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Day 7 for me! I did my second injection this morning and lost 5lbs last week 👏🏻
I'm really enjoying the feeling of not being hungry and obsessing about food all the time. I feel like it's done wonders for my mental health, not just weight!
I was thinking yesterday, is this what it's like to be a 'normal, slim, healthy person' that doesn't just eat for the sake of eating?!!
Thank you to everyone that's shared their experiences on here because that's what gave me the final push!
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It’s things like that, that are so much more than just the number on the scale!

I left the house with my hair in a ponytail for the first time in YEARS yesterday. I usually wear my long hair down to hide my fat face, neck, upper back etc (I know it doesn’t actually hide it but in my mind it helps)
I wore my hair in a bun for the first time in years the other day too . Honestly this drug has changed my life . I would never ever have worn my hair up or wear anything remotely fitted before .
I have my massive comfort hoodie , which drowns me now and mr bird said we should burn it as I hid away in it for so many years . Threw out my old pants the other day and bought new ones . I know it sounds so small but I got a little emotional 🤣
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Hi all, longtime lurker on this thread, thanks for all the shared wisdom.

I'm taking wegovy at the moment, very early in my journey, I feel very lucky to have had very minimal side effects. Definitely feeling way less hungry but the "food noise" is still there so will be interesting to see what happens at higher doses. I'm also not weighing myself just yet due to ✨trauma✨ from being on too many low calorie diets in the past.

However can I share some wisdom from previous dieticians (even though I hated their diets lol) - if you go TOO low with calories, it's very likely you'll trigger your body to start holding on to weight. There is a "sweet spot" where you keep calories low but still lose weight. Those of you eating under 1000 calories but not seeing loss almost certainly need to add some food back in to remind your brain that you're not in famine and you're getting the nutrients you need. This is also some of the reasoning behind 5:2 - if you do low-cal every day you'll end up stressed but breaking it up over days is more effective (NB I fucking hated this diet lol)
This 👏🏻 What follows isn't aimed at you to be clear 😂😂

People are absolutely fixed on the scales moving! Your weight within one day can range 4lbs up or down! Weight yourself once a month if you really feel you HAVE to! Take photos! Feel the difference in yourself! Listen to other comments when they see you 'your looking great!' 'have you lost weight?'

The whole bmi and getting to 'perfect' weight is all so silly! All our bodies are shaped differently! big boobs, hips, big butt, muscle from working out! Same with clothes sizes!! A 12 in one shop is a xxl in another!

Follow the plan, hit the protein targets (ideally 90g a day!) stay in a safe healthy calorie range (1200 - 1400), drink your water, eat your fiber, exercise! Most importantly GIVE IT TIME! it will be worth it! Nothing is a miracle solution.

You won't see it happening in yourself but you will if you keep taking photos!
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Yep, completely agree with everyone else with the living normally. Only my boyfriend knows I'm on it. It feels like I'm just eating like a "normal" person now, no snacking or binging, and my dinner portions are much much smaller than they used to be.

I can also turn down food a lot more easily - like before I'd be picking at things my boyfriend ate or begging for scraps like a little fat dog, whereas now I couldn't care less. 😂

I've had two nights of boozing in the past month and honestly, my hangovers were just as bad as they were before (vomiting, nausea) but that's because I'm over 30 and all hangovers are like that now, ha!
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I think this is now the longest I have ever dieted without going off track ... my worst days have maxed at 1800 calories.

10th jab today ... 10 weeks of sticking to it, 2 stone down, 2 to go!

Also the move to 5mg has been rough! I don't think I could hack it if I didn't wfh. On the plus side Ive gone from camel like behaviour to getting through 3l of water a day.
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after a bit of plateau for a week or so (illness!) i’m now 5lbs off my goal weight which feels mad. can’t afford to continue with wegovy but my 2.4 pen has 3 more doses so reckon i’ll just keep going for those and i’m done. can’t believe it..
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I ordered my first MJ at work and was taken off guard when they asked for a full body shot. Had to go to the loos and take a photo in the full length mirror with the toilet behind me. Hope they enjoyed that 🤣

On a more serious note, it’s the first full body shot I have taken of myself in years. I didn’t enjoy it. I never let people take photos of me ever, and I certainly don’t take photos of myself.

I am a size 22. I used to be a size 8.

I don’t expect to ever be a size 8 again, too much has changed. But I would be thrilled with a size 12/14.

