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Day 5 on MJ and I couldn't resist stepping on the scales.......I've lost 3 pounds. The only difference I've had is I feel full quickly at dinner time but the rest of the time it's business as usual. I honestly thought I'd wasted my money as i was feeling nothing......I'm really impatient and that's been my trouble with weighloss if I don't see results fast I give up. Felt a little icky first couple of days, maybe a 4 out of 10. But it passed through the day. Feeling a bit more positive about it all l.
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I’ve had to stop Mounjaro I’m absolutely gutted
Ended up in hospital with severe constipation
I took Ozempic before starting the Mounjaro and don’t remember having any stomach issues but it was non stop stomach upset with mounjaro. I need something though as my hunger is through the roof . I’m having tons of carb and sugar cravings. Would people recommend going back to the Ozempic?
Definitely try and chat to your GP to debrief re your hospital admission/what to do next. But if Wegovy/Ozempic was causing less side effects I would maybe consider returning to it. I am very happy on it with no side effects and continued weight loss just over a year in.
For me, it's be don't read too much into what people post in crazy arse FB groups. 800-1000 calories is not healthy for an adult. Full stop

I have also have changed the way I think about food and diets. Previously my diets would be as much as I could and diet food, low cal everything. I'd happily scarfe 4 or 5 low cal snacks and still want more. But it was okay as it fitted in my calories.

I can physically eat less food, but still want to eat a decent amout of calories, so am eating real food just smaller portions and mainly as meals not snacks.
Im cooking with olive oil not fry light, I'm having full fat Greek yoghurt with my oats rather that a muller light for breakfast.
If I want some choc after dinner, I'll have a couple squares off proper chocolate and it's leaving me happily satisfied as opposed to a low cal snack bar which didn't and often lead to a binge
I even had a small portion or curry and rice last night, but with one onion bajhi (not 3 or 4) and a small roti (not a massive stuffed Naan)

I don't think diet culture has been particularly healthy for my binge brain, so working on changing that.

Oh and drink water. MJ is dehydrating.
I second your whole post! Eating real foods not diet foods & getting in a proper amount of calories is really important. I want to change my lifestyle long term and that means overly restrictive dieting is not the answer. I've not avoided any food groups and I just aim for nutritional balance, eating in moderation & much more mindfully.
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I’m on week 9 or MJ. Am on 7.5 mg. The side effects have completely gone. I’m tooled up with gaviscon as I did get the burps for about a week after a night of wine and then fish n chips the next day 😂 but since that week I’ve been totally fine. Drink the water eat the fruit n veg and keep its simple. I have lost 1 st 4.6 lbs and am loving life on MJ.
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This is a really silly question, but I have an appointment on 1st July with my nurse for my contraception. Will she be able to see that I’ve purchased it and got approved it (or even if I get denied it) on my records?! I get on really well with her anyway. I just want to know so I’m prepared and don’t feel embarrassed.
Not sure if she'll know, but please be honest with her about the drugs and planned doses you're taking.
I work in sexual health and the amount of people whose contraception fails because they're taking medication that counteracts their chosen option but they haven't told anyone is UNREAL!
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Hey all!

Little update from me as I’ve haven’t posted in awhile. I’ve felt shocking over the last few weeks. Ended up with a bug so was stuck to the loo for around a week. And now I’ve caught an awful cold… loving my life right now.

Safe to say my eating was up and down. Some days good and some days bad. Fortunately no gains in the last two weeks, just maintains which I’m happy with. This week I’ve lost 1.5lbs, a step closer to the two stone marker. Would be lovely to lose what I need in two weeks as that will take me to two stone loss in four months 🙌🏽.

Pre-Covid I used to go to Ascot for ladies day every year so all the memories are popping up on fb. I had a weight goal in mind of 9 stone (bmi still puts me as overweight due to my height) but now looking at these photos, I think I’d be happy with whatever I weighed there. I know for sure it was not 9 stone.

