 2.5 at the moment, and the supression is enough that I do get hungry but its satiated in no time and with a quarter of the food I would normally consume in one sitting! I weigh in tomorrow but couldnt resist jumping on this morning, with a loss of 6lb. I would hate to lose that every week - Im too bloody old for my skin to bounce back. But I can already feel NSV's Creeping in... Shopping at the supermarket is no longer a greedy, cooky monster style super market dash, to fill my trolly with everything that looks good! I have chocolate in the fridge - I can have one small one and walk away. But more than that. I havent spent any money this week. That might sound strange to some people but I think ,the same as I eat to chase a feeling - I shop to chase a feeling.. and its stopped! Just like that! How strange!

So as I type I am hoping and praying all these little side effects are not psychosomatic, but rather, real side effects. If this is the case, this really might be the wonder drug I never knew I needed!!
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Biscuit or cake

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If you’re only just under then just put something heavy in your pocket or something like that to add a few pounds.
Is this really what we're doing now? They've introduced these checks for a reason. Medication is serious business.. people are being hospitalised. If you've been being prescribed for months, they'll realise that and you'll have the emails and receipts to check out.

Let the people do their checks.

Sorry for the rant.. but this thread sometimes comes across as a bit dangerous. The rules and the advice are there for a reason.
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I took a pic of my scales this morning when I woke up thinking I’d send it to the pharmacy to start but thank fuck I noticed the reflection up me nightie before I did. Wonder how many full bush pics they’ve received
  • Haha
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I just wanted to say how impressed at MedExpress I am, when they noticed I had reordered the 5mg instead of titrating up, they emailed me to check I was ok and wasn’t suffering some nasty side effects - when I replied and said how I was fine and staying on 5mg because I’m going away, they straight away replied and told me to have a brilliant trip and that they’ve sent out my order special delivery guaranteed next day to make sure I received it ok before I leave!

Super impressed!
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Hello! Just thought I’d give my 8 week update on Mounjaro. It’s still going super well for me and I’m at the end of my first 5mg month. Nothing much to report other than continued weight loss which is ideal really 😂 this morning I did use pliers to get the last dose out of the pen as it did look like a full dose to me and I didn’t want to waste it…. Aaaand it’s a 5 week month between paydays this month 🥲

I’m going to stay on 5mg for next month - mainly because I’m still losing weight at a really good pace but also because I’m going away with work for 2 weeks - I don’t want to move up when I’m not sure if symptoms could present themselves while I’m away. The cuisine in the place I’m going is VERY different so I’m not concerned at all about overeating because I’m a fussy gal anyway 😁

Week 1: -7lbs
Week 2: -1lb
Week 3: -4lbs
Week 4: -2lbs
Week 5: -5lbs
Week 6: -2lbs
Week 7: -4lbs
Week 8: -2lbs

-27 lbs total - Start weight 227 Current 200

(Literally can’t believe I’m nearly under 200lbs!)
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Chatty Member
Well, today I saw a brand new number on the scales!

For context my highest weight was 23 stone, got down to between 18 and 19 stone just calorie counting. But would forever fluctuate between 18 and 19 because of binge eating. I've maintained that weight for about 4 years.

Started MJ at 19st1lb to hopefully drown out the food noise and its working, its gone! I'm coming to the end of my 2nd month on 2.5 and have had a couple of maintains these past 2 weeks, but figured, trust the process, I'm still in a calorie deficit (2100). Went out last night and we ended up having a mcdonalds, which was delicious. Decided I'd have a mid week weigh in to see where we're at and the number on the scales started with a 17!! *happy dance*