That concludes my rambling.
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Today is momentous… I feel like my usual self after managing to 💩 after 5 days. That was not fun 🫤
I also weighed and I another 2lb down taking my loss to 6lbs in a little over three weeks. My husband said you can see a difference and I do ‘think’ my tummy looks smaller, I still have chubby round face though which I’m hoping will start to go. I’m going to continue with my current one and reorder at the same dose as I don’t think I could tolerate an increase and I’m worried about increasing side effects.
Hope everyone else is doing great!
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I’m now down 2nd stone and 12 pounds and I am a healthy BMI.


It is a total head fuck. I keep seeing this slim person in the mirror and double taking. It has happened almost too quickly. I didn’t even make it above 5. (I do have a stash in the fridge as I start to titrate down).

Period hurts with the pain of something I haven’t had in years. MJ has made me have even shorter cycles for the last few months. Today’s started later and I am on Nurofen plus. Need the codeine to even have an impact.

I do not feel slim. I can see I am. I still feel the size I was before. This is going to take a lot of time to adjust. Feeling quite vulnerable.
@Lillorra I have lost just under 3 stone in three months.

The crazy thirst takes a bit of getting used to. I also got very bad constipation at times, but I have now adjusted. I have seen both bigger and smaller losses from others in the first month. Water weight comes off quickly. But it’s also not uncommon for people to not drop!

Basically, it will be your own journey. It is so hard to predict.
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So I worked out today I’m at the weight I said I’d never be at again 3 years ago, it’s funny how I feel really proud of myself having lost a stone but in reality there is still so far to go! Here’s to losing weight in a sustainable way this time and embracing life long changes.
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it seems like a lot of people beginning the injections get so preoccupied with initial weight loss and think this is going to be an immediate result!

There are no magic potions in weight loss even with the amazing assistance of these drugs!

i really recommended weighing yourself monthly, don't get fixated on lbs your body weight throughout the day can go up and down as much as 4lbs!

you don't get high loss the first few months cause you on introducing the medication to your body, if your loosing a lot initially it will be mostly water!

with any weight loss, slow and steady wins the race! try and hit 90g of protein a day, have fiber in your diet. my fitness pal is great for monitoring your calories and macros to hit your protein. Do exercise to build muscle, muscle burns fat! work the big muscles like legs butt etc to maximise results. I lost 5 stone purely strength training and diet never done any cardio!
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Hi all, I’ve been reading these threads for ages but it’s my first post. I’ve found it so helpful readings others experiences.

I’ve been on Mounjaro since March and am now on my first week of 7.5mg. So far I have lost 11lbs which I’m really pleased with. I’m definitely one of the slow and steady losers but that’s fine for me, as long as the scales go in the right direction.

I was on Wegovy previously and have lost 3 stone in total over 2 years, I switched to MJ due to the cost and supply issues around wegovy. I force twist the pen to give myself a 5th dose from each pen with some spare needles I got some Amazon, which helps spread the cost a little bit further.

I have zero to little food noise, which was a huge thing for me before. I would literally plan my days around what I could eat but now I still enjoy nice food but I don’t feel like it controls me. I use my fitness pal to track calories and have around 1400/1500 per day. I don’t track at weekends but don’t eat anywhere as much as I did previously.

My biggest negative symptom happens if I over eat greasy foods or have too much alcohol, I wake up in the night with bad stomach pains and then usually end up being sick. I had a terrible night after a full portion of fish and chips 🙈. Thankfully this has only been the odd occasion and makes me more mindful not to over do it!

Another negative thing I’ve found is that it takes away any thirst too, so I have to force myself to keep drinking water or I end up with a dehydration headache.

Overall I’m so happy to have lost 3 stone and be back in my old clothes. I’ve still got another 2 to go to take me into a healthy weight but I feel like it will be doable. I do worry about regaining if I ever were to stop the meds, but I’m trying to relearn how to eat and see food now which will hopefully help.

Good luck to everyone else with your journeys!
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Well-known member
Hi all, longtime lurker on this thread, thanks for all the shared wisdom.

I'm taking wegovy at the moment, very early in my journey, I feel very lucky to have had very minimal side effects. Definitely feeling way less hungry but the "food noise" is still there so will be interesting to see what happens at higher doses. I'm also not weighing myself just yet due to ✨trauma✨ from being on too many low calorie diets in the past.