Anyways enough of my ramblings. Hope everyone has a great week and I wish this horrible weather would sod off 😭
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Chatty Member
Lost 0.7lb this week, small loss but very happy with that 🙌🏽
Also my partner’s sister noticed I’d lost weight and paid me some compliments. Then his other sister goes ‘can we stop because I’m feeling sensitive about my weight’. I just thought will you shut the F up! It was alright when you was losing weight at the start of year and I was feeling sensitive about mine. BUT I complimented her. Always makes everything about her. You’d think there was an hour discussion about it, literally 1 min.
Sorry for the rant, just really pissed me off! Why can’t people just be happy for you? Why can’t everyone be winning and doing well?
You should have told her to get on the jabs, and given her a reference code so you get something back for her being a self absorbed wench!
  • Haha
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I had my first dose on MJ on Friday. Not noticing any difference to anything so far, but I know some people don’t feel the benefits until higher doses, so will hang on! I had previously lost about 5 stone through diet and exercise, and weight had been creeping back on. I’ve never made it below an obese BMI anyway. I ‘guessed’ what my weight had crept up to when I applied, and the photo obviously tallied up. Made myself actually weigh myself and I am a stone heavier, so worse than I thought! But, am hoping this can help. My issue is emotional eating. Single parent and kids are hard work! I am hopeful it will eventually help with that. Not relying on chocolate as a soother and pick me up.
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I’m having a struggle at the moment and hoped some of you might be able to relate or even offer some advice?!

I have now lost 2 stone 9lbs. Rationally, I know this is a significant loss. I can see my weight coming down steadily week by week. Some clothes are unwearably big. I should be happy and feeling great but I don’t. I just don’t see the change when I look in the mirror and still feel horrible about myself.

I guess that time will help but I just wondered if anyone else is having these feelings?
I think we pin so much happiness on losing weight. I find trying to like myself again after years of feeling ashamed is really difficult.
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Okay so update, injected with MJ yesterday afternoon, really don’t want to eat a thing! sipping coffee that normally is polish off pronto!
I have been under a lot of stress though so not sure if that’s factoring in. 💗
Have been a bit burpy/gassy & felt quite tired.
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I’ve ordered MJ! Don’t know if it’s been approved yet but here’s hoping! If I could lose a stone in 3 weeks I’d be buzzing. I’d take half a stone a month. I’ve got about 8 stone to lose and even then I’d still be obese
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April Ludgate

Well-known member
My Mounjaro comes tommorow (altho RM dependant) .
Absolutely petrified about taking it

When you people suggest I take the first dose? Morning, before bed?

I'm thinking tommorow evening, but then am I best off waiting a few days so day one is a day off work? (I shift work so no day is better for me to chose as it changes each week)

I've never used an injection pen before. Hoping it's idiot proof 😂
I did my first ever injection on Sunday morning and so far I don't think I've had any MJ related side effects.
I've got an absolutely rotten cold which I think I've caught off my neighbour and I'm also on my period so my timing hasn't been great but I don't think I feel crap because of the injection. I did wait til I started my annual leave just in case I had side effects though.
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I’m taking my first ever dose tonight. Wish me luck! Stocked up on liquid IV, magnesium, lucozade sport, senokot, apple cider vinegar, weetabix, bananas and protein yoghurts! I’m so scared of getting complications/serious side effects but I can’t stay at over 100kg anymore
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My first week is done, I've lost 2kg and 7cm,
Had some nausea earlier in the week but overall it's been a great week..I've never lost 2kg in a week before, I went out last night for an Indian, so I think the salt has kept onto more fluid. I had a dry curry, no rice or starter and no alcohol, which is a win!
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Woo forgot to update on my weigh day! I’ve lost 5.1lbs this week. This was my first week on 5mg MJ. I’m sure this is the same amount I lost on my first week of 2.5mg 🙌🏽
I’ve finally finally finally tapped into the next stone bracket, I’m so happy 😬
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An update from me almost a year in at this point - my first Semaglutide (Ozempic/Wegovy) dose was 4/6/23. This morning I am now 30.5kg/67.2lbs down. When I started my BMI was 38.6, and I am now at 28.7. I still have around 10kg/22lbs I'd like to lose.

Also, some great news for cardiovascular health from a long term trial Novo Nordisk has been conducting:

The article also mentions patients in their trial sustained their weight loss after 4 years while continuing to take the medication, which this article explains more clearly:

I'm definitely keen to see more research about maintenance once off the medication in the future.
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So it was my first weigh in this morning. 5.5lb off in my first week.

I am really pleased with that. I am hoping for 1-2lb per week consistently! I have been doing my reading about the main downside of Mounjaro is the lost muscle when on it. So I am stepping up my exercise and I am going to get in the gym and do some more strength training (As an aside - all women of a certain age should consider weightlifting as its incredibly good for bone density as we get older). I dont want to lose muscle as my fitness is really important to me for my mental health, so now I have the first week out of the way and I know what to expect - its time to step up the training! I also had my second injection and have zero appetite now...

