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VIP Member
I have my extra dose left but am really considering moving on to 5mg. I am famished today. But it's a free dose.... 🤷‍♀️ injection day is tomorrow. 12 hours to decide 🤔
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Itchy of Itchington

Well-known member
Bollocks. MedExpress have just emailed to say that because I had gallstones years ago I can't have anymore MJ from them. I honestly had forgotten it happened as I've not had anymore issues. I've got my next dose of 5mg to start next weekend but am not sure what to do next? I wonder if it's worth a chat with my own doc to see if they can do a.private prescription and then getting it filled or if I can get my GP to confirm no other issues. I haven't gone yellow or had any problems with it this far
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April Ludgate

Well-known member
I'm doing my 3rd injection of 2.5 MJ later on today and I am starting to notice some side effects, I was absolutely freezing cold in bed last night and I've had a dicky tummy for 2 days.
I've not been great food wise this week, I'm staying with family so can't really dictate what I eat so it's been pretty carb heavy and I've drunk a lot of alcohol. I don't feel like I've lost anything but I'm back at work tomorrow so I'll be in control of what I'm doing.
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VIP Member
I have the cold feeling again today , can’t warm up! Had this side effect before and it disappeared for a couple months and it’s back now 🤣
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Has MJ affected anyone’s period? In on week 3 5mg was due period 18th June but still no signs. Never usually late so wondering what’s going on
I’ve literally just come on this thread to ask this! 2/3 months I’ve been on mj I’ve not had a period. Not pregnant and ususally regular as clock work.Early menopause runs in my family. I’m 39 so it might be that
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Active member
Has anyone else got a UTI from mounjaro? Never had one in my life, nothing has changed aside from taking this medication, I’m on 5mg week 2, got a course of antibiotics, sorry for tmi but urine smells foul so I’m wondering if anyone else has had this
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Just checking in doing this right…
I took my first dose (MJ) on Saturday night and up to now (touchwood) I’ve had no symptoms, good or bed, yet, possibly a slight reduction in appetite but nothing major.
I’m a little worried I may have dosed wrong, is that possible?! twisted the top of the pen so it showed 1 in the window, it seemed like I was turning quite a bit but figured it’s a weeks dose not the small amount I used with Saxenda. Have I done it right?!
I’m a bit of an overthinker so I’m conjuring up all kinds of scenarios in my head right now…
Perfectly normal - don’t worry!
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Chatty Member
It's just because they're different medications with different dosages. The same way two different psychiatric medications will have different dosages but both can be used for the treatment of depression.

In the scientific studies Mounjaro seems to cause a higher % of weight loss, so you might wish to go with that. But you'll also likely see success on Wegovy (I have!).
These are two good comparisons.
Thank you! I’m just trying to get my head round it all it’s a bit of a minefield 😅
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What I'm finding weird (day 5) is not being hungry when previously I ate food non stop. You don't get fat any other way 😆. I'm a SAHM but kids are all at school so housewife really. I'm still thinking about food, just not as much and only because sometimes I don't have anything to occupy myself with and I look at the clock and be like "oh its 1pm, I haven't had anything to eat yet, perhaps I should have some lunch". It's so strange. I took my son who's finished year 11, for a hair cut and it's near mcdonald's usually I'd be thinking oooh I'll take him there afterwards but the thought didn't even cross my mind. I only remembered when we were home that that's what I would have usually done.
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
were you expecting to send a photo? Because i definitely wasn’t.
I was going to wear leggings but they hold me in 🤣 I thought I better expose the old barrel belly. 😩😩😩
No wasn’t expecting it! I saw it as a good excuse to take some before photos. I always avoid the camera so didn’t have any full length pics yet. I might print them out so I can see my progress (if I have any!)
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Active member
Dulcolax is the devil but it’s the only thing that works for me. Talking about thinking about food, I have been thinking about it all the time but not because I’m hungry, just because I haven’t wanted to eat 😅 I’m so pleased I’m not 100% off my food as I do love it, I’m just trying to be within my calorie deficit best I can x
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New member
I had a breast reduction and a lift and I hate to tell you but they grew back bigger…. God damn big boobs it is not fun is it!!! I have gone down from a 38-36 but I want the cups to go down

I have huge boobs and ever lose anything from the cup size, even when I was at goal weight previously.
I only ever lose back size but still have huge baps!
At goal this time I will likely get a reduction and lift because they do make you look matronly 😞
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Chatty Member
Hello, I have my first MJ to take tonight, I did saxenda on and offer a few years ago only worked for me at the high dose so last year I ordered ozempic but I thought I wound dose up faster! Don’t do that!! Felt like shit!!
lost a stone quite fast but I felt so poorly. All my own stupid fault, came off it and quickly gained it back.
I go to America on hols in 8 weeks and I have been trying so hard to diet and exercise with little effect so my plan is to use this- correctly! Alongside a good diet and exercise. I am worried as I want to enjoy my hols- I don’t eat much when it’s hot but I do want to be able to enjoy a burger and steak etc but nervous of side effects. I am thinking if I take a break over my hols and go back to it after my break will it be ok?? Going to vegas and Florida so will be doing a LOT of steps!!
Loved reading everyone’s journey. Thanks in advance for any advice xx
Ps I have about 2.5 stone to lose.
I can't really comment on breaks, but, I'd say see how go aswell, you might decide that the 2.5 works well for you to stay on that for longer than the 4 weeks. I'm onto my 2nd month of 2.5 with very few side effects, just the occasional headache really. And no side effects from eating 'unhealthy' foods, I've had a Chinese and an Indian takeaway, homemade burger and chips etc
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Does anyone find they get their symptoms towards the end of the week when they’re due the next dose? I know it sounds weird but I feel really uncomfortable, sore tummy, burpy and nauseous, the closer I get to doing my jab then feel better once I’ve done it.

tomorrow is my final week of the first dose of MJ. Trying to figure out whether to go up to 5mg or do another month on 2.5. Did anyone suffer few side effects with 2.5 and then get really bad side effects with 5?
I find I get stomach cramping the day or two after I take my dose but it wears off towards the end of the week. I also don't get it every time or every dose. Just randomly.
I wonder would you maybe be a bit constipated towards the end of the week?
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Active member
Has anyone taken this just for weight loss + lied about weigh/BMI.

I'm not obese but definitely unhealthy weight and want to give it a go?
I didn’t lie and got approved by Cloud Pharmacy (only one I tried) I was bmi 29 when I started, when I re order I’ll be 27.5(hopefully) . I plan to stop when I hit 25 bmi and do the rest without it. I’m on 2.5 and tbh I might do another month of 2.5.
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