Anyway, trust the process, don't be afraid of a mcdonalds, drink your water and don't worry if you have some maintains!
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So, after my first week on 7.5mg I've lost 1.5lbs.
In the 9 weeks since starting MJ I've lost 29lbs and, more importantly, 8" from my waist, 4" from chest and 6" from my hips. I've gone from wearing a UK 20/22 to a standard size 16, and I couldn't be happier.
I know for a fact I couldn't have done this without this medication, and I've been lucky in that I've had very few side effects, My life is changed already for the better.
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Yesterday I wore a pair of jeans that I haven’t been able to fit into for four years!! Last year I got rid of loads of my smaller sized jeans but kept this pair as a token item. I vowed 6 months ago that if I didn’t fit into them, they’d be sent to the charity shop. And here I am now, casually waltzing around in them feeling so good. Thank you MJ 🙌🏽❤
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Lost 0.7lb this week, small loss but very happy with that 🙌🏽
Also my partner’s sister noticed I’d lost weight and paid me some compliments. Then his other sister goes ‘can we stop because I’m feeling sensitive about my weight’. I just thought will you shut the F up! It was alright when you was losing weight at the start of year and I was feeling sensitive about mine. BUT I complimented her. Always makes everything about her. You’d think there was an hour discussion about it, literally 1 min.
Sorry for the rant, just really pissed me off! Why can’t people just be happy for you? Why can’t everyone be winning and doing well?
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I also can't bear to look at myself or even weigh myself. I guessed for the online order. I know that if this is all successful then I'll regret that but it's just me. From 1st Jan to 1st May I've gone down from a UK size 24/26 to a 22 on my own then have strangely gone to a big 20 since being on Wegovy even though I swear nothing happened for the first month. All of a sudden my stomach seemed smaller.

I have a holiday in August so would love to be an 18 for that then to get down to a 14 for Christmas. Sorry for boring you all but that's the first time I've 'told' anyone!
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20lbs down, finally under 20 stone, haven't weighed this low for 3 years. I'm doing better on 0.5mg then 1mg so I'll stay on that dose plus it spreads the cost.
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Chatty Member
Well, I've just come to the end of my 4th week with MJ, weighed in this morning, and I've lost a total of 1 stone (since 7th May) which is blowing my mind.

I mentioned when I started that I was hoping this would help me with binge eating and help me relearn hunger cues, and acknowledging when I'm full etc. I can honestly say it's been a dream for the reduction in food noise, I feel like my head is so clear! I've still experienced hunger when it's time to eat, which is great and exactly what I wanted. I've started to be able to realise when it's real hunger, rather than 'oooo let's eat something' and in the mother of all miracles I've started to realise its ok to leave some food once I'm full.

I've been eating in a calorie deficit, (approx 2100 a day) and know what foods/nutrients fill me up best. I've been out for a roast, had 2 weekend takeaways and finally feel in control. I spoke to my parter last night as he asked how the 'noise' was going and I said 'I think this is how 'normal' people feel around food, it's amazing, it's so freeing'.

Side effect wise, I've had a few 'in the background' headaches, normally 2 or 3 days a week which definitely isn't down to dehydration, there's been a few days of tiredness, but not unmanageable and then I didn't poop all weekend this weekend, but 3 💩 yesterday morning and we seem to be back of track!

I'll be staying on 2.5 as it's doing what I want it to do.

Oh also got kicked out of my first MJ FB group this week, actually first EVER FB group booting, for advising someone that perhaps 800 calories a day was a little too low and potentially unsafe.... some of the people in those groups break my heart with their non sustainable 800 calorie a day diets and then complain of hunger. Anyway, that's my 4 week update!
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I'm wearing my wedding ring 💍

I've been needing to get it adjusted for a few years but it fits again. It feels like another cost saving so although the medication is expensive I am saving on alcohol, snacks and my ring adjustment already.
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Itchy of Itchington

Well-known member
Hi all.
I started Mounjaro at the weekend after thinking about it for a good couple of months. The final push was a really positive post on one of the Mumsnet thread on here that made me feel it was the right option for me now. I have been overweight for years but piled it on through stress/comfort eating over the last 4 years. I ended up signed off work in March and go back soon and decided that using Mounjaro as a positive step to improve my health overall was an act of self care for me.
Not sure if it's psychosomatic or if I'm feeling some effects already but my appetite is less today than last week and the usual Pepsi Max addiction is absolutely gone. I tried some before and felt sick. Beating that would be a huge benefit too!