What did i learn from this week?
I learned that I do have a very unhealthy relationship with food.
I learned how 'normal people' eat.
I learned that although I dont feel hungry I DO need to eat to get my calories in because if I don't I will do myself a disservice in the long run.
I learned that because I get full quick, and although i need to focus on high protein, I need to eat Small but really tasty meals!

This means I am still enjoying my food like I always have but I am eating so much less! Who woudl have thought I would only take ONE crumpet out of the packet for my brekkie! I also love cooking - and I made my kids favourite - Meatballs the other night. I just had two. I ate them slowly and I savoured every mouthful. But I only had two!

I do wonder as well - is there anyone on here who is keeping it a secret from their household? I am ! I have told my bestie because i need to talk to someone (she is naturally slim and any amount of stress she drops a few pounds! I can just watch a stressful documentary and need to eat my feelings!). But I dont want to be judged! They are all naturally slim (I am a step monster so totally different genes) and I dont think they really understand!

Anyway - great week - great drug - great results - Feeling good!
I've only told my friend so far. I didn't want to tell my husband / family because when I originally mentioned it he kinda rolled his eyes at me. In a 'here we go again' sort of way because he knows what I'm like with diets. I just wanted to try a month and see if I could actually do it.... And it looks like I can! 🤞🏻
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Day 1 of my period today which was a few days late. Just walked to the shop to get crisps and chocolate for the first time in months - decided to give in to the cravings seeing as I haven’t had them for so long! Usually I’d beat myself up after a binge like this but I’m seeing it as a win because it made me realise how long it’s been since I wanted to eat like this.
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Hi everyone :)

My first time posting. I'm very tempted to try a weight loss medication as I've got a BMI of 35 and been struggling to lose weight for many different reasons.

I'm reassured by all of your experiences but I wanted to ask if anyone read about the studies which mention the thyroid cancer risks? That's what's scaring me off at the moment. Wondered if anyone had discussed this with a medical professional or has any opinions...

Thank you,
Don’t be put off by this stuff. I’d recommend listening to the Docs Who Loft podcast who are docs with evidence based advice etc. Personally, I had to weight up the risk of heart disease etc and decided I wanted to take control of my health in the short term.
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Sadly nothing you can do can specifically help you lose weight in one area. When I lost weight the first time from 19 stone to 15 stone (just using diet and exercise) , the biggest help to my tummy area and loss in general was walking. Whilst I agree diet / calorie intake is the most important thing, I wouldn’t have done it without those 10,000 steps a day. Often round and round my tiny living room as single mum with young kids I couldn’t leave at home!
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Hi all!! looking for the best weight loss injection advice please. I’m significantly overweight and after I was at a gig last night and some randomer made reference to my weight I absolutely have to do something about it. I’m newly diagnosed adhd but have terrible eating habits often not eating until 3pm then having dinner around 6 and binging on essentially sugar until 9/10pm. I want to stop and need to stop but it’s like I just have to do it. What will help? Desperate times here
Spend a couple of days researching. I know you've had a horrible experience last night but you need to make sure this is right for you.

I am currently on Mounjaro which is referred to as MJ here. I'm on month 3 and delighted with my losses. The downside for me is that when I first started injection 1 (2.5mg) I was floored for about 48 hours. Just completely exhausted and generally useless. Once that passed I had a great month on 2.5.

When I went up to 5mg I was hit with a new set of side effects. Diarrhea!!!! I get sulphur burps which are unpleasant but I can live with those, however, it does meant that explosive 💩 is not far off. This lasts for around 24 hours and I'm getting it once a week.

That being said, I've lost 10kg in 2 months. On MJ, some of us are early losers but others it takes until you move up to 5mg or even 7.5mg before the losses really kick in. I can imagine that being stressful because of the expectation and money involved. I have gone down 2 clothes sizes and really happy that I'm feeling more confident in what I am wearing.

Injections are absolutely fine. The needle is so tiny that you barely feel it. With MJ we can get a 5th dose which is a fair money saving each month. Officially it's a 4 dose syringe.

That's my MJ summary but there are others injectable available for you to look into and maybe someone could share a summer of those for you.
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