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Hey guys,
Dunno if anyone reads what I write but it helps me by writing it.
Weigh day & week 3 of MJ
This weeks loss - 2lb
Total loss in 3 weeks - 1 stone

I think I’m going to go up to 5mg, I still get hungry, I’ve had no side effects.
My absolute goal to lose is 3 stone.
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Blokes lose weight much more quickly than women.
Remember your weight (and mine!) didn’t go on overnight. It won’t come off overnight.

If we look for a quick fix (as I have done for 20 years) we will always be in the boom and bust cycle. I speak from bitter experience here. The only way to break it is to go slow and make permanent changes to the way we eat.

im on my second Wegovy .25 jab this week. Trust me, id love for a stone off in a week. Not going to happen, and neither should it. Also at my age, I’d look like a deflated balloon.

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Well that is my first week on Mounjaro done.

Starting weight was 17st 10 and I am now 17st 4 so that’s 6lbs lost! Even if that is water weight I’m taking it!

I’ve just taken my second dose. I definitely noticed more food noise yesterday.

Bit worried because I forgot to leave the injection in for the full 10 seconds.
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I ordered ahead of when I need my new pen so I’m not left waiting. I’ve got my 5mg one waiting in the fridge. I’m on week 4 of 2.5 now but ordered some needles from Amazon and can get at least another week out of them.

people are work are commenting how much weight I’ve lost (for the record, I lost 2 stone calorie counting since last summer and started MJ a month ago as I was struggling to lose anymore. My BMI is around 28 now and I’d like to lose a least another stone / stone and a half if possible.)

MJ is a life changer for me, it’s helped with my mood so much too. My weight was getting me down and I’m finally down to my pre baby weight just before my not so little baby turns 6🤣
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The the poster who had a randomer comment about weight how very fucking dare they.

We are more then the sum part of our bodies. I spent my teens and 20s because I didn;t conform to body perfect sterotype thinking I was worth less then others. What an awful mindset. I really hope our next generation of girls don't have that instrude on their headspace.

Just back from a break. Walked loads, did eat and drink but used the Oz and not one ounce up. I have held my weight loss for 12 months plus now. I'vee always lost weight but never maintained and to maintain without any borderline ED behaviours is ground breaking. So anyone struggling or wondering should they start stick with it.
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Hey did my first ever MJ shot on Thursday and nothing 😔 I’m on day 3…. I’m absolutely starving and haven’t had any appetite suppressant. Cravings still there.
Started on 2.5mg pen and took the 0.6 shot.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Any positive stories?
I did my first one on Thursday too! I’ve noticed small changes so far. My main change has been what I call my “witching hours” which are generally between about 5pm and 7pm where I become absolutely ravenous. That has eased off quite a lot. Some of the food noise is still there. For example I took my daughter to the fair and there was a burger van and the smell was AMAZING and I’m pretty sure I could’ve eaten two burgers there and then regardless

However, we are on the smallest dose at the moment and it might take some time for it to really kick in. Don’t feel bad about it, some people don’t see changes until the second month or more.

I’m definitely still experiencing food noise and hunger too. Everyone is different so don’t feel disheartened.

Remember it’s a marathon not a sprint. I read some good stories on Reddit about it. People who didn’t see results at first but over the months the results crept up.
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Chatty Member
My mj has been dispensed and I’m starting to get really nervous. I’m always so worried about being the one person that has a terrible reaction but reading your posts is helping reassure me.
What’s the one piece of advice you would give from your mj journey so far?
My advice would be drink as much water as you can, try and prioritise protein and fibre, and try and exercise because you don’t want to lose muscle mass instead of fat. Good luck!!!
So I hit the one stone mark gone today 🥳🥳 I’m over the moon. It’s been just under a month. The only time I’ve ever managed to lose any significant weight before was on the heartbreak diet when my marriage broke down and I do NOT want to go through that again. This is much better. Other good things are my resting heart rate has gone down and my Apple Watch says my cardio fitness is increasing. I was worried about having no energy but I think I’ve actually become more active.

still my only side effects are constipation and heavier periods. Fingers crossed it lasts like that. I’m doing another 4 weeks on 2.5mg then will go up to 5. I think I might fit into a sparkly dress when I go to see Taylor Swift in August 🤣😁😁😁
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Last night tried me..
Incredibly busy 9hr night shift. No time for a food break or even a coffee.

Someone had left a bag of doughnuts about half a metre away in my eyeline, saying "help yourself"

Somehow despite looking at them for 9 hrs and thinking about them, I didn't have one at all. Normally in a night shift where is goes tits up ill end up raiding the vending machine for cola and chocolate for sugar energy but the jab seems to have stabilised my blood sugars and I don't need it like normal

Now, I'm not super strict, if i really wanted one I'd have had one, but really ring doughnuts aren't my favourite so could happily leave it
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Nearly at the end of week 5 on 2.5mg... And I've lost 13.3lb altogether! OOF.