Really enjoyed the supportive threads so far and hopefully will have some nice steady losses to share soon. Overall I need to lose a lot but small and steady will make me happy. Even an overall 10% loss would be great and make a big impact, especially for my knees and ankles.
Off to glug some more water x
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Welcome to our new thread! A summary of the last few for newbies (please feel free to add to this):
Shop around and look for discount codes. MedExpress seems to be the cheapest currently and often has discount codes available.
People on this thread are on a variety of injections and from different places so ease of access varies too. Needles should be included in all orders but spares are available easily online.
The official guidance is that the lower doses are just to get your body used to the meds, and you should give it 3 months to determine whether these medications work for you. If they work you’ll lose at least 5% of your body weight in the first 3 months. Some have results faster but others don’t lose much until month 3. This isn’t an overnight fix.
There doesn’t seem to be much (any?) success stories getting it prescribed on the NHS (yet).
It’s possible to get 5 doses out of the mounjaro pen - it’s hard to twist it a 5th time but it does go eventually. Alternatively it can be syringed out with an insulin needle.

Previous thread:
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I know the numbers on the scales can be really upsetting but for anyone early on in their 'journey' with a GLP-1 medication I really recommend you do it! If you have someone you trust you could step on backwards and get them to record the number. In a year's time you'll want to see how far you've come.

I say this because I took my first 0.25 Wegovy dose a year ago this week. A year later I have lost 67lbs.

If you don't want to see a number one rec I have is to buy a ribbon or some string and tying a knot or another little bit of string at the circumference your waist is now. Then you could gradually track your loss as the knots go in!
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Shout out to all my slow losers out there. I’m due to take first 5mg tomorrow. I was 12st 9 the day I ordered MJ. 12st 7 on day 1 of first jab, I’m 12 1 today so that’s 6lb loss on MJ or 8 overall. I know some people see that kind of weight loss in a week, would be nice to have gotten under the 12, but I’m trying not to be too disheartened. I’ve eaten much less takeaways/ snack food and drunk less alcohol this month. Scales are going in the right direction and I’m not bursting out of my clothes.
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crap Bag thanks

Chatty Member
Has anyone paused for a week whilst on holiday? I don’t want to over indulge at all, I want to mostly stick to my plan, the issue is I am sharing a bathroom and a next door room with someone I don’t know well, and am concerned about side effects and embarrassing noises! I was already about this before I started MJ as I have IBS! It’s all inclusive so will pick the best food options I have, but clearly don’t have control like I do at home. Tricky!
Hi, I’m on Wegovy and I inject on a Monday, I went on holiday Thursday to Thursday so missed a dose. By the time I was back I noticed my appetite for wine was back but had no other issues.

I’ll be doing the same again in two weeks.

In other news, I’ve bought two dresses, one an 18, one a 20 and both fit which, as someone who has lived in 22-24 for years, I’m thrilled about.

Still a long way to go.
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Day 7 for me! I did my second injection this morning and lost 5lbs last week 👏🏻
I'm really enjoying the feeling of not being hungry and obsessing about food all the time. I feel like it's done wonders for my mental health, not just weight!
I was thinking yesterday, is this what it's like to be a 'normal, slim, healthy person' that doesn't just eat for the sake of eating?!!
Thank you to everyone that's shared their experiences on here because that's what gave me the final push!
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It’s things like that, that are so much more than just the number on the scale!

I left the house with my hair in a ponytail for the first time in YEARS yesterday. I usually wear my long hair down to hide my fat face, neck, upper back etc (I know it doesn’t actually hide it but in my mind it helps)
I wore my hair in a bun for the first time in years the other day too . Honestly this drug has changed my life . I would never ever have worn my hair up or wear anything remotely fitted before .
I have my massive comfort hoodie , which drowns me now and mr bird said we should burn it as I hid away in it for so many years . Threw out my old pants the other day and bought new ones . I know it sounds so small but I got a little emotional 🤣
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