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My friend works in a lawyers office and they’re having more and more enquiries about taking legal action for gastroparesis from Ozempic 😫

I take it (wegovy) I’ve kept it to myself so she doesn’t know im taking it and we were just talking about Kylie Jenner and the Kardashian’s obviously being on it to lose so much weight so fast but honestly sort of worried now lol 😅

I have 3 stone ish to lose still ideally and im 2.7-3 stone down in 6 months or so, so I do want to carry on taking it but it does feel v risky when im seeing so much negativity.

does anyone else worry while taking it? :/ im probably just being dramatic
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Hey I need help please. I’m on week 1 of MJ and only lost 3lbs! I’m not hungry, don’t think of food and don’t snack but I’m still having lunch and dinner but it’s a calorie controlled meal plan, meals are between 500-600 calories. I’m not having breakfast or any snacks after dinner (I used to have a snack every night) it’s working in terms of making me feel full and not wanting to snack etc so I dont think a higher dosage would help as the lower dosage is doing the job. So should I be cutting to one meal a day? I already feel like my daily calorie intake is very low am I supposed to eat nothing to lose or what lol!?
That's a totally normal amount to have lost in week 1. I wouldn't worry one bit. Definitely still eat multiple meals a day.
Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, and the small losses build up over time.
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I've finished the first month on mj, though my appetite has been reduced and I've eaten less I've not lost any weight. 🙁

Im not sure if I should continue on with it..
Your appetite is less, and you’ve eaten less. I would say stick with it because you might just get that whoosh soon. It didn’t take a month to put on all of my extra weight so I’m here for this journey without the food noise and see what happens over at least 6 months and enjoying be able to be more intentional about my eating and exercise without the greedy gremlin.
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I've pushed injecting back by two days and omg the food noise 🥹. It's actually shameful, I've ordered a takeaway because I know I'm injecting tomorrow and I'm back to feeling scared of being hungry. I genuinely didn't know I had this problem until it went away and now I just feel so embarrassed.

I did an all inclusive holiday and had salads and water every single day and didn't feel like I was missing out, I actually felt great. As I'm due my 5th injection it's clear just how little I've changed any of my bad habits 🥹😓
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I’m 2 months on Wegovy and lost 7lb which I guess is good as slow and steady is best. Bit frustrating as I have 5 stone to lose so thought it would fly off at the start. Going up to 1mg on Sunday and I’m scared!

Best side effect so far is I don’t drink as much alcohol anymore. Just don’t fancy it and I was a bit of a binge drinker so I’m pleased
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I'm not on any injections but read here often as it is very tempting to start!

I have lost just under 4 stone in 2 years by going to PT and the gym. However Aug 23, I put a stone back on that I had lost in July and plateaued there until the start of April 24. So looking for something that can maybe help me lose quicker than my current rate.

But the point of my comment was for anyone who isn't keen on normal protein shakes. Look into clear whey protein. You can get this from the likes of MyProtein or Protein Works. It is mixed with water but it ends up like squash rather than a watery milkshake. I think it's 20g of protein per drink 😊
Obesity is funny like that. I have lost weight successfully in the past. The battle is maintenance as my body was always wanting to be bigger, wanting more of the wrong type of food. I did everything in the past some of it good some of it borderline ed territory. I have joined every weight club and done every vlcd. I am on Oz 2 years. I lost 4 stone over the course of the first 15months or so and am holding steady since. I was a slow looser but consistent and that was something menopause seemed determined to stop so you have nothing to loose by trying it.
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Well-known member
Hi everyone! Ive bit the bullet and ordered 0.25 wegovy! Got 3 stone to lose which I know doesn’t seem a lot but I’m only 5ft. I’m absolutely sick of the constant feelings of hunger, food is all I think about day and night and the relationship I have with sugar is disgusting. I’m not expecting to feel anything with the 0.25 from what I have read online. Have anyone here lost on the 0.25?
I'm 5ft3 and wanted to lose 3 stone. My first month on 0.25mg I lost over a stone. Start month 3 this week and I'm over 2 stone down. Best thing I've ever done I had to go and try jeans on today and I've gone from a 12/14 to an 8/10 in 8 weeks
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If anyone listens to Podcasts great episode from Diary of a CEO (normally not that keen on him) but some of his guests are good and this interview is all about Ozempic from an expert on the matter Johann Hari. Don’t be put off by the title, he gives a very balanced argument for both sides and it was very interesting!
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Chatty Member
Has anyone else on here been on long term (over a year) and still not really got an appetite? I inject on a Monday morning but up to Sunday evening I still don’t have appetite back and struggle to eat full meals. Not complaining as obviously this is what I want but I’ve read the majority of people are starving day 6/7 and the hypochondriac in me is worrying!
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VIP Member
My friend works in a lawyers office and they’re having more and more enquiries about taking legal action for gastroparesis from Ozempic 😫

I take it (wegovy) I’ve kept it to myself so she doesn’t know im taking it and we were just talking about Kylie Jenner and the Kardashian’s obviously being on it to lose so much weight so fast but honestly sort of worried now lol 😅

I have 3 stone ish to lose still ideally and im 2.7-3 stone down in 6 months or so, so I do want to carry on taking it but it does feel v risky when im seeing so much negativity.