Still zero side effects, appetite suppressed, running 3x a week. I've got a new 2.5mg pen to start on Sunday... IT'S ALLLLLL GOOOOOOOOD.
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Lost 1.5lbs this week on my second week of 5mg Mounjaro, and that's after being away for the weekend, drinking quite a lot of Prosecco and not making the best food choices.
Having said that, even when eating the 'wrong' things, I have a huge amount of restriction and am feeling full very quickly, and my want/need for snacks is completely gone.
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Completely random but does anyone actually love burping? I do! I have never been a trumper - I sit at my desk at home all day belching like a bugger and I love it! Sorry just a little Friday light relief! Literally ;-)
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Has anyone taken this just for weight loss + lied about weigh/BMI.

I'm not obese but definitely unhealthy weight and want to give it a go?
I have. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life. I’ve never been obese but always overweight and bullied / picked on for my size throughout my child and teen years. I’ve always been the ‘fat’ friend and larger than girls my age. I’ve never been slim and never been able to wear what I want or feel confident in my clothes. I’ve always covered up and always been very insecure.
Before I got with my ex partner and also had my son, I was 10.6lbs and a size 10 / small 12. I then piled on the weight and within in a year weighed my heaviest at 13.9 and was a size 18.
After the birth of my son and splitting with my partner, I managed to get back down to 11 stone and stayed that weight for a year or so. I was a size 14 at this point. I then lost a further stone and a half but put that back on within two months as I’m a yo-yo dieter and was a recovered binger eater. I haven’t been able to get myself back into losing weight since then and my weight is creeping up again. I have absolutely awful eating habits to the point it makes me feel so unwell each day. But I can’t stop eating or craving unhealthy food. Food is on my mind 24/7 and I feel hungry 24/7. I literally eat an entire cheesecake for the fun of it. My entire life all I’ve ever wanted is to love my body and be confident so I took the plunge and ordered Monjauro. Even though my weight isn’t classed as ‘obese’ I’m still overweight, unhappy, and far from healthy. I’m just not as large as most people on this medication which probably will be frowned upon but this is my decision. I’m hoping this medication will give me a complete new lease on life. I only plan to stay on it for two-ish months. Just long enough to lose the weight I need with some help and hopefully help me with my eating habits and cravings
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SW 13.12

CW 13.2

GW 10.10

Week 1- 9lbs

Week 2-1lbs

I know I shouldn’t be but I am gutted to be fair. The appetite suppression is huge in forcing myself to eat and my portions are tiny compared to before. I really expected more than 1lb this week 😭 I am on so I am hoping it’s that
You really need to focus on more than each weekly loss. Is that 9lbs in the first week? That was way too much so maybe was water as well. So maybe this was 4lbs of fat each week. Amazing 🤩 This is a long term solution, just focus on the day to day and be mindful of making sure you are eating and drinking enough. After a time as well you will hit a plateau so you need to be ready for this to take a while. Trust to process.
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2nd dose of 7.5 MJ this week and feel like it’s really kicking in now. Made myself a normal size lunch and feel fit to burst after half of it. This is how I used to feel on Wegovy so glad to have this feeling back. Lost 5.5lbs in the last 30 days but 8.75 in the last 90 for comparison so it’s definitely working!

I’ve set myself a goal for 1 August to lose another dress size as I go on hols mid August and would love to buy a smaller size wardrobe for it. Feels doable.

Trying to focus on size as well as weight overall really. Thrilled to be back in size 12 jeans for the first time in years and know whatever I order in a 12 from Vinted will fit rather than worrying. Still have about 30lbs to lose though so definitely not losing sight of the number on the scales.
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I think it's highly likely people are getting UTi's as i was warned that Mounjaro is very dehydrating and make sure you drink loads and loads of fluids, was also warned about headaches and they would probably be caused by the dehydration.
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I did my second MJ 2.5 on wed and woke up at 4am this morning with explosive 💩 😭 was on the toilet for 30 minutes 😭 I am also struggling to find anything I want to eat. People might think injections are the easy way but they really are not for most of us getting side effects. on a happier note I did a sneaky weigh this morning and am 3kg down and can see it in my face finally ☺
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Drank (a bottle of wine) for the first time last night, one day after my first 5mg dose. Felt like the wine just filled up and sat in my stomach, went up to brush my teeth before bed and the tiniest gag from that had the whole lot come back up. I can handle my drink too so it was odd.

Guess it's a case of remaining teetotal for now!

1 stone, 1lb down so far in four weeks 😀
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Thank you doll bird that is so kind of you to reply. My side effects are actually impacting my day to day life to the effect that I might stop it completely
I'd try and talk to a medical professional. When I started the nearest thing I could equate my symptons too was morning sickness but nothing that stopped me functioning. There can be complications with your pancreas.

I was a size 18/20 starting off. Size 14 now, All my weight is on my tummy. I thought been 10 stone would make me smaller but I have broad shoulders and wide hips with boobs so this seems to be as good as it gets and I am happy. No longer cringe or avoid social occassions.
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Today will be my 7th injection of MJ (3rd at 5mg) and I'm now down 25lbs having suffered very few side effects.
Couldn't be happier to be on this journey - finally something that actually works!
Today will be my 7th injection of MJ (3rd at 5mg) and I'm now down 25lbs having suffered very few side effects.
Couldn't be happier to be on this journey - finally something that actually works!
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