However can I share some wisdom from previous dieticians (even though I hated their diets lol) - if you go TOO low with calories, it's very likely you'll trigger your body to start holding on to weight. There is a "sweet spot" where you keep calories low but still lose weight. Those of you eating under 1000 calories but not seeing loss almost certainly need to add some food back in to remind your brain that you're not in famine and you're getting the nutrients you need. This is also some of the reasoning behind 5:2 - if you do low-cal every day you'll end up stressed but breaking it up over days is more effective (NB I fucking hated this diet lol)
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Shout out to all my slow losers out there. I’m due to take first 5mg tomorrow. I was 12st 9 the day I ordered MJ. 12st 7 on day 1 of first jab, I’m 12 1 today so that’s 6lb loss on MJ or 8 overall. I know some people see that kind of weight loss in a week, would be nice to have gotten under the 12, but I’m trying not to be too disheartened. I’ve eaten much less takeaways/ snack food and drunk less alcohol this month. Scales are going in the right direction and I’m not bursting out of my clothes.
Love this! And think it will be reassuring for others to see that it’s not always about the big losses. The big losses aren’t realistic nor can they usually be maintained. As you say the scales are going in the right direction and we are snipping those inches of our clothing.
I take a progress video every time I lose wearing the same pair of trousers. The audacity I had to think those trousers fit me at my highest weight… I’ve lost 23.7lbs in total since March and the trousers fit as they should now! 😭🤣
I’m here for the slow and steady 🙌🏽🙏🏼
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April Ludgate

Well-known member
I've just placed my first order of Mounjaro from MedExpress 🤞🏻
Feeling slightly sick at how much I've just spent so I really hope it works!
My weight is affecting so many parts of my life, I just need to get my shit together!
Thanks to this thread for all the useful information and advice!
Honestly the amount I was eating before, I must have easily been spending the cost of the Mounjaro on takeaways and stopping at M&S to buy dinner on my way home.
It's an investment in yourself, that's how I'm thinking of it.
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So it was my first weigh in this morning. 5.5lb off in my first week.

I am really pleased with that. I am hoping for 1-2lb per week consistently! I have been doing my reading about the main downside of Mounjaro is the lost muscle when on it. So I am stepping up my exercise and I am going to get in the gym and do some more strength training (As an aside - all women of a certain age should consider weightlifting as its incredibly good for bone density as we get older). I dont want to lose muscle as my fitness is really important to me for my mental health, so now I have the first week out of the way and I know what to expect - its time to step up the training! I also had my second injection and have zero appetite now...

What did i learn from this week?
I learned that I do have a very unhealthy relationship with food.
I learned how 'normal people' eat.
I learned that although I dont feel hungry I DO need to eat to get my calories in because if I don't I will do myself a disservice in the long run.
I learned that because I get full quick, and although i need to focus on high protein, I need to eat Small but really tasty meals!

This means I am still enjoying my food like I always have but I am eating so much less! Who woudl have thought I would only take ONE crumpet out of the packet for my brekkie! I also love cooking - and I made my kids favourite - Meatballs the other night. I just had two. I ate them slowly and I savoured every mouthful. But I only had two!

I do wonder as well - is there anyone on here who is keeping it a secret from their household? I am ! I have told my bestie because i need to talk to someone (she is naturally slim and any amount of stress she drops a few pounds! I can just watch a stressful documentary and need to eat my feelings!). But I dont want to be judged! They are all naturally slim (I am a step monster so totally different genes) and I dont think they really understand!

Anyway - great week - great drug - great results - Feeling good!
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Salted Caramel

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My journey so far.

I am two pens into Mounjaro after doing two on Wegovy before switching. Spent £198.99 at Lloyds Online Pharmacy for the first pen and £114.50 at Voy on the second.

On Wegovy I had nasty acid reflux and mild nausea. I also experienced low mood which was concerning as I am on antidepressants.

It was effective in suppressing my appetite and I lost a stone over two months. An unexpected benefit was it completely dulled my appetite for alcohol. I had slipped into a bottle of wine a night during the pandemic and was finding it hard to cut down. When I was taking Wegovy I was quite happy to have a small glass of wine on occasion and then I didn't fancy another.

I switched to Mounjaro when it was made available here and am now two pens in, starting the next dose on Saturday. So far spent £319 at Bolt for their starter kit of first 2 pens (equates to £159.50 per pen), and £148.44 at MedExpress for the 7.5mg I start on Saturday.

No side effects at all since switching. I do find the pens a bit clumsier to use than the Wegovy ones, but I am getting an extra dose out of each one by extracting the remaining liquid using insulin needles.

I have found my appetite is probably even more suppressed than on Wegovy so far and some days I almost have to force myself to eat. My overenjoyment of wine has returned though, although I do get terrible diarrhoea the morning after a few glasses now. I do get headaches but I know that is down to dehydration so try to drink more water and use electrolyte tablets in it.

I have lost another stone on Mounjaro over two months. If I can continue on the same trajectory I will meet my target weight by September.

I'm counting calories and protein intake using Nutracheck and not doing exercise, although I'm definitely more active generally as I feel better as weight comes off. I generally do about 7000 steps on a working day.
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Someone at work approached me and said how good I’m looking lately and I almost cried 🥹
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