does anyone else worry while taking it? :/ im probably just being dramatic
I think it's a personal decision in terms of balancing the risks of taking the medication vs the risks of being obese. As you're nearly done, maybe potential downsides are outweighing the benefits. I can't wait to see my risk of CVD, stroke, diabetes and cancer drop. I just wish it would start working! :rolleyes:
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Hey I need help please. I’m on week 1 of MJ and only lost 3lbs! I’m not hungry, don’t think of food and don’t snack but I’m still having lunch and dinner but it’s a calorie controlled meal plan, meals are between 500-600 calories. I’m not having breakfast or any snacks after dinner (I used to have a snack every night) it’s working in terms of making me feel full and not wanting to snack etc so I dont think a higher dosage would help as the lower dosage is doing the job. So should I be cutting to one meal a day? I already feel like my daily calorie intake is very low am I supposed to eat nothing to lose or what lol!?
All of these drugs work differently for everyone, there's a ramping up of the dosage to make sure the side effects aren't that bad, but they expect everyone to hit the proper dosage at some point, and this is what/where they gauge the weight loss as. You absolutely could lose no weight until you are on the top dosage, and thats absolutely fine. You shouldn't be restricting yourself, the drugs should temper your hunger and make you feel fuller, and in turn you eat less. When this happens the best thing to do is try and get protein into you firstly.
Don't be disheartened or compare yourself to others, some people have success on the lowest dosage, some need the highest.
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On my 4th MJ day and this is the first time I’ve felt hungry in the morning but I’m just going to mind over matter it until my next dose on Friday. I had a cheeky mid week weigh and I’m down 7lbs (I have a large amount to lose) so I’m hopeful!
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Hi everyone! Good morning. I’m a newbie here and this is my first venture into the world of weight loss drugs. I was only recently told I meet the NHS criteria for Ozempic and I’ve started doing my research. In the meantime, I’ve been losing weight doing my own sort of diet plan. I’ve failed on SlimmingWorld and weight watchers too many times and I’m not giving them another penny of my money. I’ve lost 18lbs since January but it’s slow!!
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Lol didn’t finish my sentence but yeah usual line they didn’t fit but now I can do up the button and zip! Still tight AF but progress right????
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I’ve just been approved for Mounjaro 🙌 never tried anything like this before so I’m a bit nervous. Currently a BMI of 38.8 at 19 stone. I have a lot of food noise so hoping the jab will help me develop some healthier habits. I won’t be taking it long term as it’s just so expensive. I’m hoping to utilise my gym membership more to try and get the best results possible during the time I’m taking it.

Any hints or tips would be appreciated!
Eat small meals and try to eat slowly (I am still surprised at how quickly I feel full), make sure to have plenty of protein, and drink lots of water. Make sure to read the instructions that come with your pen properly so you know you're injected yourself correctly. Personally I like to inject at night so that if there are side effects I can sleep them off, and definitely for your first injection I'd not plan too much in case you do get some side effects (though optimistically you may have none!)

Best of luck! You've got the right mindset for this - focusing on long term healthy habits!
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I've been on wegovy since October 2023 and have lost exactly 4st. I suffered with quite bad side effects up until to 2.4. Now I don't have any side effects but the weight loss has slowed significantly (it's taken me 2.5 months to shift the last stone). However food noise is still gone and I can now eat and drink what I want without having to worry about rushing to the loo to get sick or 💩 like on earlier doses!
Despite the weight loss, I was ready to give up a few months ago as felt I couldn't enjoy food or drink, but am glad I persevered as there can definitely be light at the end of the tunnel!
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So after my first week on 5mg MJ I've lost 2.5lbs.
That's 16.5lbs in my first five weeks.
Glad I'm taking measurements too, as I've lost 8 inches from my waist!, 5 from my hips and 4 from my chest.
Struggled massively with constipation this week, so I think my 'true' loss is probably more than the scales show.
Really need to focus this week on getting in the right amount of water to help flush my body as my calorie intake is so reduced.
My other half wanted a chippy tea last night. I said I'd try just a mini fish as I didn't think I could manage much more. Literally ate 4 bites and couldn't manage anything else, so need to try and plan food combinations better to make sure I'm getting the nutrition I need.
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I had a meal out yesterday with my family, hadn't eaten all day so thought I'd be ok, got home, OH had got us pudding the have at home. Could only manage half !! Sticky Toffee Pudding with custard, I never leave any left usually but I just couldn't eat, I felt so sick. I'm amazed at how this is working. I'm only on Day 5 of Week 1. I don't care if I don't loose weight quickly, this is fantastic. Just the ability to be in a calorie deficit without my body craving for any food, or me emptying the fridge over the course of an evening.
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Stripper Vicar

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I took saxenda in the early days of the threads, around 2021 and i lost maybe 6lbs at most over 12 weeks so i gave up.

I started again in January on wegovy and switched to mounjaro last month and i’ve still only lost 10lbs. My appetite is definately curbed and i’m eating a lot less, moving more, but the weight just isn’t shifting. My next pen arrives on Friday but i really think i’m going to give up.

Its just too expensive to carry on with when i’m not seeing results ☹

Fingers crossed when it gets approved on the NHS it gets offered to those with high bmi & high blood pressure and i can try again.
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I hope there are no more shortages, Lot's of people with low BMI's getting it by one means or another. Comments on Tiktok making it sound like a quick hit wonder drug to drop weight quickly.
Same! But with summer approaching I reckon lots of people with lower BMIs will be buying it! Very frustrating when you have a genuine need for it 😭
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